The Army Military Medical School is located in the south of Jiangxi Province. Shinjuku is the most famous red light district in the Jiang Dynasty. It is said that prostitutes and geisha laugh and get drunk every day from morning till night. The origin of the name Shinjuku can be traced back to the Daojiang era.

There are five streets in the center of Riqiao in Jiangshogunate, one of which is called Jiazhou Street. It is 16 kilometers long from Riqiao in the center, and finally it reaches Gaojing. Because of the long journey, some people died on the way, so Shinjuku was set up in Fujishi village in the middle of the shogunate. The name of this hostel is Fujishinjuku, and it has appeared since this is called Shinjuku Street.
Hirohito’s construction of Shinjuku has not changed the original pattern of the red light district. Prostitutes are the largest and most prosperous in Japan. Every year, with large taxes, Hirohito keeps Shinjuku as it is. The Army Military Medical School is not far from the red light district of Shinjuku. Senior and middle-ranking officers in the school stay here all day. These people are generous and many prostitutes do military business.
Ma Hang stepped into Shinjuku in a uniform and walked into a famous Qianxue Art Museum according to graces. The bartender immediately welcomed Ma Hang’s rank of colonel, which attracted special attention. This is not Kyoto, where generals are everywhere, but it is a sensation to see colonel in Tokyo.
All the soldiers looked at Ma Hang. They guessed the origin and identity of this person. Ma Hang was in full view when the bartender led him to a table. Just after he picked up a glass of wine, a drunken captain came running. First, he saluted and hit the wine diaphragm and said, "I’m Captain Mitsui of the Military Medical School. I don’t know how Ge looks unfamiliar."
Ma Hang smiled and motioned Mitsui to sit with him and touched a cup of tea. "The War Department Staff Suzuki is just coming here, please give me some advice."
"It turned out that Suzuki dared not dare." Mitsui gathered to Ma Hang’s ear. "Suzuki came from the War Department but came to replace Fujijun."
"Rattan that rattan" asked Ma Hang.
Mitsui ha ha a smile, "Suzuki Jun, we don’t talk in secret, so you don’t say anything about military personnel, but they are all disciplined."
"Ha ha" Ma Hang followed ha ha laugh.
Hearing the name of rattan, all the other officers gathered around, and everyone was clamoring to get news of rattan from Ma Hang, and Ma Hang also wanted the same thing from these people. So everyone talked very much, and Ma Hang was cautious. When he met something he didn’t know, he always smiled mysteriously and left a lot of speculation to these officers.
From these people’s words, Ma Xing probably learned about rattan, and the rank of colonel, director of the garrison and security division of Fujitsu Bacterial Weapons Research Institute, was responsible for the protection and security of the research object. Some time ago, I didn’t know why a mouse suddenly disappeared in the experiment, which caused panic in the whole military medical school. Although it didn’t cause any big incident in the end, Fujitsu was recognized by the company as irresponsible and needed to be transferred, outsiders didn’t know that it was a storm in the school, and now many people continue to track down the mouse.
Ma Hang sat at the table, listening and drinking, and suddenly asked, "Did you find the mouse now?"
Mitsui shook his head. "Not yet, but Noda Shaozuo didn’t give up."
"Kazuo Noda"
"Yes," Mitsui quickly said, "Ge also knows Noda Shaozuo."
Chapter two hundred and sixty-two Appointment
"Miss Qianxue is here. Miss Qianxue is here."
They hurried back from the horse line, even the Mitsui quickly got up with a glass and pulled him up. "What’s wrong with Qianxue?"
Mitsui was impatient, and he couldn’t sit down beside Ma Hang again, saying, "Miss Qianxue doesn’t even know her, but Miss Qianxue is the most famous person in Shinjuku geisha circle. Whether she is a dancer or a talker, Jiang can be called a leader. It is definitely not an easy thing to see Miss Modesty when she comes to the right place today."
In the shouting of a group of men, a woman dressed in scarlet and dotted with white flowers emerged from the back corner door. Two huge cherry blossoms stood out in the chest. The woman’s appearance was not very clear because she was covered with a thick layer of white powder.
Although I can’t see the face clearly, the facial features are excellent, and the facial features are particularly delicate. At first glance, it still gives a normal man a lot of reflection, whistling and shouting. Men are almost crazy.
Ma Hang drank his wine. He hated the word prostitute very much. Whether it was a geisha or some other prostitute, he was never interested in the former rose. Now Mei Hui and now Miss Qianxue Ma Hang didn’t even bother to look at it, but Mitsui, next to Ma Hang, was crazy to the extreme. One whistle after another blew his voice hard, and he was a little hoarse.
Qianxue bowed slightly, and a few musicians played music behind the scenes. Qianxue performed slow dancing skills, and Ma Hang didn’t like it either. He preferred China comedy or the kind of slapstick, which was more interesting and more interesting. Kung Fu Day dance was awkward and monotonous.
"Ha ha" Qianxue laughed. "Sister graces praised the theory of beauty or skill. I must have thanked her first since it was Sister graces who introduced the guests."
Ma Hang also took the glass and clinked it with Qianxue. "When you come, Meihua also said that Lady Noda frequented this Qianxue Art Museum. I don’t know if Miss Qianxue knew this Lady Noda."
Qian Xue smiled, "Noda Shaozuo is a generous man. I’m afraid there are not many people here who don’t know Noda Shaozuo."
"Oh, that’s good. He and I are old friends. I don’t know when he will come." Ma Hang deliberately said, "I haven’t seen you for more than ten years. I really miss it. If I can have a drink with Noda again, it will be nothing."
Mitsui quickly said, "Suzuki meets Noda Shaozuo at ease. I must tell him that Noda Shaozuo is very generous. Since you are your friend, he will definitely come to entertain you and hope that Miss Qianxue can attend." Mitsui smiles appealed at Qianxue in a row.
In the hall, everyone was particularly uncomfortable when they saw that the foreign horse company had won the top spot. The horse company was a colonel, and there was nothing they could do. Besides, Qianxue took the initiative to find someone to sigh one by one. Some people thought so, and some people had other plans. They saw that the horse company was popular and flocked to the horse company. In the hall, there were two factions.
There is anger in the eyes of a group of people here, talking and laughing on the other side, and one by one, showing one’s charm according to thousands of snows, and making the other side more angry. Sitting alone across the snow, watching this scene, I think of the romantic past in the big alley, and I feel more and more that this geisha is never as clean as the outside world says.
"It’s getting late, everyone, and I have to leave now. I’ll come here again when I have the chance to get drunk with you." Ma Hang slowly got up and said, and went outside.
In fact, few people pay attention to him. Even if he leaves, no one will pay attention to these guys. They are bent on seeing the horse in Qianxue. Qianxue hurried to get up. The most important thing for a geisha is to be polite. If you can win over men, you won’t worry about having no customers. Qianxue found his coat for the horse and helped the horse to wear shoes at the door.
Outsiders are so considerate when they look at thousands of snows. At this time, the colonel’s mood can be "envy, jealousy and hate". Ma Hang nodded slightly and pulled through the three shafts. "Mitsui Jun, I hope you don’t forget to promise me that I hope Noda Shaozuo can be here when things come next time. I will come here every day. You won’t worry about not finding me."
Mitsui nodded quickly. He saw a trace of murderous look in Ma Hang’s eyes. I don’t know who this is for. Everyone said that Ma Hang was arrogant. Some said that the military people were different, and some said that Ma Hang was still good. Their drinks were paid by Ma Hang.
Qianxue looked at the back of the horse line and felt strange that this man was too mysterious and graced. He knew that he and graced were taught by a master, and graced why he introduced such a man to himself. If he was really a graced frequent visitor, he didn’t look like a person who liked this place. It was really strange that many questions lingered in Qianxue’s mind.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-three More than ten years of enemies
"Noda Shaozuo is here, this way."
Mitsui really brought Noda Kazuo to Qianxue Art Museum. Ma Hang was chatting with Qianxue while drinking. He heard Mitsui shouting and looked up at the door and recognized the familiar face. The long scar was particularly eye-catching.

