Coupled with the blood crow palace, the main means of the palace are fierce and powerful, and many scattered practitioners have bowed to their knees.

The Blood Crow Palace is now superior to the five main doors!
Lingyun, the patriarch of dimly discernible peak, leaps up and looks dignified.
Blood crow palace army, dense for ten thousand monks.
There are more than 100 Yuan Ying Zhen Jun alone, and many of them are well-known and scattered demons in the field of repairing truth in Zhou Dynasty.
Then reality is more than one thousand!
I’m a monk named Tsukiji, and I’m not a spiritual practitioner.
This kind of power collided with the practitioners, and almost any flying sword and spiritual skill killed the aftermath of generate, which was enough to kill the practitioners.
At the forefront of the blood crow palace army is a middle-aged man in a blood robe with dark green eyes and indifference. It is the Lord of the blood crow palace.
With a wave of his hand, the Lord of the Blood Crow Palace said, "Kill the chickens and dogs for me!"
At the same time, Ling Yun, the patriarch of the dimly discernible peak, raised his arms and shouted, "Zongmen is in danger. Our monks should try their best to protect the last pure land of Zongmen!"
Dimly discernible peak all know that they have no way out.
Boom Boom Boom
Shimen in the back mountain was hit by Juli, emitting dozens of horrible smells.
In the dimly discernible peak, Yuan Ying Zhen Jun also appeared in succession.
Patriarch Ling robbed and led hundreds of Yuan Ying Zhen Jun and nearly a thousand Jin Dan Mahitobe out.
The number of blood crow palace is not strong, and the heritage is revealed!
However, due to the strict collection of disciples at Dimly discernible Peak, there are not many monks but more than 2,000 people.
Once the war breaks out, the battlefield will inevitably fall into the wind.
Of course, the final direction of this war does not depend on the battlefield at the Tsukiji level, nor does it depend on the battlefield at the then and Yuan Ying levels.
But to see the final confrontation between the strong and the virtual!
Ga ga!
Exhausted blood crows gave out a series of shrill cries and rushed to kill the monk army in the dimly discernible peak, like locusts crossing the border, which made people’s scalp explode!
With a resounding sound from heaven and earth, there is a strong breath in generate!
A figure broke out with red hair and was full of terror. There was a need for coercion and wanton eyes, but she was a beautiful woman.
"Crane predecessors!"
"The crane elder is out!"
Dimly discernible peak to burst into alarm, and everyone was delighted.
The old crane looked up at the flood of blood crows, and the eyes were bright and the eyebrows exuded a mysterious fluctuation. Suddenly, Zhang Tankou spewed a hot and red flame!
This flame spread like wildfire, and the fever became red for half a day.
Counting blood crows turned to ashes without saying a word.
The Lord of the Blood Crow Palace hummed and rose up. There was already a bloody bone stick in the palm of his hand, and a skull was embedded at the top, emitting a strange and gloomy atmosphere.
"Blood tattoo curse!"
The Lord of the Blood Crow Palace waved the bloody bone staff in his hand, saying something in his mouth, and the obscure scale bytes came out, and the terrorist forces fluctuated in the virtual!
The black hole in the skull eye socket suddenly produced two lotus flowers in generate.
The skull head is alive, and it usually opens its mouth to spit out a green awn.
Lotus flower, green mans fusion condensed a drop of blood!
Blood came to the head of the old crane and suddenly burst and spread. The strange ripples slowly fell and bound the old crane in.
Hey, hey!
The blood-tattooed spell forms a bloody aperture, and when it touches the old crane, it immediately arouses a series of blue smoke.
Directly corrode the clothes of the old crane, and the snow-white skin inside will also show scorch marks.

It is well known that Fu Yurong likes Chu Hanxuan. She looks calm and looks hard at the shallow sneer and says, "So what if I like my third brother? I grew up with him. He is handsome, talented and superb in martial arts. Women will be attracted to him. Even if you have an engagement with your third brother, if you haven’t married your third brother, you are nothing. Besides, even if you marry your third brother, you can marry another woman." This ugly woman won’t like her.

