What’s more, the whole Longteng dynasty knows that he is a grandson-loving Lord!

If he knows that Gu Xi is openly trying to kill his baby pimple, nothing will happen. If something happens again, the ancient family will really have no peace.
But more didn’t let a person think of things Ye Fenghua himself two to settle down.
Is this still the miss straw bag they remember?
"You’d better stay out of it, Shaoyi." Suchen walked beside Shaoyi and whispered to him.
Gu Xi is beautiful and talented, which is good and rare, but if Ye Fenghua is alive, she can’t be a princess, and now he can’t figure out Ye Fenghua, so it’s better not to make a move.
Shao Yi is a wave of Su Chen’s hand. "Don’t worry about this matter."
He must tear up this woman’s false mask today!
Su Chen is also annoyed. "I am hello."
"Brother Tai, don’t be impulsive." At this moment, Gu Xi pulled Shaoyi. "I know you are me, but this is my thing. I don’t want to make it difficult for you. Let me solve it myself."
"The sunrise ….." Little escape handsome eyebrows a tight twist at Gu Xi after a long time with a sigh to hug her in your arms.
The sunrise is more considerate. If Ye Fenghua is half as sensible as her, it won’t be so difficult for herself.
"Whatever you say," Shao Yi spoiled and touched her head. "No matter what you do, I will support it."
Even if she insists on being a toffee, he can ask his father to let Ye Fenghua fall to the side princess, but the sunrise is too sensible to know to wait silently at his side and not know that he is fighting for it.
Gu Xi gently wiped a corner of his mouth and squeezed out a little smile. "Brother Tai, you are so kind to the sunrise."
Beauty’s eyebrows make people feel distressed.
"I’m not good for you. Who am I good for? I want you to be my toffee." Shao Yi whispered in her ear and didn’t believe this. Ye Fenghua can still see it.
Before, she would go crazy when she saw anyone getting closer to herself.
Is less escape left, right, etc. Didn’t wait for Ye Fenghua to have a dark glance, and it seems that she still saw her dislike.
"Yes, I want to be a great brother and princess." Gu Xi smiled stiffly but soon returned to normal.
Ye Fenghua looked at the two of them, so you gave me goosebumps all over. It’s really disgusting.
Sue shine is also a face of abandon.
One doesn’t know the so-called one is artificial.
Really perfect match!
Shaoyi slammed back and stressed that "it’s still a princess!"
Damn it, Ye Fenghua, what’s that look in her eyes?
"Good …" GuXi nodded if there is.
But who knows who she thinks is going to be your toffee!
Less escape she is shy and followed with a smile.
But I don’t know what he said, and he regretted it. When he thought of Ye Fenghua these days, he sometimes suddenly felt that it was not bad to let her be a toffee …
But isn’t his favorite sunrise?
In fact, Shao Yi is really a very handsome man with knife-shaped eyebrows, high eyes, thin nose and thin lips. The royal family is like a natural and extraordinary person. It is indeed worthy of the name to be called the second of the four handsome men in Longteng Dynasty.
He is still a rare genius in science of uniting. Just in his early twenties, he is already in the middle stage of green order!
Plus, the status of the first dynasty in other days attracted several women to be crazy.
Like … Ye Fenghua before.
But it’s not enough for a man with bigger ambitions in his heart.
Gu Xi corners of the mouth is elusive YinZhi smile.
Feng Xiao dare not think, but she dare!
I’m famous for being the first noble family in Longteng, the first beautiful woman, the whole city color and pharmacology, which is rare in a hundred years. Now I’m one of the best talented people.
Why can’t you be a night princess?
Wait until she becomes a drug king’s adult brother, then everything will be logical!
But before that …
Gu Xi’s beautiful eyes looked at the girl in white at the gate of Danmeng.
She ate another Tianyuan Danshun for a few breaths. This just raised her eyes and looked at the opposite female tone. "Ye Fenghua, I have a discussion now, but I don’t know if you dare to answer it."
What is there to remember about such an ugly monster?
Ridiculous. Those must be rumors. It’s just talk!

Xia Lu covered her belly and suddenly burst into tears: "I’m sorry for our children …"