Shouting came back and forth with the lights.

"Xiaoya, why don’t you sleep? Being a thief at midnight scares grandma carefully."
Gu Lengchen was really surprised, but he still kept a straight face. Gu Ya’s eyebrows were as high as hills.
"Elder brother who send you back? It seems that you have been talking in the car for a long time. Has it happened that children are not suitable? " Gu Ya’s eagerness to pounce on it means a lot to get to the bottom of it
"At an early age, what is it that children should not go upstairs to sleep quickly?" Gu Lengchen changed his slippers lightly and went upstairs.
Lou Gu Ya’s eyes turned a trick and crossed my heart. I found a friend on WeChat and sent a string of words.
Ye Ranche was very tired when she got home, and she was still sweating all over in the cool breeze at night.
Section 22
"Ding-dong" notification bell rang a.
Ye Ran walked and read the unread news that Gu Yalai "Ye Jie is happy to eat midnight snack tonight? My brother is in a good mood. I support you to communicate more and communicate more. I believe that lovers shall have Jill. "
Cell phone did not reply.
Pinch the belly, Ye Ran lamented that if you eat like this again, it will not be long before you become fat. By then, you can’t find the north by crying.
"alas!" Shake one’s head and walk into the stair door and the ladder
Wash the bed and table. The alarm clock has pointed to two in the morning.
Cover your head and don’t dare to think about it again. The fastest way to date Duke Zhou.
The clock ticks round and round.
In a blink of an eye, the sky was a fish-belly grey in the east, and when the first ray of morning light was full of Xinghai, people became active.
The morning market is full of excitement. Vegetables and fruits here are not only cheap, but also fresh. Residents nearby are scrambling to buy them, and hawkers are overwhelmed.
A woman in a light blue dress and a beige sun hat in the crowd quickly weighed a few pounds of apples and lychees and walked to the downtown high-end community.
"Knocked …" The woman’s hand clenched fist and smashed the security door.
Silk was rubbed by Ye Ran in a daze, and it was certain that someone was looking for her before struggling to get up.
"Don’t knock when the door is broken." He ran to the door with his slippers on.
Good morning, dear. The woman with the fruit in her hand hugged Ye Ran and jumped in high spirits.
"Tang Tang, how about you coming back from your hometown? I heard that the bloody soldiers have a good identity. How handsome and stylish the soldiers are these days. "Seeing people, Ye Ran is also very happy to laugh and greatly pull women into the door."
"Don’t talk about him, I want to cry." Tang Tang wrinkled his face and his eyes were red with speed.
"What’s the matter?" Ye Ran held Tang Tang and took a litchi from her hand and gave it to her.
Tang Tang sucked his nose and pulled his fingers pitifully and said, "We have become both parents, and we are satisfied with the rich bride price. Our family bought a house as our nest."
"That’s good. It’s a lifelong event. What are you crying about?" Ye Ran is puzzled.
"You don’t forget that a soldier can’t stay with me all the time. I’m worried about how to live alone in the future. It’s hard to break up and I can’t bear to hear people say that military wives are worthy of respect. I didn’t understand it until I put my nose in my shoes! Naturally! "
Tang Tang’s words are very excited and almost collapsed.
"Hug" Even though there are thousands of words in Ye Ran’s mouth, at this moment, she can’t say any more words to comfort her, but she chose Tang Tang to vent her grievances.
"I can’t help it."
"You will get married first, and other problems will be solved one day."
Tang Tang cried until his body trembled and his eyes were swollen, and he was gaunt.
"When you can’t stand it anymore, it’s a minute. Since you can’t bear him, keep him."
Ye Ran said slowly when Tang Tang calmed down, and his tone was full of emotion.
Tang Tang and she are classmates in high school, and their academic performance is almost the same, and they have the same views in many aspects. Naturally, they have become good friends.
Classmate for two years, in the last year of high school, Tang Tang had a serious car accident when he went out shopping. Many fractures in his right leg were even treated with steel plates. In that year, he had to give up his studies and stay in bed.
She was delayed for a year, one level lower than Ye Ran, and Ye Ran was admitted to the university. At first, Tang Tang said that she was good at the university, but she fell behind the list by one point. The age is a big problem. Tang Tang didn’t dare to repeat and report to the college with equal scores.
They don’t often meet each other, but the feeling of "distance produces beauty" has not diminished, but has become better and better. It seems that they are so close to each other that all the students envy them.
After graduating from college, the two have kept together with Tang Tang, and they are willing to stay in Xinghai City, which is far away from their hometown.
Ye Ran was deeply moved by this. She promised to be good to Tang Tang.
Today, the good sister is in trouble, and she must help.
"Tang Tang, you sit down and I’ll find two ice packs. You can’t apply your eyes and wait for swollen blisters."
☆ Chapter 44 One-day tour of Jinling
Comfort Tang Tang Ye Ran Lou to buy breakfast.
Just out of the stair-door, I bumped into the opposite person, and her shoulder ached.
"Walk well, you’re running to the left."
Ye Ran also don’t lift long legs turned to the side.
Unexpectedly, the opposite footsteps followed her to move which way she went and which way those black leather shoes went.
"This gentleman …" Ye Ran looked up and became familiar with his cheek.
"Where to go? Ben? I will send you! " Su Zhicheng’s smile is all smiles, and he exudes subtle cologne fragrance.
"You didn’t let me."
"I bought breakfast and invited you to eat together. At least, buddy, don’t treat me coldly?"
Hard to be soft for four years is not just talk. Su Zhicheng already knows everything about Ye Ran. He can easily plunder Ye Ran’s softest heart together.
"Go and have breakfast together as you wish." Ye Ran took a few sly steps. Anyway, there is Tang Tang at home that she fears.
Su Zhicheng didn’t know that Ye Ran had a career and Ye Ran was going to accept him. He followed him into the door with a lunch box.
"Tang Tang, come and have breakfast."
Ye Ran’s voice fell to the ground at the moment when Su Zhicheng was blindsided. His root was not him, but his self-affection.
"Why can’t my sister eat your breakfast? Then I’ll go back. "Ye Ran will go downstairs.
"Yes, you know I didn’t mean that. Okay, okay, I haven’t seen Tang Tang for a long time. We are together."
In the face of sudden indifference Ye Ran Su Zhicheng didn’t have the confidence to take a step back. On the other hand, if there were no Tang Tang Ye Ran, he would not be allowed to come to her house at all.
He has seen a lot of people who don’t agree with each other, but Ye Ran gave him an attitude that he didn’t want to accept from the heart.
Tang Tang made a simple greeting and bowed his head to chew the small soup packets and refused to talk again.
The dining table once fell into a mystery.
Su Zhicheng is going to me for inspection today, and Ye Ran, who is on the way to Ye Ran, refuses again and again. When he sees that he can’t come soon, he gets into Su Zhicheng’s luxury car from the ground.
The three men were divided into two roads, each busy.

Li Yuanqing’s tired nerves also showed a little relief. "Hehe, I really hope that this day will last forever."