Listen to Fu Yurong, did Chu Hanxuan frown slightly and marry another woman? What I want to marry most for him is the girl who is as quiet as a lotus in the dark, cold and holy. It’s not shallow, but it’s my father’s will, and it’s shallow for him …
At this moment, Fu suddenly went to shallow, and she explained, "Fourth Sister, don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely no second thoughts about Xuan Wangdian. You and I are sisters. How could I do anything to hurt you?"
She frowned and tried to hide from her, but her arm seemed to be wrapped around her. She frowned and said, "Let go!" "
Suddenly tear a large sleeve and tear it to reveal the white arm.
Chu Hanxuan looked at this scene and frowned. This fu really explained what to do. Don’t you know how important it is to be innocent? He is not shallow-minded, but she is her fiancee. He is ready to take off his robe and hand it over at once.
At this moment, an exclamation came, "Where are you, Fourth Sister? !”
This seems like thunder, and the whole garden is boiling instantly. There is no palace sand and no palace sand. Isn’t that right?
ChuHanXuan hand a face transient metal gray palace sand! His eyes were fixed on the shallow white arm, but although he was a man, he also knew that a woman would order palace sand and she would! He clasped his hands and looked sullenly at the cold-looking woman across the street. In his mind, he unconsciously remembered the scene of her with Helan Yunzhao that night.
Seems to be aware that I put my foot in my mouth, fu tightly covering her mouth and looking around in horror.
Wuyang princess royal looked at her daughter and said her wish. She didn’t sigh. She also told her brother that the two marriages were related, but her brother didn’t promise to let Xuan Wang marry lightly. However, it seems that today is an opportunity and not necessarily.
"Bold and shallow, you dare to humiliate my royal family. Today’s Palace will definitely represent the royal family and will not spare you." Wuyang princess royal said angrily.
Fu Yurong looked at this scene with a happy heart. It turned out to be a loose woman. Today, she will end up like this.
Then Yan ran suddenly came out and pointed to the shallow and said, "Don’t be shallow. We didn’t know that I saw a man go out from your hospital that day. I didn’t expect you to be a shameless bitch."
When this word came out, it was obviously a mockery of shallowness. At the same time, it was ridiculous to say that shallowness was loose woman. What good goods was she herself? !
Yan ran turned white. Anyway, she won’t let Asa feel better.
"Shallow you tell the king clearly!" ChuHanXuan looked at the end without saying a word, gnashing her teeth and saying, Is this woman challenging his limits?
Chapter 40 Marriage between men and women is irrelevant
Disdain and abuse around me are like waves, but they are still shallow. She looks at the opposite Chu Hanxuan indifferently and says, "Do you have anything!"
What do you have-
Chu Hanxuan’s eyes were red and he looked shallow. He had never been so humiliated and was exposed in public. Another man had an affair and lost the most precious female confinement sand! And she replied, "What do you have?" His dignity was trampled on by her at this moment.
Fu looked at Chu Hanxuan’s dark face, and that’s it. The Xuan Wang Dian will definitely take a break, and then she will be the princess of Xuan. My aunt told her that Shao was a wise man and told her to be careful, so much for her to watch.
"Xuan Wang Dian, you don’t have to be angry. Sisi was confused for a moment. She already knew that she was wrong." Fu said with a talk and immediately looked shallow. "Sisi, you are quick to apologize to Xuan Wang Dian and ask him to forgive you."
"Forgive? She has done such a mean thing and still wants Xuan Wang Dian to forgive her? She is as shameless as her bitch! " Yan ran sneer at and said
Suddenly, "pa", the calm-faced woman slapped her face in front of everyone.
Everyone looked at her in amazement. Is she crazy? Can’t an ordinary woman dare to beat her first daughter in front of princess royal and Xuan Wang Dian? ! It’s strange that the outside is shallow and overbearing, and it really deserves its name.
"Fourth sister, how can you start work on second sister?" Fu was also surprised and quickly returned to absolute being.
"Pa" shallow backhand directly gave Fu a slap. "I not only hit her, I also hit you." In this world, she can endure everything except that person.
Chu Hanxuan was shocked and looked at the scene in front of him for a long time before he came to his senses. He raised his voice and shouted, "You are presumptuous!"
"I am presumptuous? What if I am presumptuous? If we want our engagement to be returned, I will be the future princess Xuan. Even if I kill them, no one will dare to touch me! " A shallow sneer swept around the eyebrows with arrogance.
Fu was inexplicably slapped in the face, and her heart was angry and tight, but it was not yet time to turn against her. She cried, "Don’t be angry with her four sisters and four sisters in Xuan Wang Dian …" She seemed to be unable to say goodbye and cried herself.
Chu Hanxuan has been hurt by her shallow heart and lungs at the moment. She lost her virginity before she repented and didn’t ask for forgiveness. Now she is still fighting against the status of Princess Xuan. She doesn’t even give her first sister’s face. She is nothing like a woman like white-haired ice Ji. He doesn’t want it!
"Xuan princess? The king will be interesting to see if you are not Princess Xuan! Somebody get the pen and ink for the king. The king is divorcing this woman today! " ChuHanXuan slowly coldly looking at shallow, he is disgusted with this woman now.
Wuyang princess royal smell speech one leng, she took one look at her daughter’s earnest appearance in her eyes, and then nodded at one side servant. If brother blames her for this today, it is.
Everyone looks at the shallow eyes full of ridicule and disdain. Such unfaithful, unclean and arrogant women deserve to marry Xuan Wang Dian. Maybe they will have a chance to marry Xuan Wang.
Smile at one another with fu. I finally got rid of my great misfortune.
Chu Hanxuan directly dumped Hugh on a servant’s back and said coldly, "From now on, it’s irrelevant for Chu Hanxuan to marry a man and a woman!"
To collect …
Chapter 49 Mysterious purple man
Shallow and accurate, I took Hugh’s look at the wet ink, and the corner of my mouth evoked an imperceptible radian. It’s really not easy to take a break. Today, the play was not sung in vain, but she deliberately revealed it to Fu earlier. She didn’t keep the palace sand, but she repeatedly angered her hand to her, and that Fu Yurong is also worthy of being princess royal’s daughter who knows the female fighting method. It’s not bad. She is too lazy to appreciate the schadenfreude expression of those people now. Thought of this, she turned to leave.
Wuyang princess royal suddenly came from behind to "lightly trample on the royal majesty and someone will arrest her for the palace."