"He’s still in your belly. We need to have a baby first." To Hoai whale wiped away her tears. "Who told him to stand up to our confused parents? He can also recognize who told us that he was too lazy and now he has such a strong revenge that he can’t follow my aunt. After that, To Hoai whale will certainly protect himself."
Xia Lu laughed at his words.
He has the most fallacies
She is a gynaecologist and obstetrician, and she knows it very well. It’s amazing to tell the patient over and over again that one day she actually came to her body.
I was envious of Xu Jinyan yesterday, and today the child ran into his stomach.
God is really good at playing tricks on people
Jiang Zhenshu broke into the ward like a scud. "What happened?"
Xia Lu saw clearly at this moment that Ms. Jiang had tears in her eyes. To Hoai Whale was busy taking a stool for Ms. Jiang to sit down "Mom."
"Mom, why are you crying? Are you worried that your granddaughter is gone?" Xia Lu wants to tease.
As a result, Ms. Jiang slapped her hand and said, "What do you mean? I’m nervous when I hear about the abortion. My heart is you."
Xia Lu tried to tease Ms. Jiang, but Ms. Jiang broke the defense.
"Ms. Jiang loves people the most or I’d better keep my word. I haven’t known how to be a mother yet because I am your darling." Xia Lu took Ms. Jiang and shook her hand.
Ms. Jiang sobbed for a while and turned away. "A whale is still here. You still know how to be angry with me. Now the doctor says what to do so that I can prepare."
"If you stop bleeding, you should be stable. Some people do, but the success rate of abortion is also very high."
"Then ask for leave at home, or how can you be worried?" Ms. Jiang made a decisive decision
Xia Lu is a little reluctant.
To Hoai whale immediately went to her mother-in-law’s side: "I think mom is right."
"I can stop working at home for what, but I will come back to work after I have stabilized. I can’t stay at home. This is not my original intention of having children." Xia Lu objected
Jiang Zhenshu knew that she didn’t work so hard before and after her temper. At best, she went back to take over her own company. She had to study medicine if she didn’t want to listen, and she had to study so hard to make her work in Beijing. She refused to secretly go somewhere else for five years.
There is always nothing to listen to.
"You this child is not obedient have you regret"
"Ms. Jiang, can’t you not see me?"
"Well, I’ll ask your Lord when the time comes. If your Lord says yes, she says no, we’ll stay at home." To Hoai Whale dissuaded the two from fighting.
Xia Lu shrugged his shoulders: "You don’t know that pregnant women will have many problems when they stay at home, what anxiety and prenatal depression will cause, and they will inexplicably doubt that their husbands will cheat if they don’t love themselves."
"No, you can rest assured that if you don’t rest assured, you can monitor my every move for 24 hours and let you know the guarantee point." To Hoai whale said that he had raised his hand to swear.
Xia Lu smiled: "I will say that many such situations occur."
"But it won’t appear on you," he stressed.
"Let’s do it first. I can’t move or go to work now anyway." Xia Lu knows that it is necessary to stay in bed in the early stage of threatened abortion.
Overworked, even progesterone supplements may not stay.
They are too eager for the child to take risks.
"You!" Ms. Jiang always hates iron not to produce.
"Well, the whale is staying with you now. I’ll go back and make soup for you. You keep it well for me." Ms. Jiang was relieved to see that she was much better.
"Mom, no, I asked my aunt at home to send it to me soon, and I’ll take you home by the way. I was just in a hurry and didn’t know what to do. My parents have gone abroad again."
"That’s to tell me that your parents didn’t know it was so sudden."
"They immediately bought a plane ticket and came back."
"To Hoai Whale, why do you inform everyone? It’s hard for parents to spend their holidays." Xia Lu was angry
To Hoai whale patted her chest: "Granddaughter is more important than vacation. Just when you were lying there and didn’t wake up, I was already a god of six gods. Where can I take care of so many things? I asked so many bodhisattvas to work. Of course I have to tell everything."
That is, parents. He didn’t say the rest, not even Fu Jingxiao.
Xia Lu is really resistant to him. Such a husband can recognize himself.
It seems that in the center where everyone expects, Xia Lu’s physical pain has also decreased a little.
Zhang Ma rushed to the hospital with her servant, and almost all the seats were filled with Han people. Everyone in this department knows that Dr. Xia’s husband’s family is a big family, and it is hard to imagine local tyrants.
Xia Lu really wants to cover her face.
Her vest is so easy to fall off.
To Hoai whale asked the driver to send his mother-in-law back first. This is a public hospital. He didn’t even know where to get hot water. He went to the nurse’s desk to say hello and took a washbasin and towel to get hot water himself.
It was fifteen minutes after he returned to the ward. He was all thumbs in doing this, but Xia Lu felt very happy when he saw him walk in and out.
Happiness comes too fast, like a tornado.
Kid, and this guy is not skilled, Dad.
He took the hot water and found it was too hot. He washed his hands and poured cold water before wringing out the hot towel. "What are you doing?" Xia Lu watched the To Hoai whale stretch the hot towel.
"The nurse who just got an injection said to apply hot compress to her ass or it would hurt her ass." To Hoai whale explained, "I did it."
Although intimate things have been done, it’s still awkward to hot compress your ass in the ward. Xia Lu shook her head: "I don’t want to. I’m not afraid of pain. I’m not you."
To Hoai whale has pulled up the curtain around the hospital bed "take off" "It’s a threatened abortion, just as your Lord said" To Hoai whale told her.
Xia Lu’s brain said, "Threatened abortion will be accompanied by abdominal pain, low back pain, vaginal bleeding, and these symptoms coincide with her period of menstruation …" Her period of menstruation has always been forbidden to keep her mouth shut and she likes to wear short skirts in winter. She doesn’t remember that she especially wanted to get pregnant a few days ago, and then she paid special attention to it and bought test paper. Later, she didn’t care.
How could she think that she was pregnant or that her period was less?
Last month, she came for two days and didn’t come, but the situation was not as bad as this time, so she didn’t care.
Xia Lu covered her belly and suddenly burst into tears: "I’m sorry for our children …"
"He’s still in your belly. We need to have a baby first." To Hoai whale wiped away her tears. "Who told him to stand up to our confused parents? He can also recognize who told us that he was too lazy and now he has such a strong revenge that he can’t follow my aunt. After that, To Hoai whale will certainly protect himself."
Xia Lu laughed at his words.
He has the most fallacies
She is a gynaecologist and obstetrician, and she knows it very well. It’s amazing to tell the patient over and over again that one day she actually came to her body.
I was envious of Xu Jinyan yesterday, and today the child ran into his stomach.
God is really good at playing tricks on people
Jiang Zhenshu broke into the ward like a scud. "What happened?"
Xia Lu saw clearly at this moment that Ms. Jiang had tears in her eyes. To Hoai Whale was busy taking a stool for Ms. Jiang to sit down "Mom."
"Mom, why are you crying? Are you worried that your granddaughter is gone?" Xia Lu wants to tease.
As a result, Ms. Jiang slapped her hand and said, "What do you mean? I’m nervous when I hear about the abortion. My heart is you."
Xia Lu tried to tease Ms. Jiang, but Ms. Jiang broke the defense.
"Ms. Jiang loves people the most or I’d better keep my word. I haven’t known how to be a mother yet because I am your darling." Xia Lu took Ms. Jiang and shook her hand.

What has this child experienced?