Looking at Li Yuanqing’s tired appearance, Yinger suddenly couldn’t say how distressed he was.
Although they have been married for just two days, Li Yuanqing’s gentleness and thoughtlessness have made Yinger feel a better life in the future, but Yinger is whiter in front of her husband and there is another one as heavy as "moving mountains"
"Husband, don’t worry about this matter. My family will try our best to help you." Yinger clenched Li Yuanqing’s big hand with small hands.
Li Yuanqing smiled and nodded. "Yinger, I really need your help in this matter. If it can be done in a soft way, let’s try our best to be soft."
Yinger, of course, is white. Li Yuanqing means that if things go well, then everything is fine. If things don’t go well, it’s hard for Li Yuanqing to take some tougher measures.
The original Yinger also very don’t understand that Li Yuanqing is going to do this difficult and thankless thing.
But the woman who really became Li Yuanqing suddenly found that Li Yuanqing’s decision was more difficult, but it was more important for Liaoning and the whole country than for China.
Good background and education level, and after marrying Li Yuanqing, Li Yuanqing has a higher position. Yinger is very good. At this time, the greatest wealth in Liaoning is not silver, not land, but population.
If more than 50 thousand people in Zhenjiang city have been under the control of Dalai, it will be of great help whether it is wealth or population
On the contrary, if the people of Zhenjiang city are moved away, Zhenjiang city will become a dead city, and Zhenjiang city will be restored to life in a short time according to the obvious method of manpower in the late Jin Dynasty.
The Zhenjiang area is fertile, but it will soon decline without people.
Later Jin lost one of the most important supporting points in Liaodong.
The trade-off theory is that the threat and pressure of Li Yuanqing in southern Liaoning or Mao Wenlong in Dongjiang will be reduced a lot and more initiative will be gained.
Looking at Li Yuanqing tired repose YingEr like a soft bird on the Li Yuanqing chest heart is the decision.
She must try her best to help Li Yuanqing promote this matter. Even if she has several villagers in Zhenjiang City in the future, she will also help Li Yuanqing to make less crimes.
I have already received the news when I came to the mansion, and everything is ready for the general.
The sea and Qizhu are all smiling and laughing, and Li Yuanqing and Yinger are welcomed into the house. They never expected that the main force of 8 Jin J would collapse and withdraw at such a short time without warning.
But if you think about it, it is inevitable according to Li Yuanqing’s means
This also confirms that their previous decision is correct.
On the other side, Er Gong Qi Chao’s thin figure is somewhat lonely.
He really didn’t expect things to develop to this appearance. Li Yuanqing was so powerful and simple that he forced the main force of Houjin away.
According to the situation to infer that after a short period of time, 8 jin j even have no spare capacity to advance on zhenjiang city again.
Before that, all his efforts became a mirage.
Fortunately, with his sister Yinger at home, Li Yuanqing built a solid bridge, and he still had a chance to move back his former mistakes.
Yinger, who came to the main hall, went to the backyard to accompany her mother. Li Yuanqing was sitting in the living room and chatting with my father.
After a brief greeting and drinking some tea, the sea carefully asked the topic, "When are you going to implement Yuanqing?"
Li Yuanqing took a sip of tea. "The sooner you go back to Mount Tai, the better. I’m going to make a trip on the seventh."
"What? In such a hurry? "
The sea’s face turned from big to busy and said, "If Yuan Qing is like this, I’m afraid the people will be able to spend this New Year safely."
Qizhu also said, "The main force of Yuanqing Dalai has withdrawn, and Zhenjiang City is worried at this time. Why don’t we wait until the New Year to make a detailed calculation?"
Li Yuanqing smiled. "If conditions permit, Yuanqing doesn’t want things to be so urgent, but after the year, it will be spring ploughing. We can’t wave."
The sea one leng instantaneous also white Li Yuanqing meaning.
If you want to wait until after the New Year before moving to Changsheng Island, it is obviously difficult to catch up with spring ploughing on time.
At this time, Zhenjiang City has decided to abandon the spring ploughing here, so there is no need.
After thinking for a moment, the sea said, "Are you going to do this in Yuan Qing?"
Li Yuanqing long spit out one mouthful polluted air "Taishan adult eldest brother second brother Yuan Qing still needs your help on this matter."
Li Yuanqing didn’t choose to stay for lunch, but went straight to Guanting Mao Wenlong to discuss the implementation details.
Although it seems impolite, at this time, my father knows Li Yuanqing’s difficulties and naturally won’t care about these details, and Yinger becomes the representative of Li Yuanqing staying at home.
Guanting Mao Wenlong has planned and packed up the two people before Li Yuanqing came over and he directly took out the written notice.
Li Yuanqing glanced at it and nodded heavily. "The prince proposes, and God disposes. How can we see if God will help us?"
Mao Wenlong laughed. "Yuan Qing, did you believe in ghosts and gods one day?"
Li Yuanqing, of course, Mao Wenlong means "Marshal, I’ve made up my mind that whoever wants to get in the way will be executed in secret!"
Mao Wenlong couldn’t help laughing "good! Ok! I will try my best to help you in this matter. "
In the afternoon, Zhenjiang city was suddenly covered with several notices, and the soldiers patrolled and shouted back and forth.
"Mao Shuai and Li Shuai have ordered to abandon Zhenjiang City and move all Zhenjiang people to Changsheng Island. The military will guarantee all the benefits of the migrants. After arriving at Changsheng Island, they will also issue a large amount of land, and the tax will be 30% in the first two years and the third year."
It’s like a huge stone slamming into a calm small lake and instantly causing an uproar.
The people are ok. The longevity camp is in Zhenjiang these days. I hope it will be easier for them to choose and believe in the longevity camp.

When the media in various countries were very busy, two German newspapers and periodicals in Qingdao unexpectedly stopped operating temporarily, but now people are printing all night together with the only government printing factory in Qingdao. Fortunately, the mystery has not been hidden for too long. Three days later, 2oo million Japanese sheets were flown to Okinawa by five Dornier 3 long-range bombers. This sheet, called "Tell the Japanese soldiers and civilians", first tells the Japanese soldiers and civilians that the so-called "civil war" by their military is cruel and inhuman, and there is no prospect. Then came the German policy of giving preferential treatment to prisoners of war and not invading and harassing enemy civilians. At the end, it demanded that Japanese soldiers and civilians, especially civilians who did not have combat conditions, should not be involved in cruel wars.