"Almost." Samby casually found a broken chair and sat down. It seems that he wants to chat with Huang Xuan for a long time.

No matter whether the other person has energy or not, Huang Xuan knows that there is no hope of winning. He obediently found another dirty chair and sat down and said, "People outside say that you killed a senior traveler with a pound gun."
"That’s right." Samby laughed and let Huang Xuan see some Chu also setting shadows. He clapped his hands and said, "Level 1 travelers are naturally senior travelers."
"Level 1?" Huang Xuanzui, Boss Zhang, the only one he knows about first-class travelers is the Huadao people who say that a single man destroyed a senior man.
"Otherwise, how could you be exiled?" Samby said with a change of face and some embarrassment. "Is Chu also good?"
Huang Xuanlai didn’t digest the information from Samby and rubbed his head. "Miss Chu is very good, but she is in charge of the administration."
He wants n bss
Samby obviously saw Huang Xuan’s idea and laughed off. "I was also a member of the Authority at that time, and I would be relieved if I was also fine."
Huang Xuan secretly stunned the martyr daughter. The starting point is Gao Dad’s great daughter. The fit is naturally relatively great. Isn’t this the foundation of a family?
Chapter five hundred and fifty-one Samby (1)
The two men were silent for a moment, thinking about their own worries, or Huang Xuan was the first to lose his temper. "I think it seems that no one has come here for a long time. Where do you usually live?"
"Live outside or in the living area" Samby laughed. "Come on, young traveler, I’ll find you a place first."
Through a half-collapsed passage, you can see the light from a distance. Huang Xuan saw that Samby’s face was still good, and he vented his doubts. "Mr. Samby, do you know that Chu also went to the trial? Can you see the whole trial plane?"
"I am the keeper of this plane. What do you say I don’t know?" Samby laughed like a wolf taking the wrong medicine.
Huang Xuan couldn’t say a word.
The living area seems to have been cleaned, tables, chairs and benches, especially there are many decorations. It is very strange to see Huang Xuan. It is reasonable to say that normal bases will try to expose as little as possible, and most of them need energy to apply.
Huang Xuan didn’t speak quietly. Now, it’s better to say less and see more. Is he safe or not? Is this Samby warrior almost a Jing Ke or has he succeeded in living in Jing Ke?
Samby didn’t stop in the living area, but stopped when he walked all the way.
Huang Xuan darling Samby dare not say a word behind him.
Samby smiled and said, "Who are the seven executive members of the Administration?"
"That … I don’t know." Huang Xuan replied in a silly way
"What about my daughter? I mean, A Ning state?" Samby said as he sat down.
"Pretty bad, much worse than me …" Huang Xuangang said half a sentence and saw four beautiful girls come in with something like a basin of towels. She almost fell to her finger and quickly took it back.
"You don’t mind that they are the indigenous people of this plane, do you?" Samby laughed.
Huang Xuan’s mouth was wide open and he said with a smile, "How dare I? How could I mind?"
At present, the four little girls are all watery and lovely. Huang Xuan looked at them and moved her eyes.
"You have the highest limit of P1. Supposedly, P1 aborigines belong to you." Samby smiled and took the towel and wiped her face. "But when I came, you didn’t know where it was, so I was embarrassed to go first."
"Where?" Huang Xuan said with a black line on his face. "Do you still know the highest limit?"
"I am the P1 watcher" Samby’s face is as usual, but his tone is as cold as water. "It is necessary to kill that beast. After all, he is an executive member of the Administration, so I exiled myself here."
Huang Xuan asked with a face of worship, "What’s going to be here? This is a closed plane. How do you get in? "
