Qiao Qiao Yang Yang Jing Ba "isn’t the county master afraid of the rules?"

Oriental Zetian is very cooperative with "fear and fear"
I’m afraid of eyebrow eye, but I have a smile in my mouth. My eyes are very gentle.
Jojo didn’t seem to notice that his eyes rolled. "What’s with Pingkang?"
Don’t tell her that the prison of punishments is in vain!
Oriental Zetian corners of the mouth slightly hook meaningful smile "nothing someone staring at it"
Jojo knows his eyes are shining. "Long-term fishing?"
Oriental Zetian couldn’t help laughing. "Jojo, you are so smart, I can’t help but want to lock you in."
She can understand everything he says and always knows what he thinks.
He is reluctant to let her out to harm people!
Just curse him alone!
Jojo wasn’t happy. "Don’t let me go out and make waves? But I like it. I am determined to be a little demon woman! "
Oriental Zetian is used to her jumping and teasing. "You are already a little witch, and my uncle is afraid of you."
Jojo’s eyes stared, "It’s my former uncle who abolished my uncle."
Oriental Zetian made a gesture of begging for mercy, "You are beautiful and you have a point."
"Ha ha ha"
Red lanterns hung high at the vermilion gate of Chang ‘an Bofu, and people dressed in red greeted the guests with joy.
Guests are full of excitement.
Everyone in Beijing has come. Today is Chang ‘an Bo’s birthday.
The main hall is decorated with golden walls and brilliant flowers.
Chang ‘an Bo was dressed in a brocade suit. He was white, gentle and graceful. Elegant and gentle stole the show in the crowd.
People’s spirits are bright when they are happy. Chang ‘an Bo Yunhao’s eyebrows are flying and handsome, attracting several eyes.
"Congratulations, Chang ‘an Bo"
"Happy together"
En Qinghou was jealous at the sight of Yunhao. Ji Yunhao was well maintained for almost a year, no different from young people in their twenties.
Compared with him, he looks much older.
"Brother Yun, it’s really enviable to see that you are still so abundant and handsome."
What is there to envy when Yun Hao smiles? It’s a pity that men love this bite the most. Can they not look old?
"How can a man be laughed to death when he is old?"
"What are you talking about?" En Qinghou smiled. "You are more attractive to women when you are with a young man. Look around."
Yun Hao ha ha smiled. "Don’t tease me. How dare I look at a little girl with a girl?"
Chapter 1771 Autumn is strong
Enqing Hou ourtenant said, "It’s always not a problem that you don’t have a wife. I know a very good girl to introduce you to …"
Although Chang ‘an Bo has women, the market looks long and the girls in Beijing are eager for lovers.
Who doesn’t like being good-looking and capable?

But he was lost in thought of her.

Even if she leaves, even if her eyes are around other boys, even if her mother and sister have just done that to them, he still doesn’t care and can’t help but think of her, does he?
TongTong looked at him and suddenly wanted to ask.
But she didn’t ask anything after all.
She looked sideways as if she didn’t even feel her eyes sour. She just smiled and said, "Let’s go."
Jiang Zhuoning’s thin lips became a very slender arc, and the consciousness clenched her shoulder.
If the mood is complicated just now, I will look at Tong Tong’s side face at hand for a while, and he feels that his heart seems to have been suddenly stung by something sharp, and it hurts.
The fact of such an emotional relationship is really unforgettable to him.
Love or hate is unavoidable, and I often think of it suddenly.
But the truth-
This is also a process of slowly letting go.
He and Meng Jia Wu went abroad for half a year and came back together for less than two months when they were in love for two years.
Generally speaking, gather less and leave more.
After impulse, there is always reflection, after passion, there is always regret, and after short pleasure, there is often long-term pain.
Meng Jia Wu is not suitable for this turbulent day after he returned to China, and he has already felt that the most enjoyable base is nai, pressure, fatigue and boredom.
He just looked at Tong Tong running quickly and suddenly felt annoyed.
If you really care for a person, she will always do things in detail, and the other thinks of being afraid of his pain, waiting for him, and being afraid of his heart.
At present, the girl is deeply in love with him.
She won’t bet her life, won’t embarrass him, and will always put his feelings first. Her love is not as strong as fire, but as gentle as water.
He is thinking about Meng Jia Wu taste not thinking about her?
But she misunderstood.
According to her sex, this meeting is bound to be sad and sad to the extreme, but even sad.
Eyes are a serious couple. She has the advantage of questioning anger, doesn’t she?
Jiang Zhuoning buckled her shoulder and looked at her with a little strength, so he calmed his face. He felt a little overwhelmed and worried. His throat rolled for a long time before he reluctantly said, "Listen to me."
Say what?
Can you control your feelings by saying that you are yourself?
Or is he trying to forget Meng Jia Wu?
She can actually feel that he is trying to be nice to her, but love can’t be achieved by hard work.
She doesn’t want to think about him and Meng Jia, don’t want to listen, don’t want to see anything, and don’t want to know that every word he says will definitely hurt her like a knife.
Tong Tong’s heart was boiling and he took a deep breath. Suddenly, he smiled softly and spoiled his sister.
With that seemingly natural smile, she turned to Jiang Zhuoning and said, "You think she is normal, just like I often think of Zhao Dage. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Others don’t know about our marriage. We are all very clear about it. You don’t explain to me what I understand."
Jiang Zhuoning one leng looked at her with consternation.
For a long time, he seemed to frown a little strangely and hesitate to ask, "Why did you come so fast just now?"
Tong Tong also paused for a moment and finally reacted. "I’m not used to that. I feel very sorry for waiting for me."
Not used to keeping people waiting is not that I can’t bear to keep them waiting.
Jiang Zhuoning looked at her in situ. It seemed that it took a long time to know that he had misunderstood.
How could he forget?
Tong Tong’s father is nicknamed "Tong Shan Ren", and her mother is also famous for being kind-hearted and keen on charity. As a pair of parents taught their daughter, it could not be more kind.
She was wronged and injured, so much compensation was paid, and she was able to help again when she happened to meet again.
She is more sincere and soft-hearted than the average person.
She was so kind to Joey and others that she couldn’t help crying when she saw him hurt, because of her pure nature?
Jiang Zhuoning instantly thought of many things. The more he thought about it, the more he felt enthusiastic, moved, pitied and distressed just now. He slowly retreated back and looked at her and laughed. He suddenly felt a little ridiculous.
The girl in front of her is so kind that she always gets the wrong idea.
Just like Li Min scolded, Tong Tong would have married Zhao Anmin if it weren’t for him.
How can she be so conservative that a girl and a man can get to the stage of talking about marriage without feelings?
She may still have him in her heart, but at the same time, she has already moved into another person in her heart. She needs to give it to herself as much as herself before she can slowly forget that person.
Thinking about thinking that he was a little jealous.
He was jealous of Zhao Anmin. He had this girl in front of him. She was the first man she dated.
Jiang Zhuoning slowly let go.
Tong Tong looked at him as if he didn’t want to say it and finally breathed a sigh of relief.
Door two people together to walk outside the community.
The street lamp is already on outside, and the snow is still swaying like goose feathers and falling on people, so it disappears into a drop of water.
Jiang Zhuoning wore a dark blue down collar and stood with a side face in the street lamp, which was particularly cold.