After the German military announced that it would suspend the use of chemical bombs in Japanese towns and areas with no important military targets, but by this time, there have been more than 100,000 Japanese soldiers and civilians directly or directly killed by the German army. Obviously, a single notice can’t completely shake the determination of the Emperor’s Japanese government and the military department to carry out the war. However, when a country’s war tolerance drops to a critical point, abnormal means will force the government to withdraw from the war, which will lead to a look at history. The most common means are revolution and assassination!
Destroy the day Chapter one hundred and twenty-five journey to the south ()
Qingjin Port in the Northeast of Korean Peninsula
The first appearance of the German fleet in the port can be traced back to the time when the German-Japanese War just broke out a year ago. At that time, a sub-fleet of the German Pacific Fleet attacked the Japanese patrol fleet stationed here and sank several Japanese ships in the port. However, on the way back to the sea cucumber, the German fleet was ambushed by the Japanese 6-based air force and submarines, and the sinking of the "Gennauser" and "Kleist" turned this beautiful "door red" into a tragedy.
After a lapse of one year, the German fleet came back and was stronger than a year ago. Two battleships, four heavy cruisers, three aircraft carriers, seven light cruisers, and 32 destroyers, including four new amphibious boarding ships and three new integrated supply ships, came from Kuye Island after a whole day of fire preparation by 33oo German navy team 6 soldiers. 2ooo Mexican soldiers and 7oo American soldiers formed a joint force to forcibly board 6 at the north beach of Qingjin Port. This time, the Japanese garrison did not cause too much trouble to the Coalition forces, because the armored forces of the German Sixth Army were advancing in the direction of Qingjin less than 1oo kilometers southwest of Qingjin.
At the same time, the commander of the Japanese army stationed in Qingjin is also prepared for laparotomy, because he knows that there is no chance to make amends and it will be his best way out.
The results of two battles in two directions are in suspense. When the brave navy team members of the Sixth War cleanly captured one Japanese position after another, the German armored forces, the main force of the 3g and ivf tanks, ran over the Japanese fortifications like destruction. Of course, the industrious German Hawk took pains to hover and bomb and strafe again and again, which was also an important factor for the German to finally win.
On December 12, 1929, the port of Qingjin changed hands. The whole northeastern part of Korea has fallen into the hands of the Germans. In the process, about 42oo German soldiers were killed and 120,000 people were injured. The Mexican army also appeared their 200 th killed soldier and 11oo th wounded. Only the American army’s death list still maintained amazing single digits.
It is true that such casualties in a big country war are negligible, but at this time, in Germany, no one wants to question why the government wants to compete for a remote and barren place like North Korea, sacrificing thousands of German soldiers and spending hundreds of millions of dollars. Although these remarks have not affected the status of the German royal family and government, the call for an end to the war as soon as possible has become stronger and stronger throughout Germany!
"Well, I must have a good sleep for 24 hours without the high command to order people not to wake me up! God, what are these days? I haven’t even slept a full sleep! "
A face of hula, Sven? Okoula doesn’t care about his image. At this time, in the eyes of the big fellow who came from a worker’s family and joined the army for 20 years and entered the ranks of German middle-level commanders through ordinary people’s efforts and performance, there is nothing in the world that can attract him more than that little camp bed!
A blue Max medal? Okoula doesn’t expect that even if he wants to expect it, let’s talk about it in his dream!
"It’s lieutenant colonel! Have a good sleep. I promise I won’t wake you even if General Rommel comes! " Okoula adjutant, a young noncommissioned officer with some childishness, said with a smile after making the bed for him.
"Well, very good! Let the general sit outside when he comes! Haha, but I think he may sleep longer than me. After all, we have been driving all the way day and night … Er Duomeng, our continuous marching distance has passed 4oo kilometers! "
"To be exact, it is 42 kilometers. We have driven so far in Russia and it is not such a rugged mountain road! The mechanical failure rate of 9% can make those maintenance soldiers tired. I heard that some of them fell asleep while eating! Lieutenant Colonel, I wish you a good sleep! " The young adjutant smiled mischievously and took the door out.
"Yes, the bones of the damn mountain road are falling apart!" Okoula muttered as he took off his coat and got into it. The weather here in December was not warmer than that in Germany, but at this time, he was deeply tortured by sleepiness, and Okoula couldn’t care less. He soon fell asleep in such a temporary headquarters in an ordinary North Korean house.
At the moment, it’s still sunny outside, and the battlefield near Qingjin has already ended, and the world has returned to calm. Even if there are a few fish escaping from the net in this cold weather, I’m afraid they can hide in a tree hole and shake, so German soldiers with relaxed expressions can be seen everywhere outside, talking and laughing, doing their jobs-patrolling and repairing cars, and everyone who is sleeping is enjoying their leisure after the battle. Of course, it would be even more wonderful if they could have a roast chicken and a bottle of whisky.
"Hey, is Lieutenant Colonel Domont in there?"
Far away, an armored lieutenant with a short figure and a brown skin greeted him as he walked outside.
"Oh, it’s Lieutenant Joe Hanos! He’s sleeping in it now, but he said to let him sleep for 24 hours. If you must wake him up now … "Domon shrugged his shoulders and made a funny expression of" You have to bear the consequences yourself "
"Oh this guy … now we even have a tank to drag back to overhaul you white? What we can’t fix here is the problem of motivation. I have to report this situation to him! He either temporarily allocated us some tanks or used us as a platoon! Plus the one that broke down yesterday, we now have seven tanks left! 7 cars! "
I’m afraid Domont won’t understand the seriousness of the matter, like Lieutenant Joe Hanos striking back in front of him.
"A set of repair equipment should be shipped to Qingjin by sea soon. Besides, General Rommel may borrow repair equipment from Navy Team 6, and the situation will improve soon …" Domon thought for a moment. "What did your battalion commander say?"
Sven? Lieutenant Colonel Okoula is the commander of the 4th Armored Regiment of Rommel’s Armored Division. This regiment belongs to the first-line standard main armored regiment, which has three standard armored battalions, reconnaissance company, maintenance company and communication company directly under the regimental headquarters. One armored battalion is divided into three standard armored companies and one battalion. Each company is usually equipped with seven tanks and five assault guns, and its specific models are different from different units. In Rommel’s first-line armored division, most tank companies are equipped with three 3g tanks, four ivf tanks and five 1926 assault guns, which is not the top equipment in the German sixth army.
Destroy the day Chapter one hundred and twenty-six journey to the south (in)
"More! Domon! It’s Lieutenant Pascal outside! Damn it, let him in! "
When the angry voice came out of the headquarters, Domon was chatting with the armored lieutenant about the bad road and the same bad weather.
"Good Lieutenant Colonel!" Domon shrugged his shoulders at the lieutenant beside him, indicating that he could go in, and at the same time gave a kind smile as if to say, "Hey, man, there is an angry male bear in there who has been disturbed. Good luck!"
The lieutenant went in with a cap on his head or crustily skin of head. At this time, Domont was not interested in listening to their small talk outside, not to mention that there were guards at the gate of the headquarters. Even if there were no guards, I’m afraid no Japanese soldiers could come here through a large German station. Now what Domont has to do is to fill his stomach. If Lieutenant Colonel Okoula can successfully implement his "hibernation plan" later, he can also find a bed blanket in the headquarters and have a good rest.
"This battle is really tiring!" Domon walked towards the regimental canteen while moving his arm.
Not far away, two senior officers dressed up just happened to notice Domont.
"That seems to be Okoula’s adjutant. I’ll ask him if Okoula is here …" The officer with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose was going to stop Domont, but the short general around him stopped him.
"No, I guess which Okoula is sleeping in the headquarters!"
"Good general! ….. Er, please forgive me for telling you the truth. As far as I know, the Okoula regiment’s reduction of combat effectiveness due to mechanical failure is far from the combat loss. I’m afraid what they lack most now is also the repair! " The school officer with glasses said
"Well, now there is no regiment in our division that can be immediately deployed as a combat vehicle. Although the absolute distance of this March is not particularly far, this road condition …" The short-stature general also shook his head with a face of nai. He was wearing a gray winter military coat of the Sixth German Army, which seems to be somewhat incompatible with the pure black German armored force in him. However, from his coat skirt, you can vaguely see the brightly colored medals. Of course, after many major wars, which German general didn’t have a few medals to show off on his chest in 1929?
"So I always feel that the group headquarters has ordered some …" The school is awkward with glasses.
The general looked at the front with indifference. There are only a few steps to the headquarters of the 4th Armored Regiment in Okoula. The guards at the door have set their sights on the two senior officers here and are waiting to salute with their guns.
"General, did you say that General Lundstedt was too hasty …" The glasses school said in a low voice.
"I’m afraid it wasn’t General Lundstedt’s order. In my impression, he was a man who would rather be cautious than take unexpected measures and recruit people from the Korean Peninsula. We have been steadily and steadily, which is very different from when we were in the United States, isn’t it?" The general’s expression continued to move forward.
"oh? If it’s not General Lundstedt … Is it a direct order? " Glasses school stare big eyes.
"In recent years, we have rarely directly intervened in the front-line war unless it is a key battle and we act in front of us …" The general shook his head with a serious face.
"Psst …" The school took a deep breath but didn’t say what he wanted to say, because the guard standing in front of the 4 th regiment headquarters had raised his rifle at this time.
Two people didn’t speak directly go down inside while at this time in the headquarters of the innermost room Leo kula loud voice is wei.
"Tanks? You ask me for a tank, then who am I going to ask? OK! You ask to perform a platoon, then I will lower you to the platoon leader now! "
"This Okoula!" The general of the optical school looked at each other and their faces were funny and angry.
"Lieutenant Colonel, why is he so angry today?" As he spoke, the general pushed the door and entered the small room. The smoky room sat on the bed. The army buckled a few heads and sat in the chair in a mess. The army was very neat at this time, but both of them were smoking at this time. From this point of view, the situation in it is far from serious.
"Ah … it’s General Rommel and Harman School. Why are you here! Uh … salute! " As soon as the lieutenant lost his cigarette butt, he jumped up, and the lieutenant was already straight and straight.
"It’s a violation of military regulations to be out of order in front of the chief executive!" Glasses school pointed Okoula seriously said.
"Er … report to the school. I just came to the rest place. This little thing has to be said outside about tanks …"
Okoula was busy explaining that the slightly younger general, the famous elwin Rommel, interrupted him with a wave of his hand.
"Don’t worry, Lieutenant Colonel. We’re not here today to check the military discipline. I probably know that everyone has worked hard all the way!"
"The general YanChong! These are all our responsibilities. We feel very honored to be able to play for the Imperial 6 th Army! " Although I heard Rommel say this, Okoula was still in a hurry. The general buckled one by one. Finally, he said that it was counterproductive, and the yellow head showed no signs of being neat
Rommel nodded "sit down and make yourself at home! Small talk; Lieutenant Pascal was going to leave, but Rommel motioned for him to stay because there was no extra stool in the room. Pascal sat on the bed, Okoula sat on the bed, and Rommel and his chief of staff, Haman, were still there.
"Lieutenant Colonel, how is your regiment now?" Rommel didn’t mind that when Okoula was answering questions, he suddenly got up, while Pascal was sitting and his face was not very restrained.
"General report, our regiment is currently finishing here according to the level order …" Okoula straightened his chest and replied, "Our regiment has 46 3g tanks, 4o ivf tanks, 12 ivh tanks, 72 1926 assault guns and 32 armored vehicles. At present, 17 3g tanks, 19 ivf tanks and 5 ivh tanks have been lost due to mechanical failure. 1926 assault guns, 21 armored cars, 9 armored cars, 3 3g tanks, 1 ivf tank, 3 armored cars, and about 5o tanks, 3o assault guns and 15 armored cars are in urgent need of replacement due to wear and tear! "
Rommel already knew these figures, but Okoula’s firm tone made him nod deeply and approvingly. "Lieutenant Colonel, if you want your troops to move on, can you do it today?"
Okoula was stunned and then bit his lip. "There is no problem reporting to the general!"
Destroy the day Chapter one hundred and twenty-seven journey to the south ()
As it is before 6 o’clock in the afternoon in winter, the night has fallen in the dark mountain forest. A dirt road less than two meters wide meanders northward, and several firefly-like bright spots are moving slowly along it. This road, which was originally built for horses, chariots and pedestrians, is rugged and difficult to walk at the moment. If the soil is not frozen stiff by cold weather, these "mechanical monsters" from Europe will probably be more depressed when they walk.
With an indescribable mood, Lieutenant Colonel Okoula looked out in a semi-tracked armored car with several antennas erected on the car wall. His ears were full of high-powered diesel motive. When he was running, the metal crawler rubbed out a special sound. When he looked around, he couldn’t tell the long steel torrent. Okoula was still proud of the strength of the German Panzer Corps, but the actual situation of his own troops made him feel a little worried-is the will to fight overcome fatigue or a spent force unable to wear out? Is it a surprise or a waste of time?
Although Rommel didn’t tell him the ultimate goal of his trip at noon, Okoula felt that the eye situation was clear enough. Continue northward. Is there a second goal?
A year ago, Okoula was still fighting in humid South Asia, so he didn’t personally experience the retreat born in Vladivostok, but he believes that the German officers and men who were forced to evacuate must be very eager to return to their hometown at this moment, and they will return with pride as winners!
"Lieutenant Colonel, the navy will also cooperate with us!"
While Okoula was leng, his adjutant Domon suddenly stuck out his head from the side position.
"Coffee … I think so!" Okoula twist a head and glanced at this clever young officer. It seems that he also guessed the reason why the troops were in such a hurry to pull out. At this moment, they are marching along a mountain road 5 or 6 kilometers away from the coastline. Unfortunately, the sight is not enough for them to see the sea now, but the salty taste of the sea breeze is clear.
Duomeng looked around and said
"Oh, it seems that the tanks that the division can move are all here!"


