Xia Lu covered her belly and suddenly burst into tears: "I’m sorry for our children …"

"He’s still in your belly. We need to have a baby first." To Hoai whale wiped away her tears. "Who told him to stand up to our confused parents? He can also recognize who told us that he was too lazy and now he has such a strong revenge that he can’t follow my aunt. After that, To Hoai whale will certainly protect himself."
Xia Lu laughed at his words.
He has the most fallacies
She is a gynaecologist and obstetrician, and she knows it very well. It’s amazing to tell the patient over and over again that one day she actually came to her body.
I was envious of Xu Jinyan yesterday, and today the child ran into his stomach.
God is really good at playing tricks on people
Jiang Zhenshu broke into the ward like a scud. "What happened?"
Xia Lu saw clearly at this moment that Ms. Jiang had tears in her eyes. To Hoai Whale was busy taking a stool for Ms. Jiang to sit down "Mom."
"Mom, why are you crying? Are you worried that your granddaughter is gone?" Xia Lu wants to tease.
As a result, Ms. Jiang slapped her hand and said, "What do you mean? I’m nervous when I hear about the abortion. My heart is you."
Xia Lu tried to tease Ms. Jiang, but Ms. Jiang broke the defense.
"Ms. Jiang loves people the most or I’d better keep my word. I haven’t known how to be a mother yet because I am your darling." Xia Lu took Ms. Jiang and shook her hand.
Ms. Jiang sobbed for a while and turned away. "A whale is still here. You still know how to be angry with me. Now the doctor says what to do so that I can prepare."
"If you stop bleeding, you should be stable. Some people do, but the success rate of abortion is also very high."
"Then ask for leave at home, or how can you be worried?" Ms. Jiang made a decisive decision
Xia Lu is a little reluctant.
To Hoai whale immediately went to her mother-in-law’s side: "I think mom is right."
"I can stop working at home for what, but I will come back to work after I have stabilized. I can’t stay at home. This is not my original intention of having children." Xia Lu objected
Jiang Zhenshu knew that she didn’t work so hard before and after her temper. At best, she went back to take over her own company. She had to study medicine if she didn’t want to listen, and she had to study so hard to make her work in Beijing. She refused to secretly go somewhere else for five years.
There is always nothing to listen to.
"You this child is not obedient have you regret"
"Ms. Jiang, can’t you not see me?"
"Well, I’ll ask your Lord when the time comes. If your Lord says yes, she says no, we’ll stay at home." To Hoai Whale dissuaded the two from fighting.
Xia Lu shrugged his shoulders: "You don’t know that pregnant women will have many problems when they stay at home, what anxiety and prenatal depression will cause, and they will inexplicably doubt that their husbands will cheat if they don’t love themselves."
"No, you can rest assured that if you don’t rest assured, you can monitor my every move for 24 hours and let you know the guarantee point." To Hoai whale said that he had raised his hand to swear.
Xia Lu smiled: "I will say that many such situations occur."
"But it won’t appear on you," he stressed.
"Let’s do it first. I can’t move or go to work now anyway." Xia Lu knows that it is necessary to stay in bed in the early stage of threatened abortion.
Overworked, even progesterone supplements may not stay.
They are too eager for the child to take risks.
"You!" Ms. Jiang always hates iron not to produce.
"Well, the whale is staying with you now. I’ll go back and make soup for you. You keep it well for me." Ms. Jiang was relieved to see that she was much better.
"Mom, no, I asked my aunt at home to send it to me soon, and I’ll take you home by the way. I was just in a hurry and didn’t know what to do. My parents have gone abroad again."
"That’s to tell me that your parents didn’t know it was so sudden."
"They immediately bought a plane ticket and came back."
"To Hoai Whale, why do you inform everyone? It’s hard for parents to spend their holidays." Xia Lu was angry
To Hoai whale patted her chest: "Granddaughter is more important than vacation. Just when you were lying there and didn’t wake up, I was already a god of six gods. Where can I take care of so many things? I asked so many bodhisattvas to work. Of course I have to tell everything."
That is, parents. He didn’t say the rest, not even Fu Jingxiao.
Xia Lu is really resistant to him. Such a husband can recognize himself.
It seems that in the center where everyone expects, Xia Lu’s physical pain has also decreased a little.
Zhang Ma rushed to the hospital with her servant, and almost all the seats were filled with Han people. Everyone in this department knows that Dr. Xia’s husband’s family is a big family, and it is hard to imagine local tyrants.
Xia Lu really wants to cover her face.
Her vest is so easy to fall off.
To Hoai whale asked the driver to send his mother-in-law back first. This is a public hospital. He didn’t even know where to get hot water. He went to the nurse’s desk to say hello and took a washbasin and towel to get hot water himself.
It was fifteen minutes after he returned to the ward. He was all thumbs in doing this, but Xia Lu felt very happy when he saw him walk in and out.
Happiness comes too fast, like a tornado.
Kid, and this guy is not skilled, Dad.
He took the hot water and found it was too hot. He washed his hands and poured cold water before wringing out the hot towel. "What are you doing?" Xia Lu watched the To Hoai whale stretch the hot towel.
"The nurse who just got an injection said to apply hot compress to her ass or it would hurt her ass." To Hoai whale explained, "I did it."
Although intimate things have been done, it’s still awkward to hot compress your ass in the ward. Xia Lu shook her head: "I don’t want to. I’m not afraid of pain. I’m not you."
To Hoai whale has pulled up the curtain around the hospital bed "take off" "It’s a threatened abortion, just as your Lord said" To Hoai whale told her.
Xia Lu’s brain said, "Threatened abortion will be accompanied by abdominal pain, low back pain, vaginal bleeding, and these symptoms coincide with her period of menstruation …" Her period of menstruation has always been forbidden to keep her mouth shut and she likes to wear short skirts in winter. She doesn’t remember that she especially wanted to get pregnant a few days ago, and then she paid special attention to it and bought test paper. Later, she didn’t care.
How could she think that she was pregnant or that her period was less?
Last month, she came for two days and didn’t come, but the situation was not as bad as this time, so she didn’t care.
Xia Lu covered her belly and suddenly burst into tears: "I’m sorry for our children …"
"He’s still in your belly. We need to have a baby first." To Hoai whale wiped away her tears. "Who told him to stand up to our confused parents? He can also recognize who told us that he was too lazy and now he has such a strong revenge that he can’t follow my aunt. After that, To Hoai whale will certainly protect himself."
Xia Lu laughed at his words.
He has the most fallacies
She is a gynaecologist and obstetrician, and she knows it very well. It’s amazing to tell the patient over and over again that one day she actually came to her body.
I was envious of Xu Jinyan yesterday, and today the child ran into his stomach.
God is really good at playing tricks on people
Jiang Zhenshu broke into the ward like a scud. "What happened?"
Xia Lu saw clearly at this moment that Ms. Jiang had tears in her eyes. To Hoai Whale was busy taking a stool for Ms. Jiang to sit down "Mom."
"Mom, why are you crying? Are you worried that your granddaughter is gone?" Xia Lu wants to tease.
As a result, Ms. Jiang slapped her hand and said, "What do you mean? I’m nervous when I hear about the abortion. My heart is you."
Xia Lu tried to tease Ms. Jiang, but Ms. Jiang broke the defense.
"Ms. Jiang loves people the most or I’d better keep my word. I haven’t known how to be a mother yet because I am your darling." Xia Lu took Ms. Jiang and shook her hand.