Chu Yun "By the way, I almost forgot the business. Sister Gang Shou, I am a Konoha ninja now. I came here to invite you back to Konoha."
However, Gang Shou shook his head. "I can’t bring trouble back to Konoha."
Refused, simply refused …
Chapter three hundred and twenty-five The talks are spun.
A Update the latest chapter of Huoying Summon Army as soon as possible!
Bringing Gang Shou back to Konoha is the most important thing in this trip.
After all, only by completing this can Chu Yun be directly promoted to forbearance.
Then you can apply to be a Naruto class teacher.
It’s very embarrassing to rescue Naixin directly and let the female member Chu Yun.
If this thing goes wrong again …
Chu Yun: "This is no place to talk. Let’s get out of here."
Then several people took the carriage prepared by Chu Yun and sprinted all the way to fire nation along the official road.
The coachman is wrapped in a winter coat to stop water.
It’s cold now, and a thick coat and hat just cover the bone frame.
The carriage is large, the bottom of the car is covered with a layer of slate, and a fixed heating stove is supported.
After burning charcoal and adding charcoal, the barbed wire buckle and don’t worry about splashing out.
Four people sit opposite each other on both sides of the stove.
Gang Shou "So you are Japanese?"
Chu Yun’s supercilious look activation is nothing worse than this ironclad evidence. Chu Yun still has a konoha forehead.
Mute "but when I first saw you, did you pretend not to know us?"
Pretend not to know each other? Really pretend not to know each other.
But Chu Yun knew that the other party meant another thing.
Chu Yun explained, "Because I really didn’t know that Gang Shou’s sister was talking about Zhong Sanren and Gang Shou’s adult. At that time, I had not returned to Konoha nor was I a ninja Gang Shou’s sister. It was after I returned to Konoha that I realized that I had lived outside for several years."
Then Chu Yun once again told the story he made up.
At the age of seven, I traveled outside with my elders, but unfortunately I was caught by pirates.
In the crisis of life and death, he woke up and turned over a group of pirates.
Then the pirate leader took a fancy to a pirate.
The pirate taught him a lot of patience, and then he took the opportunity to escape when the leader died in a pirate fight not long ago.
The story is full of strange colors.
Gang Shou and Jingjing listened attentively and looked at Chu Yun with more pity.
At the same time, this story is not the first time.
At least three generations of hokage. Then I told it once.
This time I didn’t come back to Konoha to see the clan, that is, his uncle.
Otherwise, Chu Yun is expected to speak again at his uncle’s place.
Chu Yun "After returning to Muye, I entered the Ninja School, but the knowledge there was too simple. In a few days, I applied for graduation, and then I took the forbearance exam. After I passed the exam, I wanted to be forbearing again, so three generations of Naruto adults released to me to recall my sister Gang Shou to the village."
Said that this Chu Yun pretended to be pitiful and said, "Sister Gang Shou, will you go back?"

Qiao Qiao Yang Yang Jing Ba "isn’t the county master afraid of the rules?"

Oriental Zetian is very cooperative with "fear and fear"
I’m afraid of eyebrow eye, but I have a smile in my mouth. My eyes are very gentle.
Jojo didn’t seem to notice that his eyes rolled. "What’s with Pingkang?"
Don’t tell her that the prison of punishments is in vain!
Oriental Zetian corners of the mouth slightly hook meaningful smile "nothing someone staring at it"
Jojo knows his eyes are shining. "Long-term fishing?"
Oriental Zetian couldn’t help laughing. "Jojo, you are so smart, I can’t help but want to lock you in."
She can understand everything he says and always knows what he thinks.
He is reluctant to let her out to harm people!
Just curse him alone!
Jojo wasn’t happy. "Don’t let me go out and make waves? But I like it. I am determined to be a little demon woman! "
Oriental Zetian is used to her jumping and teasing. "You are already a little witch, and my uncle is afraid of you."
Jojo’s eyes stared, "It’s my former uncle who abolished my uncle."
Oriental Zetian made a gesture of begging for mercy, "You are beautiful and you have a point."
"Ha ha ha"
Red lanterns hung high at the vermilion gate of Chang ‘an Bofu, and people dressed in red greeted the guests with joy.
Guests are full of excitement.
Everyone in Beijing has come. Today is Chang ‘an Bo’s birthday.
The main hall is decorated with golden walls and brilliant flowers.
Chang ‘an Bo was dressed in a brocade suit. He was white, gentle and graceful. Elegant and gentle stole the show in the crowd.
People’s spirits are bright when they are happy. Chang ‘an Bo Yunhao’s eyebrows are flying and handsome, attracting several eyes.
"Congratulations, Chang ‘an Bo"
"Happy together"
En Qinghou was jealous at the sight of Yunhao. Ji Yunhao was well maintained for almost a year, no different from young people in their twenties.
Compared with him, he looks much older.
"Brother Yun, it’s really enviable to see that you are still so abundant and handsome."
What is there to envy when Yun Hao smiles? It’s a pity that men love this bite the most. Can they not look old?
"How can a man be laughed to death when he is old?"
"What are you talking about?" En Qinghou smiled. "You are more attractive to women when you are with a young man. Look around."
Yun Hao ha ha smiled. "Don’t tease me. How dare I look at a little girl with a girl?"
Chapter 1771 Autumn is strong
Enqing Hou ourtenant said, "It’s always not a problem that you don’t have a wife. I know a very good girl to introduce you to …"
Although Chang ‘an Bo has women, the market looks long and the girls in Beijing are eager for lovers.
Who doesn’t like being good-looking and capable?

But he was lost in thought of her.