Don’t pretend you don’t know that there is another chapter that is also a big chapter. Because there is no draft, you can’t always recommend reading it in the evening or at night when you update it.
Some bits can be in my heart forever.
Update the tyrant as soon as possible. I swear I won’t miss the latest chapter!
Long Mai ding
No matter which direction you look, you can always see the top of Long Mai, which has become the highest point in this continent.
After so many days, the day is still dark.
Essence and Ling Si Night haven’t come back yet.
The seven demons and seven evil spirits have all dispersed. Now, if you stay in Long Mai, there will be clouds and charm.
By the way, there is another person with a bloody shadow, who is in the cave on the left side of the top of Long Mai, with no one to accompany him or disturb him.
Nobody knows how long he will sleep after such a sleep.
Yunzheng couldn’t find love everywhere. He was about to go to the magic tower of slave palace in person, but he ran into the phoenix dance and came back. But he was alone and didn’t see Prince Ning. They also didn’t see two sisters, Cherish If and Cherish Love.
"Why did you come to others alone?" Cloud light asked
"They are all in the new moon palace. The little princess is ill these days, and everyone is busy!" Feng Wu said that she was absent-minded and didn’t know what to do in a hurry.
"Why are you seriously ill?" Cloud nasty asked
"Fortunately, it’s the cold, and the Queen Mother Shu makes a fuss and forces everyone to follow!" Feng Wu complained
"Ha ha, then you are clean and clean when you come here!" Yun said with a smile that Lin Ruo Snow and Jade Evil had stayed in Long Mai for a while, and one child could toss the whole Long Mai people, which she had experienced.
"I want to see the blood video, can you take me there?" Phoenix dance is very direct and doesn’t beat around the bush.
"He’s not Tang Ying anymore. You have your own way to go." Yun is also rude. I don’t know what the Terrans like about the phoenix dance as much as they like Lian Qiao.
"I just want to meet him." Feng Dance got serious.
"If you want to live in a butterfly house, you can stay as long as you want. If you want to see blood, you can go back now." Yun is also serious.
"Why don’t you let me go to see him! ?” Phoenix dance asked.
"With this is Long Mai, now I am in charge." The cloud is cold. Stuart Ren and Chu Yin went to the slave palace magic tower. Butterfly Yi didn’t know where it was. She repaired the highest here, of course, and she had the final say.
"The charm from? I am looking for her! " Feng Wu nu said that there is not much theory with the cloud.
"No one can disturb me without my master!"
Cold voice came to see a green figure slowly falling from none other than charm.
"Why didn’t the blood shadow explain it!" The phoenix dance is playing with sex.
"If you really know him, you should know that Blood Shadow doesn’t like being disturbed!" Charm from said
"I’ll just look at him or take a look at the hole, please!" Feng Wu implored, so this is her way of playing sex.
"Oh, let her meet me. I haven’t seen blood for a long time." It’s the flame that can’t stand the woman’s pathetic appearance. When I look at the phoenix dance, I go to the top stone steps leading to Long Mai.
Phoenix dance heart a joy hurriedly followed.
Yunhe Meili was about to stop the flames, but she gave them a hard look. "It’s so hard to see each other. If it’s Luo Shuiji who sleeps in it, I’ll let everyone see it!"
As soon as this word comes out of the cloud and the charm leaves, it will all be spoken.
When they were far away, they said, "Is this guy a little insane? What did you mean by what you just said!"
"You this mouth can’t put in a good word? What is insanity? " Cloud low stared at the butterfly in accordance with.

All these so-called floating societies are so disgusting.