"I’ll inform him tonight."

Ghost hand and Rachel there looking at the baron holding his daughter away ghost hand first mouth way
"Come on, I think you are fighting. He is a baron. Look at Miao. Don’t make trouble."
Rachel knows the ghost hand. He was born in a chaotic war since he was a child. His aggressive personality made him like a fire.
Plus a few years ago, a gold medal thug was in prison, and all of them were big brothers.
I’m afraid there will be a fight if he goes to Tang Yi.
Baron but very don’t like unruly people with grenades cut is relatively honest.
After all, he is from a different background from the ghost hand. A professional player would not have been reduced to playing black boxing if he hadn’t committed murder.
"This is my business, you don’t care. Such people don’t know their weight until they give some color."
The baron’s right-hand man is only 10 million a year.
I am quite dissatisfied with the fact that the baron gave Tang Yi ten million ghost hands.
He hum a step and left. He ignored Rachel’s war.
Rachel can also shake his head. Anyway, he has advised him to do whatever he wants.
Things here Tang Yi naturally don’t know.
Lying in a comfortable cabin enjoying the pleasant sunshine.
Just contacted Li Yun. She and Shen Mengyao have arrived at the designated place.
Yu Rose talks from time to time. It’s rare that Tang Yi is on vacation. She can’t finish talking.
The day passed quickly, and it was time to leave at night.
Meet the news from there, too. Everything is ready, just wait for Tang Yi to pass by on a cruise ship.
I stretched myself and dropped the video. Tang Yi sat up.
Now that it’s dark, it’s time to find something to eat.
Tang Yi is also worried about the waiter in the Chinese restaurant.
I played that kid with myself before, and now that kid is still in the boat. Wouldn’t it be a trouble for him if he got into trouble?
But just as Tang Yi got up to go out, suddenly the door was severely kicked.
Strong door lock instantaneous deformation this let Tang Yi frowned.
Maybe the little devil who wants to die?
But soon the answer appeared in front of you.
The second foot kicked the door and it was the ghost hand that stood in front of me.
Tang Yi had seen him the nearest place behind the baron before.
I can’t believe it was him who came to the door.
"The Baron invites you to attend the night fight ceremony."
Ghost hand looked at Tang Yi with his hands in his pocket and a face of indifference.
"Is that how you all hire people?"
Tang Yi looked at the deformation and fell to the ground and asked coldly.
"It’s polite. It’s often carried away. You’d better come with me at once, otherwise I don’t mind getting someone to carry you out."
Ghost Hand

This is a robbery in troubled waters!

Originally, I didn’t intend to interfere with the theater and immediately came out with constipation. "Two hundred and two thousand pieces of gold are simply outrageous, but two hundred and two thousand pieces of silver are a saltpeter mine …"
"The adult do you know how to pick saltpeter mine? Do you know how to practice saltpeter? Do you know where there is a saltpeter mine? " Nalanqing will scare the minister as soon as he asks questions for several years.
Na Lanqing patted himself and didn’t casually raise his eyebrows in the dust. "Have you ever thought about how much gunpowder will be recovered if it is sold at a high price?" Even if we don’t sell these weapons, China will be the overlord of the mainland. Who dares to provoke them? I LanQing clearly confirmed one thing to all of you … "
Suddenly, her expression was overbearing and Wei Lin’s arrogant eyes swept through the place. Someone was overbearing and arrogant. "I, Na Lanqing, proved to heaven in Xinmin City how excellent the weapons I made were. What did ten thousand destroy against two hundred thousand enemies? It’s not how powerful the imperial cavalry is, but I can make an ordinary people one enemy and ten elite soldiers with my weapons! "
"It’s too expensive to get all my weapons in Nalanqing for a mere 102,000 gold?"
"I don’t know anything about gunpowder, but I’m telling you what to do. Doesn’t this adult think he’s over-managing?"
Nalanqing’s overbearing character shocked everyone, and everyone couldn’t help looking towards Nalanling.
How similar was Wu ‘an when the two men were young?
I am arrogant and arrogant, as if there is nothing they fear in the world.
Really worthy of being a father.
There is a faint feeling that this NaLanQing may become the second Wu ‘an Hou, or even worse …
"Applauded …"
Long Haotian’s joyful applause seems to be particularly satisfied. Looking at it all the year round, Na Lanling’s eyes are full of admiration. "I love you as if I saw you that year!"
Na Lanling casually raised his eyes and his thin lips and gently sipped, but he couldn’t see his mood. He grinned. "Thank you for your appreciation. It’s not good to be too arrogant. You need a lot of training ~"
"Oh, if you love to believe in sleeping in the middle of the night, you have to worry about whether your head will be separated?" Long Haotian mocked and laughed pleasantly, half joking.
Na Lanling smiled and bent down, "I don’t mean anything!"
It’s dangerous for both of them to laugh. It’s the kind of smile that hides the knife in the cold.
"Nalanqing listens to the order!"
As soon as Na Lanqing heard it, he immediately stepped forward and knelt down again, "I am here!"
"I’ll give you 100,000 gold. How long will it take for the Yugoslav capital army to collect the saltpeter mine?"
NaLanQing corners of the mouth smile to headphones, she hurriedly answer; "The saltpeter mine is in the mountains not far from Beijing, and we should know that prospecting is a very timely thing …"
"I ask how long it will take you to hand over the first batch of saltpeter?" Long Haotian doesn’t care how long it takes. Anyway, now that the rebels are weak, there won’t be a big battle, and they can afford to wait for one year or two.
"The first batch will give you a satisfactory answer every three months!"
"Well, don’t let me down!"
Na Lanqing laughed even more and became more dangerous. "What if the mine happens to be in some big land?"
"All veins belong to the unified mining management of the imperial court. What do you do when I give you ten thousand troops? According to the treatment of gold and silver mines! "
"Yes, I do!"
Na Lanqing’s sudden high pitch made many people feel cold.
I always feel something strange, but I can’t think of anything strange.
Long Haotian waved her up. "From today, you must go to military department to report every day. Don’t be lazy like your father was!"
Na Lanqing looked up and didn’t expect Long Haohui to speak in such a half-joking tone. He couldn’t help but look at his face and act as an invisible man every time.
"It’s my command!"
Celebrate National Day and Welcome Mid-Autumn Festival
Moonlight brought the management team to send benefits to the fairies.
The active object is the xiaoxiang hand of the reader.
Activity 1 rob the building
Activities on January 1, 124
January 4, 312
Activity 2 fan list
Reward exquisite gift 11 Xiaoxiang coins
Activity 3: Grab the answer
Activity time: January 4th 2

The iron-faced God got his hand and his body flashed backwards, and Qin Guangmin swept it away.