Even if she leaves, even if her eyes are around other boys, even if her mother and sister have just done that to them, he still doesn’t care and can’t help but think of her, does he?
TongTong looked at him and suddenly wanted to ask.
But she didn’t ask anything after all.
She looked sideways as if she didn’t even feel her eyes sour. She just smiled and said, "Let’s go."
Jiang Zhuoning’s thin lips became a very slender arc, and the consciousness clenched her shoulder.
If the mood is complicated just now, I will look at Tong Tong’s side face at hand for a while, and he feels that his heart seems to have been suddenly stung by something sharp, and it hurts.
The fact of such an emotional relationship is really unforgettable to him.
Love or hate is unavoidable, and I often think of it suddenly.
But the truth-
This is also a process of slowly letting go.
He and Meng Jia Wu went abroad for half a year and came back together for less than two months when they were in love for two years.
Generally speaking, gather less and leave more.
After impulse, there is always reflection, after passion, there is always regret, and after short pleasure, there is often long-term pain.
Meng Jia Wu is not suitable for this turbulent day after he returned to China, and he has already felt that the most enjoyable base is nai, pressure, fatigue and boredom.
He just looked at Tong Tong running quickly and suddenly felt annoyed.
If you really care for a person, she will always do things in detail, and the other thinks of being afraid of his pain, waiting for him, and being afraid of his heart.
At present, the girl is deeply in love with him.
She won’t bet her life, won’t embarrass him, and will always put his feelings first. Her love is not as strong as fire, but as gentle as water.
He is thinking about Meng Jia Wu taste not thinking about her?
But she misunderstood.
According to her sex, this meeting is bound to be sad and sad to the extreme, but even sad.
Eyes are a serious couple. She has the advantage of questioning anger, doesn’t she?
Jiang Zhuoning buckled her shoulder and looked at her with a little strength, so he calmed his face. He felt a little overwhelmed and worried. His throat rolled for a long time before he reluctantly said, "Listen to me."
Say what?
Can you control your feelings by saying that you are yourself?
Or is he trying to forget Meng Jia Wu?
She can actually feel that he is trying to be nice to her, but love can’t be achieved by hard work.
She doesn’t want to think about him and Meng Jia, don’t want to listen, don’t want to see anything, and don’t want to know that every word he says will definitely hurt her like a knife.
Tong Tong’s heart was boiling and he took a deep breath. Suddenly, he smiled softly and spoiled his sister.
With that seemingly natural smile, she turned to Jiang Zhuoning and said, "You think she is normal, just like I often think of Zhao Dage. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Others don’t know about our marriage. We are all very clear about it. You don’t explain to me what I understand."
Jiang Zhuoning one leng looked at her with consternation.
For a long time, he seemed to frown a little strangely and hesitate to ask, "Why did you come so fast just now?"
Tong Tong also paused for a moment and finally reacted. "I’m not used to that. I feel very sorry for waiting for me."
Not used to keeping people waiting is not that I can’t bear to keep them waiting.
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her in situ. It seemed that it took a long time to know that he had misunderstood.
How could he forget?
Tong Tong’s father is nicknamed "Tong Shan Ren", and her mother is also famous for being kind-hearted and keen on charity. As a pair of parents taught their daughter, it could not be more kind.
She was wronged and injured, so much compensation was paid, and she was able to help again when she happened to meet again.
She is more sincere and soft-hearted than the average person.
She was so kind to Joey and others that she couldn’t help crying when she saw him hurt, because of her pure nature?
Jiang Zhuoning instantly thought of many things. The more he thought about it, the more he felt enthusiastic, moved, pitied and distressed just now. He slowly retreated back and looked at her and laughed. He suddenly felt a little ridiculous.
The girl in front of her is so kind that she always gets the wrong idea.
Just like Li Min scolded, Tong Tong would have married Zhao Anmin if it weren’t for him.
How can she be so conservative that a girl and a man can get to the stage of talking about marriage without feelings?
She may still have him in her heart, but at the same time, she has already moved into another person in her heart. She needs to give it to herself as much as herself before she can slowly forget that person.
Thinking about thinking that he was a little jealous.
He was jealous of Zhao Anmin. He had this girl in front of him. She was the first man she dated.
Jiang Zhuoning slowly let go.
Tong Tong looked at him as if he didn’t want to say it and finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Door two people together to walk outside the community.
The street lamp is already on outside, and the snow is still swaying like goose feathers and falling on people, so it disappears into a drop of water.
Jiang Zhuoning wore a dark blue down collar and stood with a side face in the street lamp, which was particularly cold.

The Army Military Medical School is located in the south of Jiangxi Province. Shinjuku is the most famous red light district in the Jiang Dynasty. It is said that prostitutes and geisha laugh and get drunk every day from morning till night. The origin of the name Shinjuku can be traced back to the Daojiang era.