Luckily, she used to be, too
The mobile phone suddenly rang, Yan Yan looked at the screen and then looked at Xiao Jing warily, pointing to the front of his shoes and threatened, "Don’t follow me again, I don’t want to see you now."
But how can a man listen to her or reach out to her? "Xiao Jing! Would you like to try again? !”
Her cold voice sounded, and it seemed that her mood had collapsed somewhat, but she was still trying to control it.
Xiao Jingdun didn’t say anything. A few meters behind him came the sound of poria cocos. "Mr. Xiao, I have found you. Someone is looking for you."
Poria cocos came over and just didn’t recognize Anyan. When she walked in, she found Anyan immediately bowed her head and called Miss Anyan.
Hearing the sound of poria cocos, the man suddenly remembered that there was something else in his body tonight, which was not within his plan.
He stared at the woman who was one meter away from him and withdrew her hand. The tone was clear, "Don’t run around. I’ll come to you when it’s over."
Section 26
Anyan left without looking back.
On this side, she dialed the words to Bai Qiao again and picked up "Please come out and pick me up. I want to see Qinhuai."
"You wait for me"
She didn’t go out because she wasn’t sure whether she could come in after she went out. She said she tried to do something, but Bai Qiao said she had come in.
Although I was surprised, Anyan didn’t ask and said a place of her own, waiting for her to come and meet her.
I never thought that Bai Qiao could be so thin in just a few days. Her clothes have changed, and her face is pale, but her spirit looks ok.
Except for the visible thinness.
An Yan’s eyes suddenly opened with a damp and hot lip, and some of them didn’t know what to say.
Bai Qiao smiled and gave her a smile, then reached out and hugged her and whispered in her ear, "I want to see Qinhuai Anyan. Can you help me?"
Hearing her so direct, she frowned at Bai Qiao. "What do you want to see him for?"
Paused and looked at Bai Qiao unscathed in front of him. "By the way, Bai Qiao, how did you get out?"
Bai Qiao was puzzled and said, "I’m not a murderer, but a suspect at best. How can I stay in it until the result comes out?"
That Li Wen, who is not so kind as to let them go, is very confused about this.
What I didn’t do just now is still in the detention center directly in front of Qinhuai. Bai Qiao knew that she had come out because she had received Bai Qiao’s words in advance.
"Is it Qinhuai?"
Bai Qiao shook his head suddenly, and there was an overwhelming coldness in his eyes. When he looked at Anyan, his mouth burst into a smile. "Talk to his facial features. I have something important to talk to him personally today."
She paused and bowed her head suddenly, and her voice became very light. "I just heard that the Grand Duke of Qin announced the marriage news tonight, didn’t I?"
An Yan suddenly had an infarction in his throat and bit his teeth and said "yes" directly.
Bai Qiao suddenly looked up and looked into Anyan. "Okay, but I still want to see him."
Once again, with Bai Qiao on the second floor, Bai Qiao wore a different face from others and wrapped her face in a scarf. Simply, they left with fewer people, and there were no people there.
An Yan hesitated, looked at Bai Qiao’s cold face and suddenly said, "Bai Qiao, I have something to do later. Will you come back with me tonight?"
Bai Qiaogang wanted to nod, but suddenly he shook his head as if thinking of something and said, "I have to meet a friend later."
Bai Qiao remembered the man who was as cold as an iceberg and shivered. His fingers caressed his lower abdomen and bit his lips.
She doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry, whether to be glad to come out of one cage or sad that she has fallen into another unknown cage.
According to the previous call, Yan Yan intuitively found the second floor and found no trace of Qinhuai.
Finally, Bai Qiao suggested lightly, "If he doesn’t answer my phone, please call him on your mobile phone and I must see him."
An Yan hit the other end and answered it, but the tone was not so good. After handing it to Bai Qiao, I didn’t know what the other end said.
Thinking that they should have their own things to solve, Anyan didn’t say anything to let Bai Qiao have something to call her.
Bai Qiao nodded their points on the second floor of Century Hotel.
When Ye Shu found Anyan, she was squatting at the edge of a flower bed, stealthily pulling the flower bed and looking at the faint figure ahead.
He frowned and patted her on the shoulder. "What are you doing?"
An Yan looked back unhappily and saw that Ye Shu put a finger on his lips and his face was cold. "Did you see the person in front?"
Ye Shu looked down her line of sight. There were indeed two figures. Look at the whispering …
The dim light and the atmosphere are particularly ambiguous. The corner of the hotel is very nice. Just looking at it is a good place to do it.

Qin Mu stared at my eyes. My girl nodded. Is he hiding under the bed?

Patted her hand, turned around and went to the bedroom for a moment, changed clothes, and came out with a white shirt that was not tied in her pants, which seemed very casual.
As he walked to the door step by step, the heart of the summer orange gradually closed so tightly that it almost stopped. She couldn’t bear to hear a door sound, so she closed her eyes and wanted to faint.
Zhou Jingxin knocked at the door for a long time, but nothing happened. She just heard her daughter’s voice, and she was more sure that someone was in the room.
At ordinary times, her daughter is gentle, lovely and clever. She is also very at ease with her. Yan Qinghuan kept saying in her ear how Xia Orange associates with rich people. When her drunken daughter explained it, she believed it
Yan Qinghuan couldn’t wait for her uncle and aunt to criticize Xia Orange. She was entangled with a couple. When she said that Xia Orange had a fiancee, she didn’t say that Qin Mu Qin Mu was so prominent. If my uncle and aunt knew that it was Qin Mu, it would be proud.
The door was beaten at this moment. Zhou Jingxin was also surprised by Zheng. Indeed, someone unexpectedly looked at the man in front of him. He was tall, tall and heroic, and his forehead was somewhat disdainful, but he was still respectful. The whole body was the kind of noble and elegant temperament that naturally became a king.
Yes, it’s a little casual, giving people the feeling of being the owner of this house.
"Hello, Aunt"
Zhou Jingxin looked at it for a few times and didn’t see the summer orange. Of course, parents will not be calm when they see this scene. Even if the other party is excellent and has been raised perfectly for more than 20 years, there will always be some resistance in their parents’ hearts. This is a kind of reason. What’s more, it makes sense to stay overnight. It must be a girl that a lonely man is bullied.
"Where’s Orange? I want to talk to Orange."
Zhou Jingxin’s face is thin, angry and excited, and his eyes keep looking into the room.
Summer orange is petite. Qin Mu’s body blocked her from the door. At that moment, her intestines were full of regret. But it’s too late to say anything. She gently pushed Qin Mu’s body a little.
Summer orange fingers twisted together like a child who did something wrong, and the knots were all white and low-headed, and he shouted carefully.
I saw Xia Lin next to me again, and she gave him a very unfriendly stare. Why don’t you say that Xia Lin cast a koo’s eyes before talking? Who told you not to pick it up?
"Sir, can I have a word with my daughter?"
Zhou Jingxin, after all, is a cultural person with certain accomplishment and quality. Although he is angry, he will not shout.
"Aunt, my name is Qin Mu. I’ve long wanted to visit you and your uncle. I’m glad to meet you. It’s really impolite to meet you in such a hurry. Aunt, don’t take it amiss."
Qin Mu has a good attitude and a very courteous tone. After putting himself in a junior position, he knows that he can do this because the other person is Xia Orange’s mother.
Zhou Jingxin and Xia Lin came in and Xia Lin put a few pieces of luggage on the floor.
Summer orange still timidly looked at his mother and even became cautious in breathing.
Zhou Jing’s new arrival is not very good. His facial expression changed suddenly when he heard Qin Mu’s words. It was incredible and more shocking.
The world is really too small to walk around. What little orange will meet the surname Qin Qin? Even if it is nothing, it is also called Qin Mu.
She calmed down and comforted herself that it wouldn’t be so coincidental that there were many people with the same name in this world. She tried her best to keep calm.
"What does Mr. Qin do? Are your parents still alive?"
Qin Muduo will sense motive. Although Zhou Jingxin’s facial mutation is a moment, he still has a panoramic view, but he simply said, without moving his face.
"Just a businessman", he didn’t want to make people feel like he was overbearing when they met for the first time.
"Mom, you don’t know, Qin’s president, Asia’s richest man. You are too ignorant."
Charlene really can’t see the past. You should know people without asking their names.
Qin Muha Xiao Orange knows Qin Mu. The doorman said that her boyfriend stayed here at night. Zhou Jingxin tried to suppress the panic and it spread again for more than 20 years. She never paid attention to the surname Qin, knowing that they were rich and powerful.
Xia Chen talks about boyfriends. She doesn’t object to staying awake all the time. She should take care of herself before marriage, but it’s not that she can’t accept that young people really do something out of line. It’s ok to finally get together.
But this person must not be Qin Mu. There are some things that Xia Orange doesn’t know. Qin Mu doesn’t know. Even Qin Tian may not know.
At the beginning, when Xia Orange filled in her volunteers for the college entrance examination, neither she nor Xia Yunyang wanted her to enter the university of A city, but her daughter thought that A city was so big that it wouldn’t be so clever. After graduation, they also wanted her to return to her hometown, but she was admitted to the school and became a teacher.
The Qin family is the top of the big family society, and Xia Orange is a university teacher. The probability that she and Xia Yunyang can meet is almost the same. Later, Ji Chengchuan also came to A city, and she and Xia Yunyang were more relieved.
But some things seem to be doomed to escape.