Qin Guangmin kept flying backwards to the edge of the forest, and then he lit a tree with his feet.
So that his feet point to the tree and his body leans forward
Qin Guangmin’s gun flew close to the iron face, and his feet slid along the tree at the same time.
Qin Guangmin slipped on the subway and fell to the ground.
The iron-faced God attacked Qin Guangmin again.
Qin Guangmin did not show weakness, and the gun in his hand stabbed the iron-faced God.
Two people fighting again.
Qin Duoduo aside is more see more lose.
The devil’s martial arts and fierceness are beyond her expectation.
Qin Guangmin’s fast gun characteristics Qin Duoduo also knows that endurance is a weakness.
This is harder than his top player.
Come here, she wants to see Qin Guangmin kill the tough king. Now it is still unknown who killed who.
Qin Duoduo is also ready to run away.
She took advantage of the fierce fighting between them to escape and shouted when she left
"run! Silly to die … Run run I ran first … "
Qin Duoduo shouted at Qin Guangmin, of course.
The "loyal servant" Qin Duoduo, the iron-faced god, is worried that he will shout at himself.
The iron-faced God attacked Qin Guangmin several times. He cried, "He won’t last long. Don’t be afraid … Don’t run and watch me kill him. Kill him. We’ll kill the monk and nun. If you run away, I’ll break your leg …"
But Qin Duoduo has slipped away.
Qin Duoduo got away, and Qin Guangmin retreated in the forest while fighting.
Qin Dingfang stabbed the God of Iron with several holes, and his hands were almost ruined, so how can Qin Guangmin be easily spared?
He couldn’t wait to swallow this stutter alive to solve his anger.
The iron-faced God struggled to pester Qin Guangmin.
Up to now, the two of them have made another 160 or 70 strokes. Qin Guangmin’s gun potential has declined, and now it has been hit hard by the ruthless god, and the gun potential is much slower.
Qin Guangmin gritted his teeth while fighting and retreating.
The longer you delay, the farther Qin Duoduo can run.
Qin Duoduo ran a mile to the east to slow down. She was worried that Qin Guangmin would walk towards a big stone. She wanted to stand a stone and look out at the forest.
See if Qin Guangmin can get away.
I didn’t expect that I was suddenly connected by someone at the edge of the big stone.
Immediately, two big holes were sealed.
Qin Duoduo stood there motionless.
Chapter 10 The flute of life and death (1)
Qin Duoduo never dreamed that the sneak attack on her was this "big stone"
It turns out that this big stone root is not a stone but a person.
This suit of clothes is painted in stone color lines, and with other shapes, it looks very similar, but it can be fake.
This stone man is Yu Beixue.
Yu Beixue watched be sycophantic with Qin Duoduo’s eyes rolling, and then he sniffed deeply at Qin Duoduo and said to himself, "It smells good …"
Qin Duoduo has never seen camouflage so superior.
Now this man is like a stone if he doesn’t speak before her.
Qin Duoduo cried, "Mom, you … you used to be human!"
Yu Beixue proudly said, "I am a human being, but it is hard for the world to see that I am a person."
Qin Duoduo immediately took out the matter of seducing men and said to her, "Hero, this thing is really amazing. It’s simply a magical warrior. I am a good woman. I am tired of passing by here and want to rest, but you sneak up on my acupuncture point. What do you want to do? Is it necessary to rob the color? "
Yu Beixue "hey hey" laughed "What a glib and cunning woman. Do you know how old I am? I’ve crossed the bridge more than you walked, eaten more than you ate salt, and if you’re a good wife, I’ll head for you from now on. You’d better be honest. "
Qin Duoduo wronged, "How can I be honest when I tell the truth?"
Yu Beixue took out two things.
It’s two small pieces of clothing
Each about the size of a thumb.
Yu Nan Xuedao "Is this your clue?"
These two pieces of clothes are exactly the clues left by Qin Duoduo yesterday. She hopes that the iron-faced god will be afraid of people coming after her so that she can get away.
But at the thought of writing a letter to Qin Guangmin, she left no clues.
Qin Duoduo suddenly understood that this eccentric who is good at camouflage is a man who is afraid of the tough god.
At this moment, a "tree" came running towards them.
Qin Duoduo immediately white this is another pretender.
That "tree" is Joy Chen’s blood.
Joy Chen’s blood and Yu Bei’s blood are traces left by Qin Duoduo. Later, although the clues were gone, they also traced them to this area.
And then Joy Chen’s blood, which is a superb tracker, was found here.
Yu Beixue said to Joy Chen, "I saw her coming here in a hurry to see her suspicious, so I captured her. I smelled two pieces of rags and they tasted the same as her body. She still didn’t tell the truth and told me that she was a good woman."

Cheng Meng and Hong An sat in the corner and heard a familiar sound. Ouyang Jing lifted her feet and came over. "Sister Meng, why did you come here? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, and how did you bring this little guy?"