There are five streets in the center of Riqiao in Jiangshogunate, one of which is called Jiazhou Street. It is 16 kilometers long from Riqiao in the center, and finally it reaches Gaojing. Because of the long journey, some people died on the way, so Shinjuku was set up in Fujishi village in the middle of the shogunate. The name of this hostel is Fujishinjuku, and it has appeared since this is called Shinjuku Street.
Hirohito’s construction of Shinjuku has not changed the original pattern of the red light district. Prostitutes are the largest and most prosperous in Japan. Every year, with large taxes, Hirohito keeps Shinjuku as it is. The Army Military Medical School is not far from the red light district of Shinjuku. Senior and middle-ranking officers in the school stay here all day. These people are generous and many prostitutes do military business.
Ma Hang stepped into Shinjuku in a uniform and walked into a famous Qianxue Art Museum according to graces. The bartender immediately welcomed Ma Hang’s rank of colonel, which attracted special attention. This is not Kyoto, where generals are everywhere, but it is a sensation to see colonel in Tokyo.
All the soldiers looked at Ma Hang. They guessed the origin and identity of this person. Ma Hang was in full view when the bartender led him to a table. Just after he picked up a glass of wine, a drunken captain came running. First, he saluted and hit the wine diaphragm and said, "I’m Captain Mitsui of the Military Medical School. I don’t know how Ge looks unfamiliar."
Ma Hang smiled and motioned Mitsui to sit with him and touched a cup of tea. "The War Department Staff Suzuki is just coming here, please give me some advice."
"It turned out that Suzuki dared not dare." Mitsui gathered to Ma Hang’s ear. "Suzuki came from the War Department but came to replace Fujijun."
"Rattan that rattan" asked Ma Hang.
Mitsui ha ha a smile, "Suzuki Jun, we don’t talk in secret, so you don’t say anything about military personnel, but they are all disciplined."
"Ha ha" Ma Hang followed ha ha laugh.
Hearing the name of rattan, all the other officers gathered around, and everyone was clamoring to get news of rattan from Ma Hang, and Ma Hang also wanted the same thing from these people. So everyone talked very much, and Ma Hang was cautious. When he met something he didn’t know, he always smiled mysteriously and left a lot of speculation to these officers.
From these people’s words, Ma Xing probably learned about rattan, and the rank of colonel, director of the garrison and security division of Fujitsu Bacterial Weapons Research Institute, was responsible for the protection and security of the research object. Some time ago, I didn’t know why a mouse suddenly disappeared in the experiment, which caused panic in the whole military medical school. Although it didn’t cause any big incident in the end, Fujitsu was recognized by the company as irresponsible and needed to be transferred, outsiders didn’t know that it was a storm in the school, and now many people continue to track down the mouse.
Ma Hang sat at the table, listening and drinking, and suddenly asked, "Did you find the mouse now?"
Mitsui shook his head. "Not yet, but Noda Shaozuo didn’t give up."
"Kazuo Noda"
"Yes," Mitsui quickly said, "Ge also knows Noda Shaozuo."
Chapter two hundred and sixty-two Appointment
"Miss Qianxue is here. Miss Qianxue is here."
They hurried back from the horse line, even the Mitsui quickly got up with a glass and pulled him up. "What’s wrong with Qianxue?"
Mitsui was impatient, and he couldn’t sit down beside Ma Hang again, saying, "Miss Qianxue doesn’t even know her, but Miss Qianxue is the most famous person in Shinjuku geisha circle. Whether she is a dancer or a talker, Jiang can be called a leader. It is definitely not an easy thing to see Miss Modesty when she comes to the right place today."
In the shouting of a group of men, a woman dressed in scarlet and dotted with white flowers emerged from the back corner door. Two huge cherry blossoms stood out in the chest. The woman’s appearance was not very clear because she was covered with a thick layer of white powder.
Although I can’t see the face clearly, the facial features are excellent, and the facial features are particularly delicate. At first glance, it still gives a normal man a lot of reflection, whistling and shouting. Men are almost crazy.
Ma Hang drank his wine. He hated the word prostitute very much. Whether it was a geisha or some other prostitute, he was never interested in the former rose. Now Mei Hui and now Miss Qianxue Ma Hang didn’t even bother to look at it, but Mitsui, next to Ma Hang, was crazy to the extreme. One whistle after another blew his voice hard, and he was a little hoarse.
Qianxue bowed slightly, and a few musicians played music behind the scenes. Qianxue performed slow dancing skills, and Ma Hang didn’t like it either. He preferred China comedy or the kind of slapstick, which was more interesting and more interesting. Kung Fu Day dance was awkward and monotonous.
"Ha ha" Qianxue laughed. "Sister graces praised the theory of beauty or skill. I must have thanked her first since it was Sister graces who introduced the guests."
Ma Hang also took the glass and clinked it with Qianxue. "When you come, Meihua also said that Lady Noda frequented this Qianxue Art Museum. I don’t know if Miss Qianxue knew this Lady Noda."
Qian Xue smiled, "Noda Shaozuo is a generous man. I’m afraid there are not many people here who don’t know Noda Shaozuo."
"Oh, that’s good. He and I are old friends. I don’t know when he will come." Ma Hang deliberately said, "I haven’t seen you for more than ten years. I really miss it. If I can have a drink with Noda again, it will be nothing."
Mitsui quickly said, "Suzuki meets Noda Shaozuo at ease. I must tell him that Noda Shaozuo is very generous. Since you are your friend, he will definitely come to entertain you and hope that Miss Qianxue can attend." Mitsui smiles appealed at Qianxue in a row.
In the hall, everyone was particularly uncomfortable when they saw that the foreign horse company had won the top spot. The horse company was a colonel, and there was nothing they could do. Besides, Qianxue took the initiative to find someone to sigh one by one. Some people thought so, and some people had other plans. They saw that the horse company was popular and flocked to the horse company. In the hall, there were two factions.
There is anger in the eyes of a group of people here, talking and laughing on the other side, and one by one, showing one’s charm according to thousands of snows, and making the other side more angry. Sitting alone across the snow, watching this scene, I think of the romantic past in the big alley, and I feel more and more that this geisha is never as clean as the outside world says.
"It’s getting late, everyone, and I have to leave now. I’ll come here again when I have the chance to get drunk with you." Ma Hang slowly got up and said, and went outside.
In fact, few people pay attention to him. Even if he leaves, no one will pay attention to these guys. They are bent on seeing the horse in Qianxue. Qianxue hurried to get up. The most important thing for a geisha is to be polite. If you can win over men, you won’t worry about having no customers. Qianxue found his coat for the horse and helped the horse to wear shoes at the door.
Outsiders are so considerate when they look at thousands of snows. At this time, the colonel’s mood can be "envy, jealousy and hate". Ma Hang nodded slightly and pulled through the three shafts. "Mitsui Jun, I hope you don’t forget to promise me that I hope Noda Shaozuo can be here when things come next time. I will come here every day. You won’t worry about not finding me."
Mitsui nodded quickly. He saw a trace of murderous look in Ma Hang’s eyes. I don’t know who this is for. Everyone said that Ma Hang was arrogant. Some said that the military people were different, and some said that Ma Hang was still good. Their drinks were paid by Ma Hang.
Qianxue looked at the back of the horse line and felt strange that this man was too mysterious and graced. He knew that he and graced were taught by a master, and graced why he introduced such a man to himself. If he was really a graced frequent visitor, he didn’t look like a person who liked this place. It was really strange that many questions lingered in Qianxue’s mind.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-three More than ten years of enemies
"Noda Shaozuo is here, this way."
Mitsui really brought Noda Kazuo to Qianxue Art Museum. Ma Hang was chatting with Qianxue while drinking. He heard Mitsui shouting and looked up at the door and recognized the familiar face. The long scar was particularly eye-catching.

Shouting came back and forth with the lights.