Officer to escape nodded "don’t come over? It’s your pleasure to see you less. "

The girl in white dress paused for a moment before slowly sitting beside Gu Lengchen, wriggling like she was coming out to meet guests for the first time.
Guan Yi swept his eyes and others greedily said, "It’s too little to continue one."
Gu Lengchen shook his head. "She is enough."
"Disappointing" Guan Yi sighed angrily and then pointed to the scantily clad girl and said, "You guys leave the others out."
Even if there is too much reluctance, they can still be reluctant to leave.
Leave those four smiling faces and jump at Guan Yi’s side, hold his neck, feed him grapes, beat his legs and help him order songs.
Guan Yi enjoyed himself lying among women.
Here Gu Lengchen forced himself not to think about the troubles and pulled the girl in white skirt to pour him wine.
The girl looked up and saw Gu Lengchen’s dark eyes shaking when she was in the middle of the unskilled wine. She spilled the wine on the tea table and the wine fell to Gu Lengchen’s trouser legs impartially.
Gu Lengchen closed his eyes and said nothing.
The girl exclaimed, "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to."
They made a big noise, which drew aside officials and raised eyebrows. He pushed several women to Gu Lengchen’s side.
See the white dress woman kneeling on the ground with a paper towel to wipe something.
He stretched out his hand and shouted at the girl. "What’s the matter with you? Come out to be a princess and pretend to be lofty. Go home and sleep and hurt yourself. It’s not enough to pay for your life. "
Girl passive Nuo Nuo turned and cried out, "I’m really sorry about our private solution, right? Don’t be angry. "
Gu Lengchen’s look is faint. "It’s okay."
Guan Yi taught her a few more words and told her to be careful and then went back to her seat.
The girl blushed after wiping Gu Lengchen’s trouser leg wine.
Dim lights flash like Ye Ran when he is shy.
See more Gu Lengchen stupidly trance again remind of her.
Holding a glass of wine and drinking it one after another, forcing yourself to forget the pain for a while.
The girl in white skirt tried to stop "Gu Shao, you drank too much tonight, or I’ll take you home."
"home?" Gu Lengchen self-deprecating smile back to do?
"Then where do you want to go? I’ll go with you. Let’s not have a hangover and have a headache. "The girl is awake."
"I always listen to you after drinking." Drunk Gu Lengchen took the girl in white dress as Ye Ran and muttered how much he loved her.
The girl in white skirt bit her lip. After chatting for more than half a night, she probably understood what he was drinking endlessly.
It turned out that the man was so arrogant to drown his sorrows by drinking, and he was willing to torture himself with a woman. That woman was so happy that she sincerely envied her.
See two people got up and cool to take off from a face of satisfiedly ask "have a feeling? Is this a separate rhythm? "
The girl in white skirt blushed and bowed her head shyly.
Gu Lengchen is in favor of "playing with you and going out to play with each other"
"You should take good care of Gu Shao if you drink like this, or don’t blame me for destroying flowers."
"Knowing how to escape is less"
The girl mixed with Gu Lengchen walked outside the bar, and the temperature in Xinghai reached a new low in the morning.
Because of the need of work, the girl wears very thin clothes, and she is shivering with cold when she comes into contact with the cold wind.
Stepping on the steps of high heels, I accidentally fell to the ground.
Gu Lengchen grabbed her by the load, and the girl with great strength staggered into his arms.
Smelling fresh cologne, the girl is absent, and male hormones stimulate her sensitive nerves.
Gu Lengchen gently held her and vaguely knew that the woman in front of her was not Ye Ran. He said in a daze, "You go home tonight and I will come to you if you need me."
The girl didn’t move when she heard this. Gu Lengchen pulled out a thick stack of hundred-dollar bills from her coat and wallet and stuffed them into the woman’s hand to "go home."
"Gu less that where are you going? Can you be alone so late? "
Gu Lengchen’s rickety tall figure is slightly decadent.
Walking quietly along the road without thinking about anything, my head hurts a little.
After walking for a while, there was a light-lit hotel in front of him. He looked blankly, lifted his legs and went into the door. He was tired after a long day.
The front desk enthusiastically helped the room and said that if you have anything, you can call at any time, and then handed him the door card.
Blowing the cold wind, my mind was wide awake, and I entered the ladder and went straight to the room with the number written on the key card.
Lying on the pillow and looking at the ceiling like quiet inside, the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier because of alcohol.
The next day, Gu Lengchen was woken up by serial talk over and over again. The mobile phone in his pocket went crazy and kept ringing endlessly.
He rubbed his temples and felt sore. He said, "Who is the daughter-in-law?"
In response, he kept silent and kept his eyes open for a long time. Last night, memories came like short films.
Section 114
The cell phone bell is still singing. He sits up and there is no Ye Ran shadow around him. He always thinks about her.
Take out your mobile phone and see if it is Gu Ya.
"Hello" Gu Lengchen has the strength to answer.
Gu Yayin anxiously told him in the microphone that "brother sister-in-law had an accident."
"What?" Gu Lengchen suddenly felt dizzy at the head of the bed, and he almost fell down.
"Sister-in-law, when the car went out in the morning, another car passed by her. I don’t know what happened. I pushed my sister-in-law car aside and got into the roadside grass. The car overturned. Come and have a look."
Gu Lengchen lose strength instantaneous was out he gasped and asked, "did she hurt? Where are you? I’m coming. "
"Sister-in-law doesn’t have trauma in the villa area in the distant mountains, but she is sitting on the side of the road motionless, and I am afraid." Gu Ya’s cavity was full of panic.

"Are you a doctor, too?" Shen Shanglu found that Xu Jinyan was surprisingly strong when he first gave aid.