Ouyang Jing sat down beside lin xi and wanted to stretch out his hand to touch lin xi’s hair, but lin xi caught him by the wrist.
Lin xi Jr. looked up at Ouyang Jing with an unhappy face and said, "Don’t touch my hair when you leave, but my mother got it for me."
Looking at lin xi’s anger, Ouyang Jing shook his head and walked to the side. He brought a glass of juice to lin xi and said to lin xi, "I’ll give you juice to drink. I just don’t touch your hair. Why put on a little face and laugh more, you know? Don’t be like your father. "
Lin xi Jr. As a result, Ouyang Jing made a face at him with juice in his hand and said with a smile, "Even my father has a smiling face all day, and my mother likes my father."
Ouyang Jing listened to his waxy mouth smile and then pinched lin xi’s little face. "Little guy, why is your mouth as poisonous as your father?"
Cheng Meng sat on one side and looked at two people looking at Ouyang Jing. Naive samples could not help but say, "Don’t tease my son. There are so many beautiful women here but look at this side."
Looking up, I really looked at a few beautiful women not far away, making eyes at Ouyang mirror, and both Cheng Meng and Hong An couldn’t help laughing. Hong An couldn’t help but quip, "Go play, remember not to play too much. You haven’t graduated from college yet."
Ouyang mirror how to listen to Bai Hongan nai turned a supercilious look "I am that person? My goddess has a dream sister. "
"Are you? Two days ago, you said that I was your goddess? "
Ouyang Jing’s words fell behind him with a smile. Ouyang Jing turned to look and saw Yali behind him in a peach dress. She shook a red wine glass in her hand and looked at her mouth. Ouyang Jing couldn’t help shivering. "I said, Sister Yali, can you always scare me like this? You are the goddess two days ago and Sister Dream is my generation."
Looking at Ouyang Jing’s glib mouth, Yali couldn’t help patting his head. "You heartless man, I just invited you to dinner. Why don’t you flatter me at that meal?"
Ouyang Jing got up and gave her position to Yali and said with a smile, "Well, I’ll give my position to you for the time being at that meal. Please sit down, miss me."
Yali couldn’t help pulling Ouyang Jing’s ear and then sitting beside lin xi, she looked up and said hello to Cheng Meng. Her eyes rested on lin xi, who stretched out his hand and touched his little head and said with a smile, "He is even cuter in the reality of seeing your son."
Ouyang Jing looked straight at Yali’s hand falling on lin xi’s head. His eyes were wide open and he looked at lin xi and Yali. He couldn’t help but say, "Hey, I just wanted to touch your head. You won’t let me touch it. How can you let Sister Yali touch it now?"
Lin xi Jr. drank the juice that Ouyang Jing just handed to Cheng Meng, looked up at Ouyang Jing and said, "You are a man. Why should I let you touch my head?"
Looking at lin xi’s cute sample, Cheng Meng and Hong Anya Lido couldn’t help laughing. Hong An looked up at Ouyang Jing and said, "Didn’t you see that you are not welcome here? Go and play with the beautiful women over there. I think they are all eager. "
Looking up at Cheng Mengmei’s smile, Ouyang Jingnai sighed but still didn’t leave the frustration and sat down opposite several people and looked straight at lin xi. "I looked at this little guy today."
Ouyang Jing was naive. Several people saw it in their eyes and didn’t speak. Everyone talked about recent things together. Ouyang Jing interrupted and talked with them from time to time. Most of the time, he was holding something for lin xi.
Today, Ouyang Jing is an inspiration to make little lin xi have a better attitude towards him.
Lin xi’s attitude towards Ouyang Jing gradually improved, but when Jing Yu came, lin xi not only ignored him, but also gave him and Jing Yu a different treatment.
Jing Yu came over and greeted Cheng Meng. "Cheng Meng, you are here."
Cheng Meng looked up at Jing Yu. I didn’t expect Jing Yu to come over today. My eyebrows couldn’t help but smile. "Are you still busy with your work these days?"
"There’s nothing to be busy about. How’s Aunt?"
"My mother has almost recovered, and now she can go to the sun in a wheelchair."
Inoue nodded. "Then I’ll wait a few days to see her."
The words fell into the well and the line of sight fell on lin xi. He smiled and said, "Why don’t you talk?"
Little lin xi looked at Jing Yu and finally noticed him. He quickly slipped from the sofa and ran to Jing Yu’s side. He held his leg and lifted his head and shouted, "Uncle, I know you."
Jing Yu picked up little lin xi and rubbed his little head. "How could I forget you? Everything I ate got dirty."
Jing Pre-sat down with a napkin and wiped the cake residue of Xiao lin xi’s body. Looking at Xiao lin xi so glued to Jing Pre-sample, Cheng Meng showed a little gratified smile at the corner of his mouth, while Ouyang Jing opened his eyes wide and couldn’t believe watching Xiao lin xi and Jing Pre-sample. Finally, he couldn’t help but say, "Hey, little guy, didn’t you say you couldn’t let boys touch your head?"
Vomitted to stick out tongue in the heart to Ouyang Jing "He is my uncle, have you and me?"
Ouyang Jingmei’s heart is slightly picky. "I’m your uncle, too. Do you still want to call me brother?"
Little lin xi pursed his lips. "You don’t know anything. I just don’t want to play with you anyway."
Lin xi Jr. doesn’t want to talk to Ouyang Jing when he is comfortable in his arms in advance.
Looking at lin xi, Ouyang Jingnai sighed, "Okay, okay, I won’t talk to you. I’ll play by myself now."
Words fall Ouyang Jingzhen got up and left.
Looking at Ouyang Jing away from lin xi, he couldn’t help smiling. Cheng Meng looked up at his eyebrows and frowned slightly, trying to make his voice very calm and said, "Xixi, did you just think that you had gone too far? Is Uncle Ouyang Jing bad for you?"
Lin xi Jr. looked at Cheng Meng’s serious little face and smiled instantly and froze in his face. He blinked and said, "I didn’t mean to. I just played a joke on him when I looked at the uncle with a good temper."
Little lin xi is so cute. Cheng Meng can’t help but don’t want to punish him, but he must preach, "There is a limit to your jokes. You just joked and made Uncle Ouyang very embarrassed and sad. If you always do this, will Uncle Ouyang still talk to you after breaking his heart?"
Listening to Cheng Meng’s words, little lin xi’s head slowly hung down and he was just about to put in a good word for little lin xi. Cheng Meng looked up at him and said, "Don’t speak for him either. We are all used to him being more and more rude."
For this part of education, Cheng Meng doesn’t want to relax at all. Whose children don’t like jokes, but after all, being smart is one thing and always hurting others by being nice to him, that is, he is wrong once or twice. But if he is hurt by his jokes all the time, how can he be nice to him?
Children are cute when they should be clever, but they are not sensible when they should not be clever.
Little lin xi looked at Cheng Meng with a poor pout and said carefully, "Mom, I know I was wrong."
"What should I do now that I know I’m wrong?"
"apologize if you are wrong."
"Good. Should you apologize to Uncle Ouyang now?"
Small lin xi clever nodded to look up and went to find Ouyang mirror figure is where there is Ouyang mirror shadow at this time?
Cheng Meng sighed, "Remember to apologize when you see Uncle Ouyang later, okay?"
Lin xi nodded again.
A few people present looked at Cheng Meng seriously and shook his head.
Hong Annai said, "If you encounter your son’s problems, you will become very serious. You are really different in peacetime. When your idol drama is not found, you can try family ethics drama, which can definitely shape the role of mother."
"Anjie, don’t joke."
Sitting on the other side, Yali couldn’t help but smile. "I didn’t find it before, but now I think Anjie is right. Since I learned that Cheng Meng became a mother, I have seen that his general temperament has also changed."
Cheng Meng picked his eyebrows. Is there such a significant change?