Samby smiled faintly. "If I didn’t close the plane, I wouldn’t be exiled here, but I died. There’s a little secret about how I got in here."
Xiao Huang’s classmates fluttered about.
"Many years ago, I got P1, but I didn’t get its management limit. I was a soldier, not a traveler. It was too difficult for me to get the management limit. Later, something happened. I decided to become a supervisor of the whole P1. I achieved my goal and came to exile myself in secret …"
Samby smiled kindly and said, "I think you also know that the P-plane is the most suitable historical plane in the era of big planes. It’s an interesting coincidence."
"Yes, it’s interesting coincidence" Huang Xuan smiled wryly.
Samby didn’t continue this topic. He shook his head and motioned for a maid to bring Huang Xuan a towel and washbasin. "You know what’s inside, right?"
"Of course," who can’t Huang Xuan washbasin and towel, but I didn’t expect Mr. Comas to know it sometime.
Samby looked at Huang Xuan skillfully wiping his face and covering his face with a light smile and said, "The whole post-plane era is in the late stage of shock, and the plane foundations have developed in various ways, but if you want to find something in common with them, you will eventually find the P-plane body."
"So powerful?" Huang Xuan’s eyes cramped and jumped.
Samby nodded and said, "It’s a pity that I can’t get out any more. P1′ s last base has been ruined … that is, the highest limit can come here."
Huang Xuan didn’t quite understand his expression and asked cautiously, "So what, did Chu also go back when I got here?"
"I’m a little selfish," Samby thought with a smile on his face. "I’ll let her see his two eras. It may be nothing now, but one day when she remembers it, it may save her life. Do you mind?"
"How can I?" Huang Xuan "Hui Hui" smiled and felt that he had to be a gray grandson when he saw any supervisor.
Samby threw the towel into the washbasin, and Huang Xuan quickly put it in. Four maids went backwards.
Huang Xuan waited for a long time and saw Samby’s quiet path. "Why don’t you take me back first?"
"You don’t want the P1 management limit?" Samby Gherardini way
Huang Xuan didn’t dare to say "yes" or "no" for a moment.
Samby said with a smile, "The real management limit is to satisfy the supervisor. If the supervisor is a wise brain, that’s all. It has its own sequence. I’m a person, but I’ll make up a sequence for you except those that must meet the sequence requirements-but I don’t seem to have anything in particular."
Huang Xuan glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw two pretty girls outside the door. I thought you were a youngest son and lived in three palaces and six hospitals. Of course, there was nothing to need.
He was thinking about Samby coughing. "I’ll tell you what. Although I can’t get out, P1′ s life is still a little interesting. I don’t even have a network. If you can get P1′ s management, you can call it at will. I want to have free communication."
"That’s natural" Huang Xuan nodding.
"You have to make sure that generally speaking, an altruistic executive member of the Authority is afraid to speak."
Huang Xuan was in a hurry. How many years later is it possible? He immediately said, "Mr. Samby, it is said that if I pass the trial plane, I can get the P1 management limit."
"It’s said," Samby said kindly. "I told you, I’m no ordinary supervisor. Since you don’t want to be an executive member of the Authority, there is no guarantee for my safety …"
Huang Xuan said with a bitter face, "How many years ago did this happen? Do you have to worry?"
"I’m most worried about my life," Samby said to himself, but his expression became stiff. "Besides, Chu Yi Ning is my daughter after all. I didn’t protect her mother and didn’t want her to have an accident again …"
I’m afraid the last sentence is Samby’s main purpose. Huang Xuan explained that "she is a member of the Authority, and she is just one step away from the Executive Committee."
He can’t afford to offend Chu Yi Ning.