"Xiaoya, why don’t you sleep? Being a thief at midnight scares grandma carefully."
Gu Lengchen was really surprised, but he still kept a straight face. Gu Ya’s eyebrows were as high as hills.
"Elder brother who send you back? It seems that you have been talking in the car for a long time. Has it happened that children are not suitable? " Gu Ya’s eagerness to pounce on it means a lot to get to the bottom of it
"At an early age, what is it that children should not go upstairs to sleep quickly?" Gu Lengchen changed his slippers lightly and went upstairs.
Lou Gu Ya’s eyes turned a trick and crossed my heart. I found a friend on WeChat and sent a string of words.
Ye Ranche was very tired when she got home, and she was still sweating all over in the cool breeze at night.
Section 22
"Ding-dong" notification bell rang a.
Ye Ran walked and read the unread news that Gu Yalai "Ye Jie is happy to eat midnight snack tonight? My brother is in a good mood. I support you to communicate more and communicate more. I believe that lovers shall have Jill. "
Cell phone did not reply.
Pinch the belly, Ye Ran lamented that if you eat like this again, it will not be long before you become fat. By then, you can’t find the north by crying.
"alas!" Shake one’s head and walk into the stair door and the ladder
Wash the bed and table. The alarm clock has pointed to two in the morning.
Cover your head and don’t dare to think about it again. The fastest way to date Duke Zhou.
The clock ticks round and round.
In a blink of an eye, the sky was a fish-belly grey in the east, and when the first ray of morning light was full of Xinghai, people became active.
The morning market is full of excitement. Vegetables and fruits here are not only cheap, but also fresh. Residents nearby are scrambling to buy them, and hawkers are overwhelmed.
A woman in a light blue dress and a beige sun hat in the crowd quickly weighed a few pounds of apples and lychees and walked to the downtown high-end community.
"Knocked …" The woman’s hand clenched fist and smashed the security door.
Silk was rubbed by Ye Ran in a daze, and it was certain that someone was looking for her before struggling to get up.
"Don’t knock when the door is broken." He ran to the door with his slippers on.
Good morning, dear. The woman with the fruit in her hand hugged Ye Ran and jumped in high spirits.
"Tang Tang, how about you coming back from your hometown? I heard that the bloody soldiers have a good identity. How handsome and stylish the soldiers are these days. "Seeing people, Ye Ran is also very happy to laugh and greatly pull women into the door."
"Don’t talk about him, I want to cry." Tang Tang wrinkled his face and his eyes were red with speed.
"What’s the matter?" Ye Ran held Tang Tang and took a litchi from her hand and gave it to her.
Tang Tang sucked his nose and pulled his fingers pitifully and said, "We have become both parents, and we are satisfied with the rich bride price. Our family bought a house as our nest."
"That’s good. It’s a lifelong event. What are you crying about?" Ye Ran is puzzled.
"You don’t forget that a soldier can’t stay with me all the time. I’m worried about how to live alone in the future. It’s hard to break up and I can’t bear to hear people say that military wives are worthy of respect. I didn’t understand it until I put my nose in my shoes! Naturally! "
Tang Tang’s words are very excited and almost collapsed.
"Hug" Even though there are thousands of words in Ye Ran’s mouth, at this moment, she can’t say any more words to comfort her, but she chose Tang Tang to vent her grievances.
"I can’t help it."
"You will get married first, and other problems will be solved one day."
Tang Tang cried until his body trembled and his eyes were swollen, and he was gaunt.
"When you can’t stand it anymore, it’s a minute. Since you can’t bear him, keep him."
Ye Ran said slowly when Tang Tang calmed down, and his tone was full of emotion.
Tang Tang and she are classmates in high school, and their academic performance is almost the same, and they have the same views in many aspects. Naturally, they have become good friends.
Classmate for two years, in the last year of high school, Tang Tang had a serious car accident when he went out shopping. Many fractures in his right leg were even treated with steel plates. In that year, he had to give up his studies and stay in bed.
She was delayed for a year, one level lower than Ye Ran, and Ye Ran was admitted to the university. At first, Tang Tang said that she was good at the university, but she fell behind the list by one point. The age is a big problem. Tang Tang didn’t dare to repeat and report to the college with equal scores.
They don’t often meet each other, but the feeling of "distance produces beauty" has not diminished, but has become better and better. It seems that they are so close to each other that all the students envy them.
After graduating from college, the two have kept together with Tang Tang, and they are willing to stay in Xinghai City, which is far away from their hometown.
Ye Ran was deeply moved by this. She promised to be good to Tang Tang.
Today, the good sister is in trouble, and she must help.
"Tang Tang, you sit down and I’ll find two ice packs. You can’t apply your eyes and wait for swollen blisters."
☆ Chapter 44 One-day tour of Jinling
Comfort Tang Tang Ye Ran Lou to buy breakfast.
Just out of the stair-door, I bumped into the opposite person, and her shoulder ached.
"Walk well, you’re running to the left."
Ye Ran also don’t lift long legs turned to the side.
Unexpectedly, the opposite footsteps followed her to move which way she went and which way those black leather shoes went.
"This gentleman …" Ye Ran looked up and became familiar with his cheek.
"Where to go? Ben? I will send you! " Su Zhicheng’s smile is all smiles, and he exudes subtle cologne fragrance.
"You didn’t let me."
"I bought breakfast and invited you to eat together. At least, buddy, don’t treat me coldly?"
Hard to be soft for four years is not just talk. Su Zhicheng already knows everything about Ye Ran. He can easily plunder Ye Ran’s softest heart together.
"Go and have breakfast together as you wish." Ye Ran took a few sly steps. Anyway, there is Tang Tang at home that she fears.
Su Zhicheng didn’t know that Ye Ran had a career and Ye Ran was going to accept him. He followed him into the door with a lunch box.
"Tang Tang, come and have breakfast."
Ye Ran’s voice fell to the ground at the moment when Su Zhicheng was blindsided. His root was not him, but his self-affection.
"Why can’t my sister eat your breakfast? Then I’ll go back. "Ye Ran will go downstairs.
"Yes, you know I didn’t mean that. Okay, okay, I haven’t seen Tang Tang for a long time. We are together."
In the face of sudden indifference Ye Ran Su Zhicheng didn’t have the confidence to take a step back. On the other hand, if there were no Tang Tang Ye Ran, he would not be allowed to come to her house at all.
He has seen a lot of people who don’t agree with each other, but Ye Ran gave him an attitude that he didn’t want to accept from the heart.
Tang Tang made a simple greeting and bowed his head to chew the small soup packets and refused to talk again.
The dining table once fell into a mystery.
Su Zhicheng is going to me for inspection today, and Ye Ran, who is on the way to Ye Ran, refuses again and again. When he sees that he can’t come soon, he gets into Su Zhicheng’s luxury car from the ground.
The three men were divided into two roads, each busy.