Please smash into the moonlight when you have a ticket in your hand.
Welcome to join the tyrant exchange group, the story of Qing sister 53371262. This group is a friend exchange group, and there are many small partners to chat with.
266 Win the Snowman again (One Watch)
A update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl as soon as possible!
"A killer will kill to do such a thing!" Long Ze said with a straight face that his hand was either an army or a killer.
I’ve never seen such a mess of abilities and forces.
"Can you really help the king?"
"no!" Na Lanqing was very domineering and answered with a confident face. "I will steal, rob, play, and play, and all the three abusive means … but I won’t take it!"
Win Yanche listened to her proud tone and smiled. "It’s enough to steal and rob!"
He cleared up and stretched out his right hand.
Winning is not too white.
Na Lanqing held his hand and shook it. "Thank you for your patronage!"
Soft hands win, rough hands hold him, and he feels a touch of softness, and his heart overflows.
In hindsight, I felt Long Ze’s cannibalism. His reflexivity was loose. Her hand tilted and she saw Long Ze sitting there with his head propped up, drinking with Nalanqing glass. Just that cannibalism seemed to be an illusion.
After sitting for a while to win, Yan Che left, and then he turned back with a black face.
If NaLanQing is here, then he …
He took a deep breath when he went back to the palace and saw two bodies in a very strange posture.
Yeah, no gas, no gas!
Fuck it, don’t be angry!
Na Lanqing is in a good mood. She writes an iou and hums a ditty. She is in a good mood. "I still think you will have a miserable life in the winning family. I didn’t expect to be a princess by the winning emperor. Congratulations to Empress Long Ze!"
"Isn’t that bad enough?" Long Ze a sullen this is a great humiliation.
If it weren’t for Xiao Qing-er’s arrival, he wouldn’t want to stay in a place like this.
He walked to the front of Na Lanqing, holding the table in one hand and the back of the chair in the other, and bowed his head. "Then you want to come?"
Na Lanqing looked at him very calmly. "Because I love you!"
Long Ze flicked her forehead with her lip and forefinger. "Lie!"
"Was discovered?" Nalanqing tilted his head and grinned.
"Hum!" Long Ze’s crazy heart slowly recovered calm. When he heard those words, his heart stopped for a moment.
It is a lie to say that you are not disappointed.
Na Lanqing lowered his eyes to cover up all emotions. "I rode with the imperial guard and betrayed the country. Let’s separate after this?"
"Do you want to throw me?" Long Ze’s face is slightly heavy, and his beautiful face is full of anger and resentment.
Na Lanqing couldn’t help but hold the cup. "If you want the throne, you can’t betray the country name …"
"You can’t throw that at me!" Longze fiercely buckled her waist and pushed her down on the chair, so that her eyes were full of dark and dark magic light, and every word was overbearing and decisive. "What do you want to do? No one can stop treason?" Everything in this world is decided by the strong, even if history can change the fear of small rumors? "
"You …"
Long Ze bowed his head and cold lips. Her side face gently touched him and quickly looked up. "You can’t dump me for a generation!"
He kept beating and felt the breath of Long Ze blowing in his face. There is no denying that she was really tempted.