"How can no one be there when you hear a noise?" Cold voice.

What should I do? The footsteps are near. Listen carefully. One, two, three, three people, three people are coming towards themselves.
No, you can’t destroy the trail. You can fight three people and get rid of it with a silver needle. Although this may cause others, there is no other way. There is no other way to gamble.
Near near, there are still three steps away. Ripples tightly hold the silver needle to be ready to go.
A black cat jumped out of the ripple hiding place and landed on the stone road. A pair of glazed green eyes glared at the three guards.
I also looked down at it as if to say: three stupid people without long eyes, cat adults hid in the tree when they were anxious, and it was convenient to come and watch the dead pervert. Has it been convenient for cat adults? Then he swept his tail and jumped into the darkness.
Three guards near the ghost saw a black cat jumping out. They all looked at each other one leng.
One of the ghost guards said, "Big Brother and Second Brother, I just saw that damn black cat staring at us."
Another echoed: "Yes, big brother, I just saw that the cat despised us. We three brothers were despised by a cat? !”
"Shut up, you guys. Was the cat really here just now?" The ghost bodyguard, who is called eldest brother, is puzzled and looks at the black cat jumping out of the dark corner.
"Eldest brother is a cat. We didn’t see it just now, and that cat has a lot of guts and dares to stare at us."
"It’s outrageous that a cat still despises us. If I catch it, I will roast it to eat." The ghost bodyguard, who is called the second brother, also shouted angrily.
"Maybe I’m paranoid. Maybe it’s a cat."
"Well, eldest brother is a cat. There can’t be anyone around here who has been dispersed for a long time. Look, there are so many guards and our brothers who will never be people."
"Well, let’s go, both of you. Come out and it’s not up to the three of us."
"Uh-huh, Bai Dage, don’t worry. There’s no problem here. Let’s go there and have a look."
Hearing the footsteps fade away, the ripples slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and the silver needle was almost found, thanks to the cat star. Hehe, it’s really an interesting cat.
Ripples looked at his position at the moment and no longer hesitated to jump towards the Chaoyang Palace rear area. Since this Yao Ji expected that they would join in the fun, they would not hesitate to touch the blood, so naturally they could not be disappointed. Let the excitement make it bigger, hehe.
Give full play to your physical ability and quickly shuttle through the night. The figure is as ghostly as a second in that corner and a second in that canopy.
Looking around at the dense leaves in front of me, it turns out that the patrol guards in Chaoyang Palace Houdian are half less than before. It is true that the palace guards are not ghosts. It seems that Yao Ji is very relieved that Houdian is too confident. Seriously, no one in Houdian will dare to be so assured that the number of guards is reduced by more than half. Hehe, this just gives her a chance.
Look at the situation. The scenery night has been mixed into Chaoyang Palace with lotus fragrance.
I don’t know what, but I always feel a little nervous. What happened in it? The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. At the moment, she really can’t say it. Well, it just feels too quiet
Yes, it’s just too quiet. It doesn’t make sense. It’s so quiet
Ripples don’t want to jump over the canopy. You have to find a way to get in.
Patrol along the quiet palace road
"Brother Ann, brother Ann, oh, my good brother, please be gentle."
"Ah, ah, Xiang Mei, I’m so Xiang Mei. Whoops, your brother Ann really loves you. Come on, come on."
Yeah, yeah.
Ripples just pass through a low vine, so they will die. It’s very powerful to hear this succession. Hold back the low curse one
What long-sighted thing runs here at night and still plays with passion? Just pick one eye and you will see the two figures entangled in one piece. Isn’t that a eunuch and a maid-in-waiting?
In this palace, food will be played from time to time. It’s a little unlucky for me. It’s not small for two bastards to be brave. Chaoyang Palace’s back hall is in trouble
Ripples once again severely cursed and touched the arm. What the hell is the wolf barking? The wolf barking that thing is still so fierce. I don’t know how you called it out.
The wolf’s barking continues to ripple around the detour, trying to coax these two eyesores away or knock them out, but suddenly it is thought that if these two guys call out and expose themselves, it is actually more important that she is really unwilling to get close.
Ripples fled without ten seconds when they heard a burst of orderly footsteps, and patrol guards came over. Damn it, it happened that you came to make a mistake with her at this time, didn’t you?
Rapidly back. Damn it, the wolf is still barking. Sooner or later, more guards will come. What should I do?
Once the guards lead over, the back hall will be unobtrusive, and a large number of guards will flood in to guard it. Damn it.
What should we do? The low breath in the ear continues to ripple, frowning and flashing eyes. I hope I can get along smoothly.
Three-step and two-step flicker close to the two maids eunuchs who are completely selfless and in the middle of a wolf’s cry.
"Bang!" Two wolves called the maid-in-waiting eunuchs to stun the ripples, but it was also quick to throw the little eunuch aside, gather the eunuch in his body, kick the little eunuch into the waist grass, drag it aside, and the ragged maid-in-waiting walked in the opposite direction, or try not to be found.
No, it’s one step short. I glanced at the branches next to me, cut off a branch with the right thickness with a dagger, and carefully cut the things in my hand while dragging the maids.
I don’t know if ripple still has the talent to be a carpenter in this life or what to do with that cut-out gadget. It’s really impressive
Ripples cut the last one, and when it’s finished, take the stuff in your hand early, take a glance in your hand and swallow a mouthful of saliva. Mother Chu Ripples’ moral integrity in this life is ruined.
Put away the dagger and head for the back hall with the maid-in-waiting. This time, the ripple is not hiding, leading the maid-in-waiting to walk into the back hall.
There are also some ladies-in-waiting living in the back hall of Chaoyang Palace, which is convenient for serving the queen at any time. Even in the small courtyard of the back hall, some ladies-in-waiting residences are set up. Hey, hey, this is a cheap ripple.
With this little maid-in-waiting in hand, it saves a lot of things and goes smoothly into the back hall of Chaoyang Palace.
There may be a lot of questioning ahead, but fortunately, she has been prepared first.
"Who are you? What are you doing? "
Ripples drag the little maid-in-waiting just through a low vine, and a rough and powerful sound rings in his ears like a thunder.
If I was stopped, I stopped and waited quietly for the footsteps that gradually approached me.
"Which palace are you so rude?" The guards came to see that a little eunuch dragging a little maid-in-waiting was more or less guessing a little bit.
"Come on, you little eunuch, it’s really courageous. Chaoyang Palace has been blocked. Come on, or pull it out and kill it with a stick." Another guard came up and said coldly when he saw the ripple, especially when he said that he was courageous. His eyes narrowed slightly when she dragged the little maid-in-waiting back and forth for several times, which meant nothing more than white, but it was a pity that he had evil intentions and no thief courage.
Ripples sneer at a at the bottom of my heart.
His face was covered with a flattering smile, and he said in the voice of eunuch drake: "The two elder brothers misunderstood the slave. This is the servant in the back hall of Chaoyang Palace. It’s really bad to disturb the two elder brothers who are burdened with heavy burdens because Chaoyang Palace gave the palace people a holiday during the day today."
When talking about carrying heavy loads, Ripple Corner secretly glanced at two guards, and sure enough, he saw a proud look in their faces.
Well, what’s there to be proud of? It’s just that Yao Ji is a lackey.
"Then what’s the matter with her?" The bodyguard asked, who has been keeping her eyes on the little maid-in-waiting and can’t take it back.
"This maid-in-waiting is also a maid-in-waiting who draws water from the back hall of Chaoyang Palace, and she is also a slave who loves food. We will only forget when we stay outside for a long time," said Ripple.