"I won’t say the same thing twice." The cold voice rang again.

Linda didn’t dare to say anything this time. She glanced at Mubei plaintively and walked slowly towards the door.
"Qiao Huan, don’t be complacent. One day I will take Mindray back from you." Linda looked at Qiao Huan and said bitterly.
"Welcome to take it away at any time" Qiao Huan said simply.
Linda was so angry that she chased men all over the world, and it hurts to think that Qiao Huan didn’t cherish and dislike them so much.
"You wait until one day you will regret it." Linda said bitterly and slammed the door and left.
"am I proud?" Qiao Huan blinked at MuBei "where did she see that I was proud? “
"You shouldn’t be proud? Married a peerless husband, "Mu Bei sat beside Qiao Huan and grabbed her hand, revealing danger in her eyes.
"What did you say just now?"
"What?" Qiao Huan plays dumb.
"Am I so shallow in your eyes?" Mu beiwen
"I didn’t see it at the moment because the culvert was too hidden," Qiao Huan answered seriously.
Be right with one’s anger
"Did you just say that people are welcome to rob me?" Grind your teeth and say
Qiao Huan heard Mu Bei grinding his teeth and laughing. His lips fell forward on Mu Bei’s face. "That’s because I know she can’t take you away. I believe you."
Mu Bei’s face bloomed with a bright smile.
If he likes to kiss, he prefers it.
"Qiao Huan!" With a sigh, Mu Bei stretched out his hand and took Qiao Huan’s waist and face to enlarge in Qiao Huan’s eyes.
Joe jumped with joy and her heart beat faster. She bit her lip and closed her eyes consciously.
"Bang" a ward door was pushed from the outside. "Mr. Mu, your order is ready." The delivery man ran in with a big sweat on his face.
Qiao Huan’s eyes are steep, and his face is as red as cooked shrimp.
Mu Bei doesn’t look very good, and he is angry that the food delivery person didn’t come early or late, but this time came.
He stared at the man with his eyes slightly narrowed.
The delivery center gave a wry smile, put the lunch box in his hand away silently and closed the door thoughtfully.
The ward was calm again.
"We continued" Mu Bei’s hand once again fell on Qiao Huan’s waist and bowed his head to kiss Qiao Huan.
Qiao Huan hand fell on his chest slightly.
"I’m hungry"
Mu Bei looked at Qiao Huan with bitterness in his eyes.
"Eat!" Qiao Huan fundus got up and left with a smile.
Mu Bei sighed and got up.
Section 151
Cloud flying ruthlessly wiped out the meal for two by himself in the ward and did one hundred push-ups and two hundred sit-ups before he stopped.
Full of fighting spirit
"Qiao Yuner, I like you. I must catch you up. I will never give up." cloud flying raised his hand and swore in the hospital bed.
Qiao Yuner pushed the door and saw cloud flying’s second-class eyes hurt.
Where does this person get lovesickness? Is he insane or late?
"Yuner, it’s you. Why are you here?" Cloud flying saw a surprise in Qiao Yuner’s eyes and went to Qiao Yuner as soon as he jumped out of bed with his arms.
Qiao Yuner back a few steps.
"cloud flying, let’s have a good talk" Qiao Yuner a face of cloud flying seriously.
Yunfei whisking down the in the mind a burst of loss suddenly laughed again.
"Well, we’re going to have a good talk." We moved a chair with joy and asked Qiao Yuner to sit down, while we sat opposite her and looked at Qiao Yuner with a smile.
What do you think Qiao Yuner looks great.
"I admit that I did have your heart" Qiao Yuner said.
Qiao Yuner is indeed cloud flying’s heart. After all, the two of them have had skin-to-skin communication, and she is also thinking about not caring about cloud flying’s past. It was all before she met her. She didn’t need to cling to it.
If she is cloud flying, now and later.
Is to be loyal to her feelings.
But cloud flying gave her one scare after another, and she saw no hope in cloud flying.
"We are not suitable"
"Not suitable?" Cloud flying frowned. "The size is just right for us. What’s wrong with us?"
I’ve tried twice. They are the best.
Qiao Yuner dazed and then react.
Why is this man so shameless? Ears have a fever and cough a little. She glared at cloud flying bitterly.
"I’m here to have a good talk with you. If you talk nonsense again, I’ll go now." Qiao Yuner got up and left.
"Don’t, don’t!" Cloud flying a panic stretched out his hand to pull Qiao Yuner Qiao Yuner looked at cloud flying with a cold face of cutting.
Cloud flying is quite wronged. He is telling the truth, okay? Where is he talking nonsense?
"Okay, I don’t talk. I listen to you." cloud flying nodded at Qiao Yuner.
"Don’t pester me later. It’s very clear to me that we have broken up. Why don’t you just listen?" Qiao Yuner looked at cloud flying with a headache.
How many time does she have to say cloud flying to understand her?

"I’ll inform him tonight."