Section 297

"Now that I’m out, I should be fine," Yu Xi said, as if remembering something and looking around. "Oh, where’s the blue singer?"
"It’s said that the traffic jam should be coming soon. I’ll make a message and ask one more question."
Yu Xiao picked up the bedside table phone and was about to call Blue Song when Blue Song came in panting. "Sorry I’m late."
"No, you’re just in time. Let’s go. I’ll be your driver today."
Yu Xi smiled and said, "Take the lead in picking up Yu Xiao’s duffel bag, then walk forward in a friendly way and look back at the couple." I’ll wait for you upstairs. Please hurry if you want to Nong me. "
The blue song came in a bit of a hurry. It was sunny outside, and her face was a little red and her forehead was a little sweaty.
Yu Xiao to blue song gently wipe the forehead sweat looked at this piece of pink attractive little face uncontrollably to her ear.
"I will punish you for being late."
Blue song smiled and frowned and gently pushed him and pointed to the door.
"The door is still open. What if someone sees it?"
"Is it illegal for me to kiss my future wife?"
When you say it, you will hold a woman in your arms and be treated with a "mouth punishment"
At noon, they had a simple meal at Yu’s house, and at night, they asked some friends to drink outside, which was not enough. After dinner, they went to Lan Kwai Fong to continue H.
Yu Xiao hasn’t come here to play for a long time, and now he has brought a serious girlfriend to come over. The young handsome face is full of happy smiles.
He took the blue song and sat down beside him. "Let’s play truth or dare."
When a few friends get together when the eyebrows are around, they will play truth or dare. This game is always the best way to create an atmosphere.
Once she lost her eyebrow, and that smelly girl made things difficult for her to kiss Xi Yunzheng, but then she didn’t have the courage to drink a whole bottle of beer.
Speaking of this game, it is both sweet and sad, but this time is different. She has started a new life, so she doesn’t have to stick to the past and let go and play with her friends.
Today, the blue singers are so angry that they haven’t lost even after playing five or six games. From the beginning to the end, they all put on a triumphant smile. "Do you choose truth or adventure?"
Over the past few games, everyone has got to know each other again. Miss Lan, who is always gentle and quiet, never thought that she was so cruel and violent when playing this game.
If she chooses a big adventure, she is likely to let men go to the table to perform gorillas beating their chests and shouting, or squat at the table to perform the whole process of constipation, or even pose three hibiscus sisters in an S-shape, which is the most extreme for them to dance pole dancing.
It’s terrible that Yu Xiao’s evil friend was fooled by her, but the worst thing for all of you here is Yu Xiao.
Yu Xiao naively put on a tablecloth and performed the most classic passage in Extreme: "I’ll take off my clothes, I’ll take off my clothes, I’ll wear them again …"
Yuxi is in charge of the video. "My brother’s posturing is really killing me … haha …"
Everyone wants to, and Blue Song dares to deal with it like this, which is less dangerous.
Yu Xiao feels that this is retribution. Who made him love the trick before, and now he is being miserable by this woman?
In fact, these tricks of Blue Song are all learned from Mei Wu, the ghost girl can be said to be the queen of this game, which is quite sharp.
Think of eyebrow Wu blue song some sad in my heart.
Mei Wu, don’t you think it’s too cold and cheerless when there is no one to play with you over there?
She drinks a glass of wine with a slight sour nose.
Tian Cheng knows that she misses Mei Wu. In fact, as soon as she plays this game, she jumps out of Mei Wu’s head and laughs. She is so charming and handsome that she always attracts everyone’s attention.
"Blue Song, don’t feel bad. I’ll burn her a deck of truth or dare cards."
Her mouth was telling Blue Song not to feel bad, but her eyes were not red.
Yuxi sat beside them and listened to it, but his heart was not pleasant.
She thinks it’s not far from the day when the truth comes out, and I will personally tell you that I can’t receive any more things because I still live in the same world with you.
A new game has been played again. Everyone secretly gritted his teeth, including Yu Xiao, who is waiting for the "shame" blue song. Which sentence is defeated? She must not beg for death for her whole survival.
Maybe God heard the prayers of these drunken guys and finally lost in a game of blue songs.
Several bullied men and women laughed in a hubbub. "Miss Lan, are you going to wear the truth or take a big risk this time?"
Sure enough, people are floating in the rivers and lakes, but they don’t get stabbed.
Blue song sighed in a low voice and chose the big adventure neatly.
A woman who has been through too much will not say or dare to say the truth.
A few people got to smile again, "Miss Blue is really awesome."
Everyone came here and drank a lot of wine. Tonight, "Huan Tuo Lan Ge" drove the atmosphere to the extreme.
In addition to sitting alone in the corner, Yu Rui and Yu Xiao got together to "crusade" against the blue songs.
It’s not so much a discussion as a look at Yu Xiao’s expression of eyes.
After the discussion, everyone looked at her. It was a great revenge. Pioneer Yu Xi patted the wine table and said with a generous smile, "Blue Song, you give him a snake kiss."
Yu Xi pointed to the noble man with his arm on the sofa. The man smiled with reserve and evil, as if to say my little song. When I come out to mix, I always have to pay you back and let me play it. Of course, I have to ask you to get it back twice.
Blue song is sad from the bottom of his heart. This guy is really annoying
If I had known, I would have let him run around here and shout that he would never wet the bed again.
After all, it’s not very humane to let open the door and show you topless in front of everyone
Is this snake kiss?
Why don’t you kiss the snake in front of so many people?
You know, Uncle Yu Xiao was there, but he was a parent.
How can she do intimate things with Yu Xiao in front of her parents?
Blue Song looked at Yu Xiao with injustice. "Can we change the way of playing this … a bit old-fashioned?"
"Ah … Miss Lan, you forgive us. We are all elm heads. We can’t think of a very fresh way to play this. And Miss Lan, don’t you feel full of passion? Remember when the snake kisses, let us all see you and the little snake head. "
This speech is Tian Cheng.
Yu Xi is Yu Xiao’s younger sister. Why did Tian Chengdu "defect"?
Blue Song wondered if Tian Cheng had taken advantage of Yu Xiao.
Except Yu Rui, everyone is very much looking forward to this moment to see if it is better to be married and kiss with blue songs or to pick up girls than to eat more.
Blue songs, these people have definitely accepted the benefits of Yu Xiao, absolutely.
"Can I kiss a woman?"
The two women present (Yu Xi and Tian Cheng) shook their heads like rattles. "We’re not lily. It’s normal to have a surname orientation. Please talk up, Blue Song."
It seems that I can’t escape this robbery.
The blue song was obeyed, and everyone reluctantly said "okay"
And Yu Xiao sat there with her legs crossed, waiting for her to put her mouth in.
Two people get close eyes on the moment blue song face is purples but person.

Without weapons, Nalanqing’s close combat with bare hands was excellent, while Long Zeli was particularly strong, and the two men barely tied.

Holding Na Lanqing’s hand, she threw it at one side of the tombstone. Her back hit the tombstone and she felt the burning pain behind her. That gas in her heart …
It is even more ruthless to Long Ze
Modern capture, military boxing, judo boxing …
A lot of martial arts in Long Ze, her moves are strange and flexible, and it is difficult for Long Ze to parry.
At this time, I really realized that Nalanqing was good at close combat, and he dared not take it seriously again.
Na Lanqing grabbed Long Ze’s hand and was about to make an over-the-shoulder throw. When Long Ze stopped her shoulder with one hand, she turned around with one hand and hugged her head, squeezing her and hitting her with the force …
Na Lanqing punched Long Ze hard in the abdomen and he froze …
Hold her and let her back hit a tree pole. Her head hit the tree pole and she suddenly felt groggy …
In my ear is Long Ze’s gnashing voice "Cry!"
"No way!"
Na Lanqing bit her lip and hissed … The back of her head is estimated to have knocked out a bag.
Lift the foot to Long Zeti and kick it directly … biting enough to want him to cut off his grandson.
Long Ze quickly retreated and his eyes turned up with great anger.
very good
Is it true that happiness is gone after you are afraid of death?
Pulling NaLanQing to learn to move her is an over-the-shoulder throw, which keeps her on the ground and buckles her neck …
He LanQing hand also grabbed the Long Ze neck …
She was pinned down and pinched each other’s necks, which seemed to be neck to neck.
Long Ze narrowed her eyes and looked at her … At the same time, Na Lanqing grabbed Long Ze’s neck and at the same time …
Neither side will back down.
Long Ze let go for a long time …
"I can’t stop!"
Na Lanqing looked at Long Ze’s face. Although he had just fought, he did have the strength to make her suffer minor injuries and pain, but he couldn’t really die.
Na Lanqing grabbed Long Ze’s neck and didn’t let him go. She took the initiative to let him go and surrender. She pursed her lips.
A sullen light tut-tut also let go of his hand "didn’t go!" "
"Then your hand!" Long Ze lips.
"You and I dare not? Always pity you! " NaLanQing she pretend car-scrapping looked at Long Ze bleeding corners of the mouth that was injured by her.
Feel a little distressed
Long Ze stared at her. "You are really out of tune!"
"Ah … who just said I just didn’t have the guts not to cry? No man, get out! " Na Lanqing’s face shows a bit of contempt, but he doesn’t know that men are very sensitive in this respect.
Can’t stand provocation
I reached out and grabbed her. Ba Long Ze’s cold face showed a cruel smile and turned back to the people around him. "Everyone roll to 300 meters away and turn your back and don’t look back!"
Long Ze gave a distant person a conscious look at the two men when he heard it, and his face was exposed.
I see …,
Welcome everyone to pay attention to moonlight, Weibo warm moonlight 16
Do you have any tickets? Monthly ticket recommended votes can be voted for moonlight! XOXO
Welcome everyone to join the group. There is soft moonlight to flirt with.
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
Qingjie Story 53371262
77 small qing son don’t you cry, I have no balls (5)
Update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl!
77 Qing son don’t abuse you cry I have no balls (5)
Qiqi obedient turned around and then three hundred meters away from the Wolf snow pulling lily quickly away.
Lily’s hearing is too good. 300 meters is not enough. She can’t teach anything badly. Lily.
"What do you do?" Na Lanqing stretched out his hand to push Long Ze, but Long Ze was as calm as a mountain. She even struggled with kicking and kicking.
Long Ze held her hands and thighs and pressed her to move. When she attacked, her hands held her head and kissed her.
"get out!" Na Lanqing kicked Long Ze with a growl, and she got up instantly, but her body was uncontrolled and flew towards Long Ze’s arms. When she came to her senses, Long Ze hugged her, and she hugged her like a baby.
"Long Ze, you idiot, let me go!" Na Lanqing was held in her arms by Long Ze, and Long Ze wore it from her knee. This dangerous posture made her feel bad.
Hold the dragon head, and she will tighten her grip.
Will you let it go? Don’t let go of the real hand!
Long Zegen ignored her and picked her up in a very dangerous posture, then pressed her to the tree’s chest.
NaLanQing a surprised force bite to Long Ze neck mouth is very heavy.
Long Ze’s neck was bleeding. He narrowed his eyes and stared at Nalanqing’s breath. He was not gentle but very rude.
It’s really against the sky not to teach a good lesson.
Blood flowed from the neck, and the burning pain made Long Ze almost mad.