Chapter 1151 Wandering girl heart

The branches are luxuriant, and the branches are covered with red sachets. After throwing them twice, they all fall off and the corners of their mouths are slightly curled.
It is said that the higher you hang, the easier your dream will come true!
Everyone is desperately throwing high.
Nangong Hanxi easily threw it once and it was successful and hung high.
As soon as I turned my head, I saw Ji Yue’s face and couldn’t help but smile and "throw it higher"
"Would" Ji Yue didn’t take it too seriously, so it was a game.
The nangongshan cold city came and hugged her slender body from behind just hugged her.
"I’ll help you"
Sweet soft body makes him can’t help hugging her, which feels good.
The girl’s sweet smell made him take a deep breath.
I really want to chew a swollen bite.
He took her by the hand and threw something at Ji Yue. He turned to look at him.
He’s really grown up, and he’s not the overbearing and sexual boy he used to be.
Becoming mature brought her a sense of security.
The nangongshan cold city heart jump hand shake hand strength lost firing sachet fell to the ground.
He looked down at her misty eyes, watery and beautiful. He resisted the urge to kiss. "What do you think of me so much? Suddenly think I look good? "
He laughs and jokes, and his manners are very intimate.
If there are people around him, they are embarrassed and curious and secretly look at them.
Although folk customs are not so harsh and rigid, it is still rare to show love in public.
Ji Yue woke up and gently pushed, "I am curious that you are getting fatter and fatter. Aren’t you afraid of being scolded for being immoral in front of so many people?"
Nangong Hanxi refused to put a face of injustice. "I didn’t do anything!"
Not even a kiss, okay?
He endured very hard!
The two men stared at each other, a handsome man, a beautiful and refined man, as beautiful as a painting.
They naturally became the focus, and everyone stared at them, pointing and saying everything.
An old man can’t stand it. "Please leave, two people."
If it weren’t for their gorgeous clothes and distinguished manners, they would have been scolded long ago.
Ji Yue’s mouth was smoked and she was actually asked to return!
"I haven’t prayed yet"
The nangongshan Han Xi gently caressed her little face with her eyes full of "I’ll come"
On tiptoe, people flew up and easily landed on the top of the tree, hanging the red sachet on the top.
When it was done, he flew back easily and stopped beside Ji Yue.
Ji Yue gawked at this scene. "Is this ok?"
Then what did she throw? How easy it is to fly early!
The Nangong Hanxi held Ji Yue and withdrew. Everyone naturally split up.
"Why not?"
Ji Yue thought about it and couldn’t refute "Okay, you are awesome"
As soon as they went out, they met a group of people, three brothers and sisters, and they came together.
Dressed in Huang Shang Qurong, she was graceful and charming, but she ran over with joy at the sight of their eyes.
"Princess, are you there? What a coincidence. "
Ji Yue is so enthusiastic that people are not used to it.
Very honest and frank song less silently looked at "you also come to ask for marriage? Aren’t you engaged? Ask this to reinvent the wheel. "
Nangong Hanxi is not happy. Who rules? "We’re happy to ask you nothing."
I didn’t expect QuRong suddenly excited to call up. You are so rude, but I like it. "
She looked obsessed, but forgot what she had just said. It changed so fast.
A girl’s heart is like a drifting cloud that can never be guessed.
The nangongshan cold city corners of the mouth straight smoke this girl is out of her mind?
"You guys play."

This Chu Yun is to say that the three forbearance are all contacted again.