Ghost hand and Rachel there looking at the baron holding his daughter away ghost hand first mouth way
"Come on, I think you are fighting. He is a baron. Look at Miao. Don’t make trouble."
Rachel knows the ghost hand. He was born in a chaotic war since he was a child. His aggressive personality made him like a fire.
Plus a few years ago, a gold medal thug was in prison, and all of them were big brothers.
I’m afraid there will be a fight if he goes to Tang Yi.
Baron but very don’t like unruly people with grenades cut is relatively honest.
After all, he is from a different background from the ghost hand. A professional player would not have been reduced to playing black boxing if he hadn’t committed murder.
"This is my business, you don’t care. Such people don’t know their weight until they give some color."
The baron’s right-hand man is only 10 million a year.
I am quite dissatisfied with the fact that the baron gave Tang Yi ten million ghost hands.
He hum a step and left. He ignored Rachel’s war.
Rachel can also shake his head. Anyway, he has advised him to do whatever he wants.
Things here Tang Yi naturally don’t know.
Lying in a comfortable cabin enjoying the pleasant sunshine.
Just contacted Li Yun. She and Shen Mengyao have arrived at the designated place.
Yu Rose talks from time to time. It’s rare that Tang Yi is on vacation. She can’t finish talking.
The day passed quickly, and it was time to leave at night.
Meet the news from there, too. Everything is ready, just wait for Tang Yi to pass by on a cruise ship.
I stretched myself and dropped the video. Tang Yi sat up.
Now that it’s dark, it’s time to find something to eat.
Tang Yi is also worried about the waiter in the Chinese restaurant.
I played that kid with myself before, and now that kid is still in the boat. Wouldn’t it be a trouble for him if he got into trouble?
But just as Tang Yi got up to go out, suddenly the door was severely kicked.
Strong door lock instantaneous deformation this let Tang Yi frowned.
Maybe the little devil who wants to die?
But soon the answer appeared in front of you.
The second foot kicked the door and it was the ghost hand that stood in front of me.
Tang Yi had seen him the nearest place behind the baron before.
I can’t believe it was him who came to the door.
"The Baron invites you to attend the night fight ceremony."
Ghost hand looked at Tang Yi with his hands in his pocket and a face of indifference.
"Is that how you all hire people?"
Tang Yi looked at the deformation and fell to the ground and asked coldly.
"It’s polite. It’s often carried away. You’d better come with me at once, otherwise I don’t mind getting someone to carry you out."
Ghost Hand

This is a robbery in troubled waters!

Originally, I didn’t intend to interfere with the theater and immediately came out with constipation. "Two hundred and two thousand pieces of gold are simply outrageous, but two hundred and two thousand pieces of silver are a saltpeter mine …"
"The adult do you know how to pick saltpeter mine? Do you know how to practice saltpeter? Do you know where there is a saltpeter mine? " Nalanqing will scare the minister as soon as he asks questions for several years.
Na Lanqing patted himself and didn’t casually raise his eyebrows in the dust. "Have you ever thought about how much gunpowder will be recovered if it is sold at a high price?" Even if we don’t sell these weapons, China will be the overlord of the mainland. Who dares to provoke them? I LanQing clearly confirmed one thing to all of you … "
Suddenly, her expression was overbearing and Wei Lin’s arrogant eyes swept through the place. Someone was overbearing and arrogant. "I, Na Lanqing, proved to heaven in Xinmin City how excellent the weapons I made were. What did ten thousand destroy against two hundred thousand enemies? It’s not how powerful the imperial cavalry is, but I can make an ordinary people one enemy and ten elite soldiers with my weapons! "
"It’s too expensive to get all my weapons in Nalanqing for a mere 102,000 gold?"
"I don’t know anything about gunpowder, but I’m telling you what to do. Doesn’t this adult think he’s over-managing?"
Nalanqing’s overbearing character shocked everyone, and everyone couldn’t help looking towards Nalanling.
How similar was Wu ‘an when the two men were young?
I am arrogant and arrogant, as if there is nothing they fear in the world.
Really worthy of being a father.
There is a faint feeling that this NaLanQing may become the second Wu ‘an Hou, or even worse …
"Applauded …"
Long Haotian’s joyful applause seems to be particularly satisfied. Looking at it all the year round, Na Lanling’s eyes are full of admiration. "I love you as if I saw you that year!"
Na Lanling casually raised his eyes and his thin lips and gently sipped, but he couldn’t see his mood. He grinned. "Thank you for your appreciation. It’s not good to be too arrogant. You need a lot of training ~"
"Oh, if you love to believe in sleeping in the middle of the night, you have to worry about whether your head will be separated?" Long Haotian mocked and laughed pleasantly, half joking.
Na Lanling smiled and bent down, "I don’t mean anything!"
It’s dangerous for both of them to laugh. It’s the kind of smile that hides the knife in the cold.
"Nalanqing listens to the order!"
As soon as Na Lanqing heard it, he immediately stepped forward and knelt down again, "I am here!"
"I’ll give you 100,000 gold. How long will it take for the Yugoslav capital army to collect the saltpeter mine?"
NaLanQing corners of the mouth smile to headphones, she hurriedly answer; "The saltpeter mine is in the mountains not far from Beijing, and we should know that prospecting is a very timely thing …"
"I ask how long it will take you to hand over the first batch of saltpeter?" Long Haotian doesn’t care how long it takes. Anyway, now that the rebels are weak, there won’t be a big battle, and they can afford to wait for one year or two.
"The first batch will give you a satisfactory answer every three months!"
"Well, don’t let me down!"
Na Lanqing laughed even more and became more dangerous. "What if the mine happens to be in some big land?"
"All veins belong to the unified mining management of the imperial court. What do you do when I give you ten thousand troops? According to the treatment of gold and silver mines! "
"Yes, I do!"
Na Lanqing’s sudden high pitch made many people feel cold.
I always feel something strange, but I can’t think of anything strange.
Long Haotian waved her up. "From today, you must go to military department to report every day. Don’t be lazy like your father was!"
Na Lanqing looked up and didn’t expect Long Haohui to speak in such a half-joking tone. He couldn’t help but look at his face and act as an invisible man every time.
"It’s my command!"
Celebrate National Day and Welcome Mid-Autumn Festival
Moonlight brought the management team to send benefits to the fairies.
The active object is the xiaoxiang hand of the reader.
Activity 1 rob the building
Activities on January 1, 124
January 4, 312
Activity 2 fan list
Reward exquisite gift 11 Xiaoxiang coins
Activity 3: Grab the answer
Activity time: January 4th 2