Eunuch manager brought the Emperor wearing clothes to sit on the stage for examination and approval overnight, raised his eyes, rubbed his forehead and looked at the Emperor. "Good boy, you’re here." The Emperor asked him to touch the Emperor’s ordinary family before his second son, and distinguish between "I know that my father is worried about the country recently, but you should take care of your health." The Emperor looked at the Emperor with anxiety. "I heard that my mother had just been here, and she must have come because of something. You must not be soft-hearted. The Queen must be sure. And her mother instructed that if they succeed in their machinations, not only will you change your surname, "the second emperor looked at the emperor with a face of concern." From now on, she is no longer a queen, and her position is not worthy. "The emperor said seriously.

"I’m old but I’m not confused. I’m really not as good as before in recent years. Hum! But this Jiangshan will be in my hands one day, so it’s not too easy to get their hands on it. If it doesn’t work, I want to start with the harem. Oh, forget it. Let me have a good look at you. "
The second emperor turned his eyes. "Father doesn’t have to worry too much. I know that you are worried about being too rebellious. I have deployed everything. I know that you can’t do it under the influence of the queen’s mother family, but I hope you can share your worries. I have found a thin horse and a dark guard to send them to assassinate me. I am sure that you can solve the menace and stabilize my country." Looking at Er, I am so deeply relieved.
Later, the Emperor Shi drank the medicine and walked to the palace gate accompanied by the eunuch manager. "Your filial piety will be white," said the eunuch manager. "My father’s health is not only good for me, but also for Li Min and the people."
"Well, my father-in-law stopped." The second emperor arched his hand and left the palace. The eunuch manager looked at the back of the second emperor and felt that the sky seemed to change.
Chapter 324 Hydrangea to marry someone.
On the other side, it was very unexpected to receive a letter from the Second Emperor. So it was executed by the imperial edict?
However, it was expected that when Jiang Curtain was going to burn the letter, Shen Xuefu came in and asked casually, "Who wrote?"
Seeing Shen Xuefu, Jiang Curtain Cold became another person. He smiled gently and his eyebrows were full of tenderness. "It was a letter from the Second Emperor. He told me about the palace."
Shen Xuefu was a little surprised to hear him say that things happened in the palace. "It’s too late for a result. Have you never dealt with the Emperor and tipped you off?"
"That’s what I thought, but what the letter said shocked me a little, madam. Look," Jiang Curtain Cold handed her the letter.
Shen Xuefu was not very interested. She wrote a letter with a few words "too executed by the emperor"
Shen Xuefu’s reaction when he saw the news was exactly the same as that of Jiang Curtain’s cold. When you say nothing, they glances at each other.
"I see, but it’s a surprise to you and me. The emperor was really cruel to him, but he deserved it when he thought about it carefully."
"If he cherishes his position, how can he lose his life? It really serves him right."
Shen Xuefu leisurely vomit a cold river curtain. Seeing this, she couldn’t help saying, "What a suck!" They both laughed and burned the letter by the cold river curtain.
The envelope burned in his hand and eventually turned into ashes. Shen Xuefu waited to see him burn out and naturally rolled up his arm.
Jiang Mu Han is also very spoiled and touched her head. "What’s wrong with my wife? Tell me what’s wrong. I’ll teach her a lesson at once."
Shen Xuefu shook his head in his arms and then put his arm around his neck and muttered, "It’s not your daughter who sticks to me every day. Isn’t this your busy these two days? She’s crying to go shopping!"
Jiang Curtain Cold looked down at his wife and thought she was very cute. Shen Xuefu bowed her head and felt wronged. Thick eyelashes were very beautiful.
"It’s all my fault that I was too busy to take you out for air these days. Let’s go clean up and go shopping now."
Shen Xuefu loosened his neck with some surprises. "Really? Then I’ll change into a beautiful dress for my daughter and get more silver for you."
River curtain cold nodded with a smile and waited in situ for the mother and daughter to change their clothes.
The three of them successfully went out, and a family of three walked neatly in the street. The three of them attracted many people to look back at them.
Shen Xuefu and her daughter are very lively, wandering around the street and buying a lot of jewelry and gadgets. Jiang Curtain Cold is responsible for taking good care of them and patiently accompanying them.
"I’m wearing this. It looks good," xianggong ".Shen Xuefu has a bright smile on her face and looks back with a smile.
"A good-looking lady looks good in everything, but it’s just a foil to her beauty." His eyes smiled into the shape of the moon and the family was very happy.
Walking with a family of three, we came to the busiest street, where there is the most luxurious restaurant in the city, and the people outside the restaurant are very busy and noisy.
The three people looked curiously at the scene outside the restaurant. I don’t know what happened, which made the front of the restaurant besieged.
Hearing the drum music, everyone looked at Fangjiang Curtain with the same eyes, but he was not interested in this excitement. He followed his wife and daughter in the crowd without moving his eyes.
"Want to throw it away? If you can grab it, wouldn’t it be a son-in-law of the duke? This is the song of the daughter Lin Yue of the duke."
"Stop it. I must grab this hydrangea. The son-in-law of the city owner must grab it. I won’t worry about the second half of my life!"
The crowd is crowded, and everyone is living crazy. Compared with trying to catch the hydrangea of Yuege Lin, a red hydrangea falls from the restaurant.
The bottom people are crazy, they run on each other and even trample on each other, but they are still fighting fiercely for hydrangea.
Seeing the red hydrangea thrown high from the restaurant to the periphery of the crowd, he was flying straight to the cold river curtain. His mind was in his wife and daughter’s body but he didn’t care what happened here.
He felt something coming from a distance, and he caught the unknown thing quickly and looked down at it, but it was hydrangea.
Hydrangea fell into his hands, and the crowd was suddenly silent. All eyes were focused on the cold body of the river curtain.
Restaurant darling daughter also stared at his expression with surprise and shyness.
"This gentleman has received this golden hydrangea, and you are her destiny takes a hand to get married. Let’s congratulate!" Just leave someone shouting
Jiang Curtain is cold, but he has a blank face. He doesn’t know what happened. Hearing these inexplicable words, he looks up and realizes that this is a hydrangea wedding activity.
"You have received a hydrangea from the Nu family, even if you accepted the marriage with the Nu family, you have heard that you are the one I am destined to marry!" Darling daughter domineering propaganda face is red.
Jiang Mu’s cold face is even more surprised that he was just passing by. Why did he get involved in this matter? He was very nai and explained indifferently, "I’m sorry, miss, I was passing by, but I didn’t expect to accidentally receive your hydrangea."
"I have a wife and daughter, and our family is very happy. You can take this hydrangea back and throw it again. I’m really sorry, miss."
Hearing the words of cold river curtain, all of them suddenly sighed and vomited, "What is this man holding lofty? He grabbed it and said it was careless."
"Yes, this is the daughter of the duke. It’s ungrateful that he should dare to say such a thing."
Seeing that things are getting worse and worse, Jiang Curtain is still holding hydrangea in his hand, and the daughter is smiling and looking at herself, feeling that how to say it is not clear.
"Miss, please throw it again," he continued.
I didn’t expect that Qianjin was very stubborn. She looked at Jiang Curtain with a pair of spoony eyes and uttered jaw-dropping words, "No, no, no, I don’t mind if you have a wife and daughter."
"I can be your wife. You are the most handsome young man I have ever seen. How can I let you go so easily and give up so easily?"
Jiang Mu cold unexpectedly choked for a moment. "Miss Jiang is not unappreciative, but I don’t want to be like this. Please find someone else."
Chapter 325 Do small things.
Seeing that Jiang Muhan was so unwilling to marry his own young lady, the Lins said, "The rules of throwing hydrangeas to get married. Three-year-old children all know that this male will get married with my young lady."
Yue-ge Lin looked at the cold curtain of the river with a shy face. "Don’t push the nu house to believe that everything is predestined."
When this statement comes out of the river, it is cold and instantaneous, with a black line on its face …
"Miss!" He was a little embarrassed over there. "Everything is easy to discuss, but getting married is not a trivial matter, and my side is also legal …"
After saying his word, the girl around Lin Yuege frowned. "This gentleman is watching!"
She pointed to the people around her. "Everyone saw that the public received the hydrangea from our lady. If the public refused to marry, wouldn’t it be a joke for our lady?"
People around are talking about it.
Several dude brothers lamented, "Why can’t this day’s good thing fall on my head? It happened that I fell into a stupefied head! "
Others are very contemptuous of the cold river curtain.
"Is there something wrong with this man’s brain?" They kept looking at the cold curtain of the river. "Even Miss Lin’s hydrangea is not willing to pick it up. Is this not water?"
Everyone is talking about it.
Look at the people around you and swallow a mouthful of cold consciousness.