Orochimaru is a man with long hair and waist.
White skin, phoenix eyes and coquettish eyes painted with enchanting purple eye shadow.
Is Chu Yun’s evaluation of orochimaru’s appearance after seeing orochimaru.
Chu Yun greeted him very casually, saying, "Hey, hello! Say" Three Endurances and One Great orochimaru ".
Orochimaru "…"
Chu Yun: "I said, Lord orochimaru, your body is a snake doppelganger. Can you make a decision instead of the body?"
Chu Yun’s sudden self-ripeness made the first Chu Yun’s lifting of orochimaru unsuitable.
Chu Yun: "By the way, should I introduce myself? My name is Hyūga Neji, male, eleven years old, and I have a dirty look at the Japanese clan. Well … if you think this name is not obedient, you can also call me Chu Yun. This is my name when I was outside … This name is still well-known in the local exchange."
Orochimaru "…"
Yakushi Kabuto "…"
At this moment, both of them are very blind. How can they tell everything as soon as they meet? Is this person too defenseless in natural to stay or too arrogant to see everyone?
Besides, places like the land exchange are a quagmire, and ninjas are generally not involved in it, because that rebellious person will go there. For people born in the sun, it is filth and the dark side of the world.
Chu Yun "yi? Why don’t you talk? Are you shocked by my frankness? These reasons are very simple. I can explain that one or three generations of Huo Ying adults have been secretly investigating me. It is not difficult to find out this kind of news. If the three generations of Huo Ying know it, it means that the Tibetan adults know that the Tibetan adults know it. If you don’t know it, you will know it quickly. If you really don’t know it, then everyone knows what to tell you. "
Yakushi Kabuto has been confused by Chu Yun’s powerful logic. It sounds like there is a little truth, but something is wrong.
At this time, orochimaru finally recovered from aphasia and opened his mouth to speak. "Hehe, I didn’t expect you to be such an interesting person."
Orochimaru "Then I don’t introduce myself?"
Chu Yun repeatedly waved his hand and "all ears"
Orochimaru "My name is orochimaru"
And then there was no then.
Chu Yun laughed. "orochimaru’s adult is really very interesting. It really doesn’t introduce things that everyone knows, such as Konoha’s three forbearance and one dawn. The past members are now wanted, or the most sought-after Dr. Crazy, and a village head. Hahaha."
Every time Chu Yun’s mouth uttered a word, Yakushi Kabuto’s face became more serious and more fearful.
Orochimaru’s eyes became cold and a murder lingered around, making the leaves bleak and the light darker.
Orochimaru: "You are really interesting."
Chu Yun "Thank you for your compliment"
In orochimaru’s murder, Chu Yun handled it with a smile.
Half a ring of murder dissipates, and Chu Yun smiles more warmly.
Orochimaru: "You are really nice. I appreciate you. Would you like to come to my hand?"
Chu Yun bowed down to show his gratitude.
At the same time, he refused to say, "Thank you, Lord orochimaru, for patronizing me, but this is not interesting. Not long ago, every time I saw Lord Tuanzang, he came to say this, which made me look embarrassed when I saw him."
Yakushi Kabuto doesn’t know how to express his opinion. He thinks that either the person in front of him is crazy or he is crazy.
He felt that he had been thinking in the wrong direction.
Is this the gap between the big man and his little man?
Anyway, he really wants to find a place to be quiet from here now.
Orochimaru: "You don’t think I deserve your loyalty?"
Orochimaru sounds cold.
Chu Yun nodded seriously. "I may not be your opponent compared with my physical strength, but I really can’t see this busy person, even if I add this unfilial disciple."
Chu Yun’s implication is that if you don’t send out your killing intentions, it will annoy me. Don’t say that you are a busy person and even this little four-eyed person around you, I will solve you together.
Orochimaru was silent.
Yakushi Kabuto is nervous.
Chu Yun said, "You want to see me today because of Yakushi Kabuto’s exposed identity, but I chose to see you because you have what I want. Generally speaking, it is mutually beneficial and we can make a deal."
"Of course, if you think you can kill me, you can try."
"Regardless of whether you can kill me, even if you kill me, it will not be good for your plan to come, and it will probably make you plan to collapse. After all, I am really not a nobody."
Chu Yun said and stopped talking.
The transaction is based on equal strength.
At this time, we can’t be afraid that Chu Yun said that those were short and tempted each other
The effect depends on orochimaru’s reaction.
Orochimaru "interesting! It’s so interesting! I didn’t expect rigid konoha to be such an interesting person as you. I think it’s a pity that you don’t join Xiao. You must get along with those guys. "
Chu Yun put on a pose at the moment. "Lord orochimaru said I was strong?"
Orochimaru smiled and shook his head. "You are not crazy enough."
"Well …" Chu Yun was stunned by this award and then embarrassed to scratch his head. "Since it is orochimaru’s adult, I will take it as a compliment."
Orochimaru: "You said that I have something for you to see. It’s better to talk about it. If it’s not too important, I can consider giving it to you."
Chu Yun surprised "for me? That’s so embarrassing. Hey hey, it’s actually not too important. Um … It’s just some unimportant corpse things. I think it’s the first generation cells. Since orochimaru’s adult said that he would give it to me, I would be disrespectful. "

Land Rover nodded.

"The living dead?" Ripples murmured, is it the one you think?
"The so-called living dead means that the limbs are stiff, the head is not low, the eyes are not inclined, and the legs are not decomposed. It is called the living dead. Once the living body is contaminated with the breath of the living dead, it will gradually become a semi-living dead." What is the explanation of the living dead?
Ripples twist eyebrows and don’t rot. The body is really that thing. Who could it be? Help the King of Wounds? But if that’s the case, it’s still a little troublesome. No matter whether unofficial history is real or not, it’s never finished. There’s always some discrepancy. If it’s really a little different in front of the King of Wounds, it’s not easy to deal with it after death. After all, she’s not a professional to deal with it.
After a moment’s hesitation, Chihiro definitely said, "No matter what the situation is, there is not much time when we have to go. Let’s go first."
There is no way to nod Land Rover and Chu Qiao once again. The broadsword is now reduced to a shovel. Watch out for the ripples around the ear room. It didn’t take long to see them gradually busy. A big hole appeared on the ground that one person can put in. Obviously, the face was dark, even if there was a fire in his hand, but the face was completely invisible.
16 don’t forget your post
What’s waiting for them in the face? Some people look at each other strangely.
Ripples tried to look at the surface by fire folding. Nothing can be seen in the dark. It’s also a coincidence that the hole is near the left corner, but looking at the round hole ripple, once again, I have to sigh in my heart that Land Rover, a local worker, is still rich. Look at it. It’s absolutely that I didn’t see any deviation when shoveling according to the light gathering place before.
"Go, go," Qian Chihiro leans over with a fire-folding, but is held by Ripples and Chu Qiao, both of whom are tacitly aware.
Ripples took Chihiro and grabbed the fire in his hand. "It’s only fair that you were in front of the road and then I came." Chihiro took a look at Ripples with heavy eyes and said coldly, "Give it to me."
"I’m in charge this time" Ripple refused without fear.
After a long search, the danger narrowed his eyes and ripples. I don’t care about him. If you copy the fire and scratch the dent in the wall, you will lean over.
The fire in the stone fire pole is gone.
Ripples were about to stare at Chihiro, only to find that Chihiro started to bend the fire on his shoulder, but it fell into the hands of Land Rover. Then he said with some displeasure, "Land Rover, what did you do to fold the fire for me?" He stretched out his hand to Land Rover, narrowed his eyes and secretly displeased him. What’s wrong with this little meeting? Isn’t it scared to death?
Land Rover took a step back and lifted the fire. "Let me take the lead this time. I am more familiar with the local environment than you." Land Rover said with a fearful expression before closing.
Ripples frown at Land Rover lightly. "Aren’t you afraid or don’t be strong? After all, these things have died once. What’s the terrible thing? If you die, you will be restless. Let it die again."
"No" Land Rover is determined to eat the weight and the ripple bar this time. Without saying anything, he will bypass the ripple and move the fat body toward the hole to deliberately put the fire near the wall to prevent the ripple.
Ripples heavy eyebrows don’t know how Land Rover suddenly degenerated this time and leaned behind him. Chihiro naturally followed closely behind ripples, followed by matchmaker.
Fortunately, the distance between the ear room and the ear room is not very high. Everyone climbed the wall and stepped on the ground, and all the way came safely without accident.
It’s a ripple. They don’t know it’s when they leave the ground. The blood that was dripping in the soil quickly disappeared, as if it had been sucked away by something. At the same time, it was very strange with howls.
"Is this where the coffin was parked by the King of Mourning?" Matchmaker then looked around with fire. "It’s strange that since it’s a place to put coffins, why didn’t Wang Ling’s coffin be helped?"
"Ah, it’s really not, and it’s obviously twice as small as the surface. More than that, they’re not together." Chu Qiao also said in surprise
"Strange" Land Rover explored the probe and took a risk.
Ripples frowned and looked around carefully. It doesn’t make sense. "It doesn’t make sense. It is reasonable to say that this is the place to help Wang Ling’s coffin, but now it is really weird, but I’m sure this is the place where the king of wounds is parked. The underground palace is also too weird. It seems that we have to look carefully and be careful. I feel that it is very unusual here, and everyone should not be too far away."
"Well, we’re white." The matchmaker Land Rover nodded with a serious face and finally took Ripple’s hand and stared around in silence and vigilance.
"There is a problem" suddenly took a cold look.
Is there a problem with the heavy eyebrows? But she also felt that there was something wrong. From the moment she came in here, she felt that the atmosphere was very strange. At first, it was not very obvious, but she didn’t care much, but now she feels it more and more.
"I know. Be careful."
"Lord, it’s very strange here. It’s all closed around without any gap," said Chu Qiao, frowning his beautiful eyebrows.
"Hum!" Suddenly, with a cold hum, two fingers stretched out from the wall and slowly scratched towards the wall. After a long time of touching, he stopped to look at the ripples and said, "There is a sandwich inside. This independent small one was deliberately isolated. If you want to find the coffin of Wang Ling, you must get through this wall."
"Someone deliberately separated out how can anyone be so bold" ChuQiao sink an eyebrow low drink a way.
"There are always some hard-working people." Ripples don’t have a meaning and took a glance at the two fingers of Chihiro and said lightly.
"Ah, it’s been separated, so our way forward is blocked. What now?" Land Rover’s eyes, which were trapped in the meat pit, were sparkly and funny.
Ripples heard the words, smiled, shrugged their shoulders and said, "Since this wall was deliberately separated, it’s not easy to do it. It’s good to tear down this wall."
"Oh, well," Land Rover nodded and picked up the broadsword.
"Wait a minute, this wall is going to be demolished, but it’s not like you," said Land Rover, who lives in a fast address.
Ripples, however, took a deep look at the wall and then took a deep look at it. He was about to speak. "When tearing down the wall, you must pay attention to taking these bricks outside instead of pushing them inside, and you must not smash them at random."
"Ah?" Land Rover seemed to hear alien words, and looked at the ripples in her mouth. She was very unwilling to take back the broadsword in her hand. Aunt Grandma said, "When are you going to get it?"
"That’s right, ripple. You see, this wall has been built without any gaps. It’s a bit unrealistic. How can these bricks be taken out?" Chu Qiao also don’t understand wonder at ripples.
Ripple didn’t then answer Chu Qiao’s words, but slowly looked at Chihiro and suddenly found that this guy was a bit unusual.