Ah Kin slowly took off her helmet, revealing her icy beauty. Looking at her face, Long Zu suddenly froze. Even the dragon emperor shone at the moment. Ah Kin’s stunning Yan Tiangan saints were second only to Chen Sixuan, while Chen Sixuan still veiled herself. Yan Nature was her most beautiful.

What’s more, she is the center of attention now.
Long Zu Griffin’s huge eyes stared at Ah Kin, and its huge body trembled more and more. "How many years have you been as beautiful as a child and your mother?" If I hadn’t seen you, although your mother is the love of my heart, I would have forgotten her appearance. I didn’t expect that I would have a chance to see your child one day. Yes, you must be my Griffin daughter. "
The holy saints were silent. Most of them didn’t even know that Ah Kin was rescued from the sacred island by Ji Dong, let alone him. Who would have thought that Ah Kin would be a dragon child with dragon blood?
Ah Kin has also been completely dull at this time. Looking at the dragon ancestor, her eyes are constantly fluctuating. At this moment, it is always cold. She has a feeling of being at a loss. She would rather fight the dragon ancestor than be so confused and don’t know what to do.
At this moment, Chen Sixuan came to Ah Kin’s side and held her tightly. Ah Kin turned to look at her with two women and four eyes. Ah Kin saw the light of encouragement and support from Chen Sixuan’s eyes and suddenly settled down a few minutes.
"Senior, you said Ah Kin is your daughter, which is your own understanding, but we don’t know that you told us the original situation."
The mouth is naturally Ji Dong’s dragon ancestors’ words, and the credibility is extremely high. After all, he didn’t cheat his own roots. There is no reason not to say that the dragon emperor is still around. The Chilongzu Griffin alone has the ability to kill them at this time.
With a long sigh, Di Longzu suddenly raised a huge airflow, and his huge body slowly stood upright. "Well, what is it that my daughter reminds me of the original memories?"
The dragon emperor stood quietly without any interruption. He looked at the dragon ancestor with no respect. You should know that the dragon ancestor is not the ancestor of earthworm, but also the ancestor of their dragon emperor!
"The birth of the dragon is very simple. You humans like to record history, but how much of it is correct to inherit today’s history?" Di Longzu said slowly that his huge eyes shed memories of divine light.
"Dragon, like many races, was born in chaos. Dragon has a powerful body and strength endowed by heaven. It can be said that our dragon is also the most powerful race even now-maybe you don’t want to add this to yourself-that’s because there is another race that is more powerful than our dragon." Du Xiner asked curiously, "The dragon ancestors of Dilongzu are already so powerful. What other race can be more powerful than you? Do you say it’s a race in the inner world? "
Di Longzu gave her a surprised look. "My girl also knows that the geocentric world is not bad, but you are wrong. The overall strength of the geocentric world is indeed stronger than our dragon, especially the flame queen who killed the flame king and the dark queen efreet. The whole geocentric world is like a piece of iron plate. It can be said that if they come to the ground world, it will never be less harmful than the dark five-element mainland, but the geocentric world is not one race, but is composed of multiple races. Another level and our ground world can be. It is said that they are two parallel lines, and one of them is also compared with our dragon. Of course, if the flame queen in the inner world admits that she is a race, I will take back my words. "
Ji Dong, the queen of flame, suddenly became a bit complicated with pain, missing, pride, and pride, and all the saints looked at him consciously.
"If it’s not the inner race, which race is it?" Du Xiner continued to ask the earthworm ancestor, "The answer is very simple: you humans."
"Humans?" Hearing the answer to Longzu, the saints couldn’t help looking at each other’s words except Ji Dong’s.
"You must think that human beings are so small, how can they compare with our dragons, right?" said Lu Zu. But I can tell you that if a dragon-human war is launched, the final victory must be yours, because you humans have the potential to compare races. Once your own potential is aroused, it will be races that resist, so you humans become the masters of the world. Your potential and creativity are the greatest gifts given by heaven, and you are also the most balanced among all races in our world. "
Du Xiner wondered, "I’m still not white. Even if we can cultivate our strength, we can’t compare with the dragon!"
Lumbricus ancestors said, "I’ll give you an example, and you’ll be white." Although he is talking to Du Xiner, his eyes are always falling on Ah Kin’s face. "Generally speaking, the strongest among you humans is the one who respects the strong, that is, the nine-crowned magic division. Of course, a long time ago," you humans once had a holy level, and even a god level. Let’s say that we respect the strong for the time being. Let me ask you how many times is the difference in the strength of an ordinary person? "
The saints were silent, and no one gave the answer because it was a calculation.
Long zu continued, "Our real dragon is born with at least six orders of Warcraft, and the general end point is ten orders of Warcraft, from six orders to ten orders, regardless of how long it takes to practice. Can this strength gap be compared with that of an ordinary person and a statue of the strong?" That is to say, your human potential and creativity make you the most promising race. "