The doctor sighed lightly. "I’m sorry we tried our best."

If it’s a body blow, that’s it.
Xiao-Jing Zhou took one look at the collapse of the hospital bed for a second and cried. She jumped to the bed. "How can you leave us if you can’t sail?" I forbid you to leave! ! !”
Gu Jiujiu’s body shook, and then tears suddenly stayed uncontrollably.
How did this happen …
"Dad …"
Gu Zhifan left …
Xiao-Jing Zhou is also like an out-of-body experience.
When Xia Yifei arrived, he saw Gu Jiujiu pale.
Gu Jiujiu tears flow more and more "Xia Yifei my dad he …"
Xia Yifei naturally knew about Gu Zhifan’s "sister-in-law’s grief"
No amount of comforting words seems to be of no help at the moment.
Gu Jiujiu shook his head. "How can Dad just throw us away? I also want to tell him that he already has a grandson, but what …"
Xia Yifei saw that her face was white and terrible, and hurriedly helped her to sit down.
"Sister-in-law, calm down your emotions. You are pregnant now. If you are too excited, it will be good for the fetus."
Baby …
Gu Jiujiu raised her hand and stroked her belly.
She lost her lover and her father in just over half a month.
She tried desperately to be strong, but … She was so tired, so tired …
Gu Nianhao also came to the hospital after receiving the news.
She fell in front of Gu Zhifan’s bed and wept bitterly.
The whole ward was filled with sadness.
Finally, everyone’s mood calmed down a little later.
A few people will discuss the Gu Zhifan behind him.
Gu Zhifan’s funeral is naturally decent.
Several people set Gu Zhifan’s funeral in two days’ afternoon.
After the discussion, Gu Nian and Luo Yiyang left the hospital.
Gu Nianhao is still immersed in a sad atmosphere and can’t slow down for a long time
She looked up and saw Luo Yiyang’s lip angle slightly evoke a smile.
Her father just died and he laughed. She was angry and punched Luo Yiyang. "My father just died. Do you have to be so happy!"
Luo Yiyang grabbed her hand. "I know you’re sad. You just cried enough in the ward. No matter how sad you are, you can’t delay the event, can you?"
Gu Nianhao frown "what’s the big deal? Is there anything bigger than my dad’s death now? "
LuoYiYang should laugh "why not? I remember it was interesting to give Gu Shi to your wild sister before your father. I think since he was interesting, he might have such documents. Now he is dead. If these documents really exist, it will be his will. If these fall into your sister’s hands, Gu Shi will really become her! Don’t forget that your sister is not a family member! "
Gu Nianhao zheng
I just forgot about it after I was sad.
"But what if there isn’t? I also overheard my dad talking about it. "
"I’m not afraid of 10 thousand, I’m afraid that if you go back to your family and look for it now, if not, you can look back again," Luo Yiyang said
Gu Nianhao pursed her lips and nodded.
That’s right
Now that Dad has passed away, there is only this Guggenheim left. She is determined not to let this Guggenheim fall into Gu Jiujiu’s hands!
Song Yuyan and Shi Lei went to the airport and got off the plane.
"Second, Shi Lei has a problem that is not too white."
Song Yuyan gave him a lecture.
"Then why did Princess Jenny suddenly let us go?"
Song Yuyan drank saliva and told him something.