The huge noise here quickly attracted everyone’s attention. Someone shouted "Someone fell into the water"

The original noisy deck suddenly got up. Many people climbed the guardrail and leaned their heads to look.
But the night is too dark and the water is too heavy to see anything clearly.
Cruise ship security guards are also out at the moment, keeping the ship safe and releasing lifeboats to save people.
"It seems that Mrs. Han fell and Mr. Han went to save people. I just saw them talking over there. I think they accidentally fell into the water when the hull was bumpy."
"Really? But I heard three tones and seemed to jump to someone."
"Did you see who it was?"
"No, I just heard a ring."
"It’s so cold in such cold weather. Don’t let anything happen …"
MuYunZe came to chat with several business partners and heard the noise and came along.
There is a lot of talk next to him. He is indifferent and looks at his face with no expression.
It’s been more than ten minutes since I looked at my wrist watch and sang to clean up. It’s been too long.
He frowned and retreated from the crowd, holding a mobile phone and dialing a high song.
It didn’t take long for the words to be answered. As he walked, he said, "Why haven’t you been back for so long?"
Instead of singing, there came a strange male voice, "I’m sorry, sir, I found this phone on the deck."
Mu Yunze frowned and pursed his lips into a line. "Where is the owner of the mobile phone?"
"I don’t see the owner of the mobile phone, but there is a suit jacket and a pair of silver-gray high heels next to the mobile phone."
MuYunZe move a meal suddenly remind of just that group of people dialogue, he low scolded 1, turned around and squeezed into the crowd chasing jumped the rescue boat.
After the seawater came in, the limbs were a little bit cold, but after the blood sang and dived, I regretted what I was trying to be a hero, Han Zhaoxue’s wife. He didn’t worry himself. What did she worry about?
Although my heart is so manual, it is unambiguous. I plunged into the sea and swam in the direction of essence.
Her position is closer to the essence, and she swam to the essence one step ahead of Han Zhaoxue.
It may be that the water is too cold and frightened, and the essence is in a bad state. After singing and hugging her, the other party will hold her arm tightly.
She is so powerful that she can’t earn some money when she sings for a while.
She held the essence in one hand and struggled to swim in the other. The chest gas became thinner and thinner, and the sense of weight gradually increased her physical strength.
Fortunately, at this time Han Zhaoxue has swam up and sang to give him a sigh of relief and quickly said, "Hold her quickly."
The rescue boat was about ten meters away from their position, and Han Zhaoxue looked a little embarrassed. The original fixed and neat hairstyle was washed down by the sea and wet and stuck to his face. He took the essence from the high singer and turned his head to look at her and said, "Can you?"
Singing and nodding, I even lost my strength to speak.
Han Zhaoxue this just holding the essence towards the coming rescue boat.
Singing and swimming slowly behind him, but showing no regard for the speed just now.
Han Zhaoxue heard a sound behind him, and he didn’t look back for half a minute. Finally, he saved the essence to the shore. He gasped for air and pressed it on the essence’s chest until she spit it out.
Before he could say a word, his collar was suddenly picked up. Mu Yunze said with a gloomy face, "Singing?"
"Not in the back?"
Looking back, he said, where are the calm waves on the water surface and singing songs?
MuYunZe chest with a shrink to jilt Han Zhaoxue a jump jumped in.
Gao Ge felt that she had a real bad time, and everyone saved the shore. She didn’t live up to her expectations. When her leg cramped, she was a little physically exhausted and struggled for a few times without even shouting for help.
There is less and less gas in my chest, and my eyes are gradually blurred when I sing. For a moment, I feel that I am bitten to death.
It is said that at the end of life, people will think of themselves, the most important thing in their lives. All kinds of memento mori fly out of their minds and finally freeze in a white shirt teenager.
Section 39
A boy wearing a white shirt and riding a bicycle and a girl wearing a white skirt passed by and sprinkled a string of melodious songs.
The difference is that this time she ran after their car in the shade.
She runs fast but rides faster.
Her strength is getting weaker and weaker, and she watched the car drift away, and her tears fell disappointedly.
Suddenly, the original bicycle suddenly stopped.
The boy landed on one foot and suddenly turned his head to look at her. He sang loudly and his heart shrank, even his steps froze.
She just watched him step by step coming towards her from the car.
His face was still blurred, but her heart beat a little faster until he came up to her and gently picked her up and bowed his head and kissed her.
At that moment, Gao Song felt that his heart was about to stop. In front of him, the outline of the boy gradually became clear and overlapped with a shadow a little. When they were completely integrated, Gao Song finally saw his face. That was Mu Yunze.
"Don’t sleep!"
Muyunze was immersed in the sea, and his voice sounded low in his ear.
Singing vaguely and opening your eyes, you can vaguely see Mu Yunze’s auricle.
He held her in one hand and stirred the sea in the other. The veins stood out on his forehead, which was always a great effort.
With a quiver in her heart, she stretched out her hand and dialed his face and hair back. MuYunZe looked at her in surprise.