God-damn saints, this is the meaning of Longzu’s words, but this is the first time they have heard it.
"When our dragon was born, it appeared according to the five elements, but at that time, it was not divided into yin and yang, but the balance and integration of yin and yang was just like this small one," said Lu Zu. His middle finger was naturally Ji Dong
"Five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water were born out of chaos. It should be five dragons, but actually, otherwise, what diamond dragon can become the dragon emperor’s ultimate commander in chief? You humans have few hundreds of guesses, but the reason why the actual diamond dragon can become a dragon royal family is too simple. That is because the dragon was born at that time, not five corresponding to the five elements, but six middle-earth attribute diamond dragons. There are two dragons in a vein. It is precisely because they have one more dragon than his attribute dragons that they became the dragon royal family and developed into the dragon that later controlled the whole dragon. "
Heavenly saints feel a little ironic when they listen to it. It turns out that the diamond dragon was able to become a tiger family royal family because the earth dragon was two when the dragon was born, and it was one more attribute than him. This is really simple and can’t be simpler.
Di Longzu said faintly, "The Diamond Dragon gave birth to two dragons, and I am the middle brother, that is, the real leader after the birth of the six dragons."
The shock and strong shock once again swept the heavenly saints, and the respectful color in their eyes never faded. Since it followed the dragon queen, it was only a few opportunities to face this dragon ancestor. I have never listened to the dragon ancestor as before, let alone heard him describe his life course.
The day before yesterday, the hearts of the saints were still full of strength, even Ji Dong was no exception. After all, they already had quite good strength, but there was almost no resistance when they faced the dragon ancestors in front. Even if they finally fought to the death, there was a ninety percent chance that they would be destroyed by the dragon ancestors in front of them.
At this time, it is shameful to hear that the strong shock of Di Longzu’s origin has replaced the previous loss of power to the original leader of the real ancestor of the Dragon. How many people in the history of the world’s five elements of light mainland can compete with this dragon ancestor? I’m afraid it’s only possible for so many saints as a generation of heavenly saints.
"At that time, we worked together to mate with each other to create the dragon, and there was another reason why I was able to be the leader. That was because I was the only male among the six dragons at that time, and the other five were all females. Therefore, in a sense, I was not the ancestor of the earthworm, but also the father of the dragon. All the dragons were in my veins."
Ji Dong was surprised. "His five dragon ancestors were all females. So they and you …"
Di Longzu smiled wryly. "Yes, you guessed it. They are all my wives, and it was they who gave birth to many dragon descendants. It is strange that they inherited my blood or dragon blood. Their birth children are all the same as them. The dragon king was born with my own mother, diamonds, and children are the same as me. For many years, this is how we gradually inherited the dragon. I am also the first generation dragon emperor, not to mention his race. Even our dragon department has already known about these things. I hope you won’t tell the story of the dragon emperor today if it weren’t for my daughter."
The dragon emperor’s eyes were equally excited at this time. It turned out that he was also a descendant of the dragon ancestor. According to the dragon history, the dragon ancestor was the first generation of dragons. Later, he was severely punished for mating with other species, but he did not have what the dragon ancestor said at this time. These dragon emperors knew that what the dragon ancestor said was probably the real situation at that time.
"Later, we had more and more children, and the dragon grew stronger and stronger, and gradually became the dominant flag of the mainland. We all looked so small in front of us, and I was the real master of all this."
Speaking of which, everyone can clearly see the pride in the eyes of the dragon emperor, and it does have pride money. It is not the ancestor of the dragon, and it has once been the ruler of the whole Guangwuxian mainland!
"At that time, you humans also gradually pursed up. At that time, human beings were still very small and far from the present cultivation ability. Although there were some people with good strength, I was still too weak compared with the dragon. How could I look at our proud dragon eyes? I really underestimated human creativity and development. The most important thing was that I underestimated human wisdom."
"One day, when I passed through your human world on a whim, I walked as a human being. That’s when I met my beloved wife and the only wife I recognized. Although five of our six ancestors were my wives, they and I were more purely mating for reproduction, but my human wife made me understand what love was and made me feel really happy. It was then that I gradually fell, which was also my life for a long time. The most wonderful experience will never be forgotten, "said Long Zu’s eyes here are full of tender colors, which seems to recall the times when he looked at Ah Kin and his eyes became softer and softer.
Ah, I’ve been shouting for two days. The monthly ticket is still the ninth tragedy. Tragedy is good. I’ll do my best to kill you. Hey, hey, chapter four hundred and thirty-nine tells you the story of Long Zu ()