"Yes, Dr. Xu is a young doctor in gastroenterology, not worse than you," said Angelica dahurica.
Xu Jinyan nodded, "Professor Shen laughed and there is no comparison with Professor Shen. Professor Shen has always been a predecessor and model of our doctors."
Recommend &l; syle&g; reend a{fonsize:15p; lor:#396dd4; paddg: 1p}&l; /syle&g;
Chapter four hundred and sixty-five You don’t go
&l; s&g; &l; /s&g;
"Dr. Xu, don’t praise him. He can’t help but praise him." Angelica dahurica held Shen Shanglu’s arm
Shen Shanglu looked back at her. "My wife is right, but there is a sentence that she said wrong. I want to correct it. This is also what she told me before that she forgot it. It really took three years in baby brain."
Angelica dahurica took a few shots of Phytolacca acinosa
"You said that doctors are big or small," Shen Shanglu stressed.
Angelica dahurica forgot what situation she had said at that time. I didn’t expect him to remember and correct their jokes so seriously.
"Did I say it or did you?" Angelica dahurica subconsciously think how he said it?
It’s always a tacit understanding between two people.
This is also the reason why they later chose to work as medical workers in villages and towns together.
Xu Jinyan can see a lot of revolutionary comrades-in-arms friendship from their conversation, which may be the reason why their love is so enviable
She looked at Fu Jingxiao.
It seems that they all chose to consider themselves when they just went through this incident, but they didn’t consider that the other party would be sad and confused if they lacked the courage to fight side by side in a relationship.
Maybe Fu Jingxiao was not wrong himself.
"Doctor Xu …" Angelica dahurica called her.
Xu Jin inkstone well a "good"
"What is good?" Angelica dahurica laughed. "In fact, you just asked me a question in the hotel, and you already have the answer in your heart. I said that no matter how good others’ answers are, others themselves are the most important."
Xu Jinyan looked at Fu Jingxiao. "Yes, I understand. Thank you, Dr. Bai, for delaying you."
"It’s okay, we can see it in the hospital every day, but it’s not just a holiday every day." It’s their story to live an ordinary life.
Soon Shen Shanglu took them to the hospital.
Xu Jinyan went to the emergency room and called someone to come over and put Fu Jingxiao on the bed and pushed him into the emergency room.
"Professor Shen, Dr. Bai, you go quickly. I can handle it." Xu Jinyan was particularly embarrassed to delay them for a long time.
Angelica nodded and pushed her in. "Don’t worry about us. Go and look at him. By the way, I won’t go back to my room tonight. If he wakes up, I don’t mind if you want to take it back."
"Know know wedding anniversary" Xu Jin inkstone pushed her away.
Shen Shanglu took Angelica dahurica’s shoulder and walked out.
Xu Jinyan turned around and ran in.
"What about the family?" The emergency room nurse is already calling someone.
Xu Jinyan immediately ran past "I’m here"
"Go through the formalities. We gave him the antipyretic here and fed it to him first." The nurse handed the bill to Xu Jinyan.
Xu Jinyan took the bill, paid it and took the medicine.
When she got to the bedside, the nurse had already drawn his blood.
Maybe he was stimulated by the pain of blood drawing. His brow wrinkled and his head moved left and right. Finally, he slowly opened his eyes.
"Family members come and hold here for five minutes." The nurse pulled out the needle.
Xu Jin inkstone took the cotton ball and held the vein position. She dinted Fu Jingxiao to wake up completely from the groggy.
"Ah Yan, where am I?" Fu Jingxiao turned to see Xu Jin inkstone figure.
He closed his eyes and opened them several times before confirming that it was her.
"You don’t know where Fu Jingxiao is. I’m here to work. You’re still here to mess me up. Is it unclear whether you have a fever or not? You fainted. This will make me soft-hearted. I’m determined this time. No," Xu Jin turned around with his mouth full and didn’t want him to see the liquid rolling in his eyes because of acidity
"I’m sorry …" Fu Jingxiao felt groggy and didn’t think his body would faint.
Xu Jinyan got up to get the antipyretic, poured the antipyretic and reached out to help others up. "Take the medicine first and I’ll calculate it for you later."
Fu Jingxiao raised his head and stared at her with bloodshot eyes.
Xu Jinyan reprimanded angrily to a "watch medicine and take medicine, don’t look at me"
"Are you crying?" Fu Jingxiao saw tears in her eyes.
Xu Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief. "No one wants to cry." She conveniently handed the ibuprofen antipyretic to his mouth for him to drink.
Ibuprofen tastes sticky, sweet and bitter, which makes Fu Jingxiao frown and cough.
Xu Jinyan knew there would be such a result. "Drink some water before you go out to buy sugar." She had already given him cold water and drank some before he recovered.
Fu Jingxiao lay down after drinking the antipyretic.
He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Jinyan’s hand. "Don’t go!"
"I went to the radiology department to get a film and see a doctor. Where else can I go? I still have this sense of public morality." Although Xu Jinyan blamed, his actions were sincere
She has got up and is in a hurry to get the film
She is a doctor, and these procedures are clearer than anyone else.
Fu Jingxiao was lying in bed watching her run out, but his fist was full of warmth.
Xu Jinyan went to get cheated and went to the emergency room doctor to see the cheat.
"It’s best to be hospitalized for acute pneumonia with high fever and lung infection if you go back, but you should pay more attention to the mild cough," the doctor said to Xu Jinyan after watching the film
"Then let’s wait and see if the fever can go down tonight. If it goes down, go back and don’t take up hospital resources. If it doesn’t, you will be hospitalized." Xu Jinyan quickly responded.
The emergency doctor looked up at Xu Jinyan "Peer?"
"Well" Xu Jin inkstone should be a.
"No wonder" the doctor smiled. "Being a doctor’s boyfriend requires some basic medical knowledge. Don’t wait until you faint to see how serious it is."

"Thank you, Dad, but I have to rely on my own strength for your daughter." Gege raised his fist and waved at him.

At Luzhi’s home, sweetheart came home and found her brother at home, which made her heart even more complicated. "Brother, why didn’t you pick me up?"
Lu Yan glanced behind her. "Isn’t it the same to have a driver pick it up?"
"How can that be the same?" Sweetheart pie mouth must still be angry when she sees her brother’s pale face.
Shen Manli came out of the kitchen with food. "Hey, Gege, why didn’t you come back?"
"Gege said that she wouldn’t come after she finished her tutoring."
"Gege is Cong" Shen Manli also didn’t think much about the direct feeling.
"Mommy, you think I’m stupid." Sweetheart was dissatisfied.
"If you are stupid and hungry, our family will raise you." Luzhi put the newspaper ready for dinner.
"It’s better to be a father." Sweetheart is very happy. She is most happy to hear this sentence. Her wish is to be a big Mi Chong.
Lu Yan was able to say a few words at dinner yesterday, but today he went downstairs after dinner without saying a word.
Shen Manli is still very confused. "Why do I feel that Lu Yan is a little unhappy today?"
Lu Zhi looked at the figure that disappeared in the building. "You are too sensitive. He always does."
"Are you? Am I the only one who thinks he is in a bad mood? Sweetheart, what do you think? "
Sweetheart is a little guilty. "I feel the same as mommy." Mommy feels so accurate. It seems that he is really angry. She shouldn’t joke about it.
"Is that because Gege didn’t come today?" Shen Manli asked
"Huh?" Obviously, Shen Manli and sweetheart have different ideas. Her son is in a bad mood because Gege didn’t come, and sweetheart knows that her brother is angry because of things at school. They arranged a fiancee for him.
"Sweetheart, have you found any adultery with Lu Yan and Gege for so many days?"
"adultery? No. "Sweetheart shook her head." Mommy, you think too much. "It’s good that they don’t quarrel and fight together.
"Are you? I think too much? " Shen Manli denied that her eyes were wrong.
After dinner, sweetheart knocked on Lu Yan’s door and walked slowly to him. "Brother, it’s all my fault. I was afraid that those people would harass them yesterday and tell them that you have a fiancee. They forced me to ask for photos. I didn’t have a brainwave and pointed to GeGeGe. She knew about it from those people this morning. I won’t admit it until I reveal it. Don’t blame her. Blame me me me."
Lu Yan gave her a look "I’m not angry"
"Really not angry?" Sweetheart, surprise. Grab his arm
"Then why are you frowning? It’s scary."
"I have always been like this."
Sweetheart is in a trance, too. My brother was always like this. It was two days ago that he seemed to talk a lot more than usual. She felt uncomfortable before she suddenly returned.
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"Let’s hurry to review," Lu Yan explained to her in class.
Fortunately, sweetheart doesn’t struggle with ideas. Simple things are over.
In the next few days, Lu Yan never showed up at school again, and Gege never went to sweetheart’s house. The final exam was tense for three days.
Sweetheart is nervous when she arrives at the exam. Of course, she has to take Lu Yan to see her off. Lu Yan has to accompany her when she is free to recognize the key.
As usual, she is confident that Kao is nothing, and she hopes to rank well in the class.
She came in on the exam bell. Sweetheart didn’t dare to go in earlier than her to get ready. Lu Yan was waiting for her at the gate.
Gege saw him as if he hadn’t seen him, and walked in swinging his ponytail. Binbin nodded at Luyan behind Gege.
When Gege went in, he found that Binbin was also the examination room of Grade Two. "Brother, are you in the right examination room?"
Binbin looked at the eye number "Yes, it is the second day"
"Do you also want to take the second grade examination paper?"
Binbin nodded to her and made a refueling gesture and went in.
They are twin brothers and sisters. He was predestined from mommy’s belly that he was born to protect her. Then where is she? He is there. She jumps directly to the third grade, and he naturally accompanies her.
Everything in the exam is a piece of cake for him. He has no problem in high school. It is the most important thing to accompany Gege.
The three-day exam passed quickly. At the last game, Sweetheart specifically told Gege, "You must wait for me after the exam. Let’s go to dinner to celebrate our freedom."
"You can talk about freedom when your grades come."
"Gege, can you not hit me? My brother and I agreed to call the gentry’s brother and the five of us would go to sing and eat together. "