"ouch! ~ ~ ~ "Orca’s every word was thunderous, and it was as hot as lava erupting from a volcano. Around the martial arts field, there was a mountain call and a tsunami roaring and cheering. The soldiers held their arms high and their faces were strangely red with blood! At this moment, hidden on the surface of the strict discipline of the Romans, the blood courage, which is also inherited from the blood of the Olympians, completely came out of generate!

In the center of the venue, Oka is like an unappealing true god. wood blade is holding his head high and looking around at the crowd. He is enjoying the cheers and worship of the soldiers. That is what he needs. That is what he needs. In a subtle way, this legion is completely blind to his glory and glory. Heroic worship will be the quickest way for him to attract the first group of staunch supporters.
However, just as Orca couldn’t help being immersed in this wonderful feeling, first one after another, a number of powerful horns suddenly resounded through the sky! It came from all sides and enveloped the whole Stoyatum!
"Battle horn? ! ! !” The card mumbling a face of shocked expression for the first time.
And for ordinary Roman soldiers, the shock brought by this horn is unparalleled! This is only when the Roman legion is strong enough to threaten itself and is determined to fight to the death, will it blow the horn of war!
Almost immediately, the horn sounded, the discipline was imprinted in the blood, and it should be cheered and roared immediately. There were soldiers in the martial arts venue with shock and excitement. They found the commander of their respective teams for the first time, and then in just a few minutes, the first brigade had finished the knot according to the squadron’s fixed number. Some soldiers in the crowd who had not yet come to wear armor and helmets were dressed quickly with the help of brothers in arms and then held their heads high and waited for the commander’s order!
"Twice the speed! Set out at once! Enter the defensive position! " There is no doubt that I have walked to the edge of the martial arts field, picked up my armor, tied my shin armor, wore a dagger and a square shield, and wore a red brush at the top. It is different from ordinary soldiers. The Roman centurion’s helmet is facing the ready-to-go department and shouted
"Hey, Orca, you’re here."
"What happened to blow the final horn? Is it that the Germanic Coalition forces have arrived in the city? " As soon as I hurried to the tower, Oka saw at a glance that Darryl was holding the wall and looking out with a dignified look.
"It’s obvious that your crow mouth is very accurate." Darryl joked and then made a pout outside the city with a hint of worry. "I’m afraid the number is not 20 thousand. It seems that the Germans are going to surround Stoyatum and launch a general attack from four directions at the same time."
While listening, Oka couldn’t help but gasp in air-conditioning after seeing the scene outside the city from a high distance. He was not shocked. Although Oka had experienced several wars and battles in his previous life, it was after all in peacetime. The world-wide national game was more played on the secret front, so it is impossible to involve too many people. It is the limit to mobilize a division-level military force at one time. How can it be that a small Stoyatum outside the city was stationed in a huge army with more than 30,000 people on both sides of the offensive and defensive?
Speaking of such a figure as 30,000, for some people who are used to war figures but have never experienced the battlefield personally in the future, they may be known to despise. Some people will even say that 30,000 people are nothing. A battle with a little name in World War II, which is not a battle with hundreds of thousands of troops, is really worthless, but if one day you are lucky enough to be in front of 30 thousand people, you will be ashamed of your stupidity
At the moment, more than 20,000 German allied forces are in sight outside Stoyatum! ! ! Mountains and plains are covered with dark armies like pieces of black curtains, and the endless army is moving forward with a majestic and noble murderous look, which is like the essence. The heavy pressure is like the rolling of heaven and earth, and people who lack a little courage are afraid that even their fingers will be able to control it with fear! Every step forward, the army immediately seems overwhelmed * * It sounds like a slight vibration to everyone along the ground, but it seems like a heavy hammer hitting the soul one by one, causing a trance and dizzy illusion!
Oka turned his face and saw that Darryl happened to turn his face, and his face was a bit weird. They couldn’t help but smile at each other and said, "A final bloody battle is hard!"
Section 34 Fight!
More than 40,000 Roman troops and nearly 260,000 Germanic allied forces are facing each other across the towering walls and a distance of less than 1,000 meters. They are so strong that they spread in all directions like a real murder, turning the wind into a roar and the world into a chill!
"The Germans don’t seem to be in a hurry to attack the horse. It’s strange." The city wall observed the Germanic army. Oka soon discovered the strange place. Although the Germans pulled out such a big battle, they didn’t carry siege equipment. It was obvious that they didn’t intend to attack immediately, or there were other moves before launching the attack.
"It’s normal for those damned Germans to send an invitation to the defenders to fight before a large-scale attack, and then rely on those big warriors in the tribe to kill our soldiers at will, which weakens the defensive morale." After listening to Orca’s question, Darryl looked like a sure thing. "If the defenders are afraid of fighting and don’t accept the Germans’ invitation to fight, they will laugh at our cowardice in the city! It can also hurt our morale. "
"Damn Germans, their average height is less than half a Roman foot higher than ours! These barbarians, who eat like animals and eat like blood, are simply too strong to be human! Think about the tough gladiators in the Roman Colosseum now. Most of them are German prisoners of war or slaves. I have to admit that these bastards are crazy about tomahawk, and they don’t want to face it alone, "added Arianna."
"I can’t stand the Germans throwing their weight around in front of me. If no one wants to go then, I will go to play! Even if I die, I will never choose to escape cowardly! " Hot-blooded west is extremely unwilling to anger way
Listening to the words of his companions, Orca’s heart is slightly moved. Isn’t this equivalent to fighting the generals in ancient China? I didn’t expect the Germans to have a similar practice. Isn’t this right in their arms? Big and big? Hum! Oka disdains to sneer at the fact that getting cold feet is not a weighing contest.
What those barbarians scared the Romans was that they relied on their innate physical strength. Unfortunately, this advantage was worthless to Orca who had experienced special military fighting training! If necessary, there are several ways for Oka to kill a strong man with a strong body in just a few seconds. This is the most confident and proud member of the strongest special force "Spike" in Z. Since it is arrogant to know that the Germans want to humiliate the Roman legion, that’s just right! Orca’s heart floated a little deep and murderous, and his body immediately reacted. The average person’s naked eye almost couldn’t see the amplitude, and his whole body trembled and his muscles and bones crackled, and suddenly accelerated blood circulation, bringing abundant energy to all parts of his body. Orca felt his body so surging for the first time.
Sure enough, as Darryl said, after about ten minutes, the German army finally moved in the distance. In the black tide, a road was suddenly separated. A chariot pulled by three pure black Jun Gao horses galloped straight to the city, leaving a dusty chariot surface. In addition to the charioteer, three people and two people’s costumes were faintly visible. It should be a Germanic tribal aristocratic stream.