He doesn’t know what these two things are, and he doesn’t understand what influence they can bring to himself.

His talent and ability, after he decided to play with the mecha, he recommended these two things to him.
He had a hunch that these two things would suit him well.
So he went directly to the stall owner who was dressed strangely and asked, "How much are these two things?"
The other party smiled and said, "God Chaos thanked the benefactor for taking care of the original business. The price of those two things is 1 reward point. If you buy two at one time, I can give you a discount. Amen!"
The two apostles were creatures starting from tens of meters. After the fight, their bodies were as high as hills.
These two minced meat roots are nothing.
After all, the price he picked up for nothing was naturally very cheap
Olga said, "I’ll take it all."
"Hao Chenghui will charge you 1 reward point in total."
Looking at the instant payment reward point, he smiled more heartily and quickly took out a business card saying, "If the donor needs it, you can always come to being original to buy all kinds of things, and I will earn a middle price."
[Li Hanhe’s occupation-blasphemy priest God number-No.774952 specializes in all kinds of precious materials and can conduct all kinds of purchasing transactions to ensure fair prices! 】
Olga nodded calmly. "We’ll see."
Three days later.
Inside Olga’s private room
He bought Gundam wreckage, and he had already dismantled it.
All the parts were reorganized and optimized by him.
Dozens of robotic arms jointly transport those parts to cooperate with Olga to get its materials.
A humanoid mecha in red and gold with a height of more than 30 meters was gradually built.
Its general structure is similar to that of an enlarged human figure.
But it has four arms, four full of propeller mechanical wings
It’s full of metallic luster, and its image looks extraordinarily powerful.
And after finishing the basic work,
Several runes are slowly carved on the surface of the mecha in the form of mechanical arm patterns.
Give it a series of special buff, such as automatic repair, energy resistance, resistance and soul defense.
With the last pattern being portrayed, layer after layer of position slowly emerged and covered its surface.
Formed a layer of method to dispel the hazy colorful halo
Make it like a silent giant mechanical god.
Let a person feel daunting.
After everything is done, things are not over, and there are two most important processes that have not been completed.
One is a round sphere that is emitting iridescent light.
Its shell is covered with a layer of crystal texture.
The huge energy flows smoothly in the middle, and it is not a big problem to release and explode the moon-like asteroids.
And it is the mecha power source.
Miniature antimatter power furnace-transformation of magic runes
Didn’t put it directly into the mecha surface is because the driver is still in the modulation.
With the countdown of a mechanical cabin returning successfully
The heavy hatch was hit slowly.
And in the middle, Olga also opened his eyes.
At the moment, his appearance has not changed much.
The only change is that the hair has changed from crimson to silvery white.
That’s what happens automatically when he combines the power of two apostles.
It is somewhat similar to the characteristics brought by biologically dominant dna.
It’s a minor problem
After all, silver hair looks good.
Go to the mirror and look at your white hair and red pupil image.
Olga had a strange sense of sight for no reason.

I still remember that every year on her birthday, her father would give her the most luxurious gift-a sports car and yacht … but he never understood what she really needed!

One day … If he can accompany her for one day, that’s better than any gift!
"Good boy-"she couldn’t help reaching out and stroking his head as she hoped her father would do!
-dividing line-
It’s getting dawn, and it’s not long before the ladies-in-waiting come to wait on Nan Lichuan to wash up. Zhuge Yue has also finished packing at this moment.
As soon as Nan Lichuan left her, she immediately snapped her fingers.
She wants to give Nan Lichuan an unforgettable birthday!
But who knows that as soon as Nanlichuan left, two obstacles came!
The plan can’t be changed. On weekdays, she sometimes dawdles with these Yingying Yanyan!
But not today!
There was a time when she didn’t take it slowly when she was in the south Lichuan dynasty, and she could get rid of it when she could!
"ZhenFei inquire after the empress-"
"Li Fei to empress inquire-"
Although these two women have been invited seriously, it is not simple to put people behind them at first sight. The Queen Mother has the support and fear behind her!
Zhuge Yue took one look at the two women in front of him, one with a big chest and one with a big ass. What a good baby!
I’m really a little worse than myself …
"Why didn’t the palace hear that the emperor took two more concubines?" Zhuge Yue set out the Queen’s Frame 97. Chapter 97 The way to go.
"Why didn’t the palace hear that the emperor took two more concubines?" Zhuge Yue brought out the queen’s frame.
"Report to the Empress Zhenfei and Lifei Empress were sealed by the Empress Dowager yesterday." The little mosquito winked at her, meaning to let her handle it carefully!
Zhuge Yue nodded. Mosquito is the confidant of South Lichuan. Although he flatters a little more, he is very sincere to South Lichuan.
"Empress Zhen is the daughter of an official general, and empress Zhen is the niece of the Prime Minister Zhen Meili."
"ZhenFei inquire after the empress-"
"Li Fei to empress inquire-"
This ….. Is it the way to go or is the Queen Mother deliberately testing her?
She thinks the latter should be in the majority.
As soon as Guan Zhen’s son came over, he stopped at Zhuge Yue’s face and his eyes flashed straight. "Empress, you are particularly like a male servant and an old friend."
Zhuge Yue yawned. "It’s not so direct to befriend Zhen Fei."
"Close?" Guanzhener looked at her in amazement. How cheeky she was. She just came to test, but she said she was deliberately trying to please her!
She is as lofty as the official Wan’er, and suddenly she has a disgusting feeling of swallowing flies!
Zhen Meili frowned and came forward. She and Zhen Meiyu were the best friends and heard the most from Zhuge Yueyan …
She thought for a moment, "Sister Jane is right, Empress. You really look like Empress Zhuge Yue, the old concubine. You don’t know that, don’t you?"
Zhuge Yue, the famous ugly girl in South Lebanon, they don’t believe that she hasn’t heard of it!
The longer it takes, the easier it is for them to find flaws!
But …
Zhuge Yue didn’t talk to the two men when he was counting his fingers. "The palace has something urgent to do. The palace has to go first."
But Guan Zhen and Zhen Mei-li will let her escape like this. One person grabbed her. On the surface, she dragged her to be intimate, quarrelling and magic!
It’s mandatory!
The little mosquito was ready to sneak out to call the emperor when he was in a hurry, but Zhuge Yue stopped him with his eyes!
If Nan Lichuan finds out, it won’t be a surprise if she wants to prepare!
"Empress that ZhuGeYue but we south Lebanon shame! People in other countries make fun of us with her! " GuanZhen son another hand covering her lips laughed
"Jane’s elder sister is very male and female servants, and she also heard her younger sister say Zhuge Yue’s wonders. I heard that she stole men’s pants and peeked at men’s baths. What a foul thing to do! Shame! " Zhen Meili Beautiful Eyes Glossy Flow
Zhuge Yue scorned the small sample and dared to yell at her. When she played the game of "Of course", you were both in the ground and there was no residue left!
Zhuge Yue approached Zhen Meili and Guan Zhener and whispered, "Are you still hu?"