There was quiet in the capital of Chi melee car except whispering. Sure enough, no one tried to attack this chariot city. Several squadrons were making several eagle flags at the gate. corps commander, including General Billius, also appeared one after another. It seems that they are gathering together to discuss things urgently. At the same time, a Roman-style bronze wooden chariot was heard in Ma Si, driving in two teams of deputy armed squadrons, and stopped at the gate for standby.
Look at the German chariot outside the city. It stopped about 1 meter away from the gate. In the middle of the chariot, the German looked up at the city and shouted a lot! In what to say, I know a little Germanic language. Oka and others didn’t understand what the Germans shouted. Oka and others all looked at Westers who was proficient in Germanic language.
"They are the envoys of the Germanic League who asked to see the Roman emperor and invited him to fight before the battle!" Westers naturally understood what everyone meant, so he immediately translated what the Germans had just said into Latin and repeated it again.
"The Germans are quite cunning and want to take the opportunity to confirm whether a position is in the city, but it also proves that they have put all their eggs in one basket." Darryl sneered
"Are the generals sure to refuse their request that several barbarian emissaries go out of the city to negotiate in person?" Olian pointed to the city and pointed at the Romans, laughing from time to time. The Germans said, "Damn it, we should find a way to teach these barbarians a lesson!"
As soon as Olian finished speaking, dozens of Roman soldiers had moved the big stones blocking the city gate in Qi Li, and then slowly pushed the huge thick oak city gate, he saw a military tribune of the Seventh Army representing the Roman negotiator in a uniform, and his words and deeds were impeccable. On each side of the chariot, there were 12 tall and magnificent soldiers with cold faces who guarded by shields and swords.
"Now it’s up to the generals to decide."
As the oak gate hits the charioteer and skillfully controls the horse-speed chariot, two rows of guards slowly move forward and follow the chariot to the outside of the city
Soon, the two emissaries met, because the distance was too far, so people who couldn’t hear the wall could wait quietly. Fortunately, the negotiation didn’t last long, or the Germans didn’t meet the requirements of the test, and there was no patience in this fight. They were more willing to return to the team to enjoy the pleasure of killing the Romans and stimulate the car. With the negotiation over, the carriages of both sides turned around and left at the same time.
After the carriage on this side entered the city gate, the guards immediately closed the oak door again, and the chariot stopped slowly. Oka noticed that the tribune got into the carriage with a face of indignation, and immediately reported the details of the negotiation to the generals waiting by. As the tribune spoke, the faces of several generals gradually showed a little bad color. Obviously, there was nothing too much grace in the German rhetoric.
After reporting the situation, the tribune retired to one side. After whispering to each other, several generals seemed to make a quick decision. General Aeus whispered a few words to a guard sideways, and the guard nodded and ran away immediately.
At this time, I have been paying close attention to the movement of the Germans. Daryl suddenly exclaimed, "The Germans are going to fight cavalry with us this time! Look! "
Smell speech Oka looked back and saw that the front row of the German army was just negotiating that the chariot was parked in the front row of the team, while behind the chariot, two knights armed with spears and dressed in leather armor were waiting to rein in.
"damn it! How can the general promise! Cavalry has alway been our weakness! Most of those guys in the auxiliary corps are qualified horse infantry! " Seeing the preparation, the Germanic knight Westers immediately blushed and was indignant. "We should keep a Numidian auxiliary cavalry less so that we can still hope to win!"
After listening to Westers’ words, everyone was silent. Oka also looked dignified. He already knew about the Roman legion. He also knew that cavalry was always a weak link from the establishment of the Roman army. Except for some light cavalry in Numidia, an allied country, and hired cavalry from barbarians, the Roman legion did not belong to its own cavalry, because there was no nation good at riding at the border.
It is precisely because of this that every regiment’s cavalry often acts as a scout, that is, at best, it defeats the later pursuit. If the cavalry confronts openly, the Romans can hide their faces. In this era, although the Germans did not have the prestigious knight army as in the Middle Ages, there were many tribes who were good at riding, and the fighting capacity of the Germanic cavalry was not underestimated. Obviously, the Germans were sure that the Roman cavalry was terrible and could lose face in public.
Oka was thinking of a Ma Si hoof coming to the city to meet two Roman cavalry who came to the city gate like lightning speed. They should be carefully selected cavalry from their own side. Their riding looks good. They are skilled in riding, and the three generals immediately mobilized and encouraged them before the war. At this time, the wall also sounded a cheer, which made these cavalry feel a little nervous and their morale rose.
Oka found that these cavalry are extremely well equipped, and the mounts are all excellent horses from Andalusia, Spain. The muscles are well-proportioned and strong, and the color is as bright as satin. The short-range impact and speed are amazing! While that Roman crown helmet worn by the cavalry which will affect the horse’s movement have been replaced by Corinthian helmet, spears, triangular sharp blades flashing with cold light and cold light, all with sharp short swords hanging around their waists, and all the left hands are holding solid hexagonal guards’ cavalry shields, all of which are lined with locks and armor. It’s a shame to reload the cavalry!
Just as Orca carefully observed the cavalry’s equipment, General Bilius had waved his hand and issued instructions to the warriors to hit the oak giant door again, which represented the dignity and honor of Rome. The cavalry waved their spears to the cheering robes and trotted out of the city gate in turn, and saw the cavalry appear here, and the German cavalry also left the array.
The two cavalry are facing each other, and the final battle of Stoyatum is about to begin!
Section 35 Still dare to fight!
The cavalry of both sides spread out in a row, then slowly erect the spear and stick it tightly to the chest, and at the same time slightly raise their heads to greet each other from a distance. This is rude or rude etiquette, which is recognized and pithy by warriors
The breeze blows your gun and the flag shines with a halo. The crown of the Roman olive branch indicates victory and glory! And after several bloody days, peace will come.
Hey! The spear stands high and sharp, and its blade faces the light ahead.
“RomanusBlesshewarrior! The Roman people bless the warriors! )”
Shouting inspiring slogans, the leader of the Roman cavalry took the lead in launching the charge, holding a spear obliquely and holding a horse belly in his legs! The troops jumped out of the rest of the cavalry and immediately urged the mounts to follow, and went straight to the decisive battle and charged!

Gulan has held several palace banquets in succession. First, cloud flying and Nangong have won great victories. The morale is greatly boosted. It is estimated that in a few years, Xiyue will not come to them again. Gulan has not given much material strength, but he has picked up a great bargain. Nangong Che will wake up laughing in his dreams. Second, the dowry for Princess Lieluo has long been prepared, and there is no reason for people to retain it. If it were not for such an accident, the two of them would have spent the wedding night.

Seeing that the hedge is about to leave, Seed Bud is very sad in her heart. She is her closest friend in Gulan Imperial City these days. Now her two best friends are peaceful people. The Nangong Yichen is getting busier and busier. Gulan still has a lot of important things to deal with. It is impossible to send the hedge to both of them sometimes. She gave a big gift to see her off and naturally landed in Yi Nangong Qingtou.
Ye Lingfeng brought 1000 troops when the wedding ceremony was held, and now the vast procession stretches for dozens of miles. Needless to say, the hundred thousand troops in cloud flying are spectacular enough.
Ning and Gulan became closer, and all they heard was praise and blessing.
The night wind is cool, and the moon is high in the treetops. Everyone sleeps except the soldiers on duty at night, and someone’s heart is restless again.
A lithe figure with a silver mask and a flaming gown is touching the nearby counting house.
Suddenly, the sound of "rustling" caught his attention. He looked intently and saw several soldiers bending down around several tents in twos and threes. I don’t know what they were doing. Could it be that the lonely sergeant couldn’t help but have the idea of accompanying the fashionable woman? Cloud flying burned a handful of anger in his heart. If it is true, these people will not be able to return to Ning alive. He lightened his steps and quietly walked over. He looked closely and saw some sulfur and saltpeter sprinkled around the tent, which smelled special.
Is this going to burn down the camp? He made a judgment in an instant. These men are definitely not from his army.
It’s dark and windy. Are they waiting for convenient conditions?
"Somebody, there are spies here." He suddenly shouted and quickly retreated to a hidden place.
The night is quiet, and immediately it is far away, which not only shocked these people, but also shocked the people in the camp. The night soldiers reacted first and came running in an orderly way. Soon Ye Lingfeng came here with various lieutenant generals, and heard the scolding, swords and guns hitting the night, and it was inevitable to make noise.
It seems that I don’t have my own business. These thieves Ye Lingfeng can still deal with it easily.
After thinking about it, I entered the counting room generously.
Nishang has fallen asleep, but she was awakened by the sudden sound. She got dressed neatly, rolled over and sat up, and was ready to go out and watch the fun.
The curtain of the door showed a figure, and her eyes narrowed slightly, so she didn’t have to go out. It would be more lively here than outside!
"What are you doing here?" She asked strangely, "Is that you outside?"
Cloud flying corners of the mouth a smoke he have that chat?
"No, I just found out," he said flatly.
"What are you doing here?" She held her arms and asked in a bad tone.
"I heard that you had an accident. Unfortunately, something happened in the Flame League that needs to be solved urgently. Zunhao sent his men to inquire about you," he said
Just say, the flame alliance people won’t intervene in this matter because of him.
"It’s a good thing that I’m worried about the leader." The dress said politely and distantly
"Alas, I’m sorry that I couldn’t come to the rescue because of trivial matters," he said regretfully.
Do I know you well? Dress pie pie didn’t pick up the words.
"It’s a good thing you’re safe, otherwise the North Liuyin Xiao Wan died to atone for his sins." He said maliciously, and his mask face must have changed color.
"Lord, you don’t have to be like this. Naturally, there are people who are ahead of me." I don’t know who I am with.
"Girl, we are friends, too. Will you keep people away?" He asked strangely
Cool craftsman ew net # unique} positive; Bk/its% … he $ is a thief | $; )
"Just now, you also said that it was a trivial matter. It seems that our friendship may not be so deep!" Dress sarcastically said the in the mind is a burst of uncomfortable.
Hehe, is this angry? He smiled slightly. "Girl, do you mind if you don’t show up at the right time?"
Nishang gave him a look. "Oh, who dare you be?"
"Who do you want me to be?" His smile is stronger.
"Come is to meet by chance. Two people respect Ken and help her so much." Her attitude is colder than indifference.
"Meet by chance? Girl, do you know that you are the first person who can make me run around like this? " This is absolutely true.
Hehe, thank you, Lord. In the future, the dress will be rewarded. "The dress is polite but has no gratitude at all, but it seems that he owes her."
"Such as return? "He asked if he was very interested in it!
"When the Lord is in trouble, I will beg all the people I know to search for you." The dress is very reciprocated.
"Won’t you change the way to repay me? "He repeatedly asked.
"I don’t know how many things I have done except looking for me." There are people who really saved her, but they didn’t ask for anything!

Tony is frowning.

Or that sentence?
Obadiah Stein’s position in his heart is far from what others can imagine.
At least there is no conclusive evidence. Tony doesn’t want to doubt the godfather obadiah Stein who is like a father to him.
And …
Tony looked at Mark and said, "It still doesn’t prove anything. Maybe others want to do this to make me think as they want."
Mark froze directly.
Tony’s letter to obadiah Stein is far beyond Mark’s imagination.
This is obadiah Stein.
What if the suspect is Mark?
You try
It is estimated that Tony will never need to see conclusive evidence like this.
as expected
Tony and obadiah Stein are the ones who really love each other. Pepper and Mark are mistresses.
at this moment
Mark finally realized that whenever Mark and Tony were together, Pepper had a thoughtful and weird look …
Chapter 657 Expose obadiah
After all, that sentence is still the same.
Obadiah Stanton Stark’s position in his heart is far from what ordinary people can imagine.
Godfather Tony again.
And the shareholder and CEO of Stark Industries.
If Mark were Tony, Mark wouldn’t suspect obadiah without conclusive evidence …
Mark’s eyes fell on undertaker.
Undertaker has some unpleasant feeling.
One second
Mark sighed and said, "even so, you are worthless. It’s time to send you home."
Undertaker’s expression changed.
Go home?
Back to where?
It’s better to die than to live. undertaker directly forgot his former thoughts and said in a hurry, "Wait, I’ll tell you everything you want to know."
Mark shook his head and said, "No need."
Or that sentence?
Mark is quite sure that Pepper’s car accident was instigated by obadiah, but obadiah would be foolish enough to go to Lian personally, which might expose his identity. undertaker?
Mark thought that his right hand was raised to send undertaker to the west.
Just then.
Undertaker hummed and said, "obadiah Stan obadiah Stan contacted me."
Mark released his right hand.
Tony is a change of expression.
Mark and Tony never spoke the name obadiah Stein in the conversation before undertaker.
Tony looked somberly at undertaker and said, "You’d better have evidence to prove it."
Undertaker nodded wildly. "It’s really obadiah Stein who contacted me personally. After all, he asked for it in a hurry. On the afternoon of the 16th, there was a former passenger contact. I said I wanted to make an urgent order. When I heard that the object was Ms. Pepper Potts, I refused, but …"
Tony looked at it and shut up. undertaker sank, "Go on."