It’s like a bomb hidden at the top of a stick.

The strong and vigorous energy was blown out through the stick, which made the oncoming fishy wind turn around.
"Well …"
In the middle of the hall, jade eyebrows are slightly raised.
"The stick technique is good."
It’s also a good stick
"Ha ha …"
In the face of the attack, the stick is fragrant and heavy, laughing and not retreating, but hitting it with one hand.
When the stick and palm intersect, the body will sink. When Zhou Yi is sluggish, the whole person will turn over and jump back for several feet. At the same time, the stick will tap the ground and save it again.
The black flame stick shook his hand back and forth or made people unpredictable. I don’t know whether it hit the neck or pierced the thigh.
The unpredictable stick technique makes Xiang Shen have to keep moving.
"Boom …"
Zhou Yi’s body is like a spirit ape’s hand, and the virtual shadow is clubbed. From time to time, every stick brings a detonation from a strange angle.
Xiang Shen, on the other hand, stands firmly with his hands on the spot, patting and pressing. Although the movement is relatively clumsy, it is powerful and heavy, and every blow makes the attack come back.
Even the stick technique is messy.
"Zhou Yi’s stick technique is good, and it can be said to be exquisite."
"Nai …"
"Poor constitution!"
"Good" Bo’s face is full of disdain.
"Everyone outside the mountain is as weak as a sheep, so you can exercise Wushu, but it’s a pity that it’s still hard to be big after all."
Jade has no mouth and a little disappointment in her eyes.
Two years!
The slow progress of Zhou Yi’s practice is outrageous. According to his age, his potential is not small. The physique of outsiders in Naishan is quite different.
It’s not suitable to cultivate five poisonous killers.
"heavy fragrance"
Shuode is a sound.
"Stop playing and everyone is watching you."
Xiang Shen’s face is facing Zhou Yi’s mouth
"Brother, be careful."
"Shout …"
Her voice did not fall, and her mouth suddenly took a huge suction, which directly caused a wind to swirl towards her belly.
In the blink of an eye, it’s like being inflated, and the whole person is bigger.
Go straight for three meters!
Sarcoma is even more shiny, bulging and slightly undulating. It seems that it is possible to explode and spray venom from it at any time.
As the pressure increases, Zhou Yi’s face becomes more dignified.
Xiang Shen’s mouth is full of drinks, and his hands pounce forward, regardless of the incoming sticks and heavy sticks, which directly cover 100 degrees.
No matter Zhou Yi’s body, it covers the scope.
The strength of terror rushed out more than 20 meters away, and even the hard rocks were corroded by a thin layer.
Hundreds of meters away, the giant trees are also swaying.
Zhou Yi’s face turned pale and the palm wind covered the edge, which was also because Xiang Shen deliberately slowed down to let him sometimes avoid it.
"The teacher elder sister …"
Sigh for a week and hold a stick and fuels.
"I am ashamed that Zhou is not as good as myself."
Xiang Shen received work and waved his hand.
"How long will it take you to practice? In a few years, you may not be weaker than me. If the weapons in hand are good enough, I may not be as good as you."
This is equivalent to her suggestion.
After all, Zhou Yi’s practice speed is too slow, and it is better to polish his stick and find a way to change his weapon to reality than to cultivate fierce apes.
"That’s it."
Fang Yu some disappointing shook his head, eyes rested on Kang Rongshen beautiful eyes a bright and then oral discussion way
"Kang Rong, you are gesticulating with Zhou Yi."
Chapter 93 Magic Knife
Jade discussion is a whim.
Kang Rong’s talent is extraordinary, and he has just advanced. His breath may not be stable, let alone exert other means.
Although Zhou Yi’s talent is not good, he has also polished the realm of Tian Man for more than two years, and the magic of stick skill can be used at will.
Compared with Kang Rong, they are no match.

Pak Lei suddenly gave me a charming smile and got up and ran out of the pavilion.

I was surprised when I suddenly saw a group of young men walking on Xiaoshi Road outside the garden. Bai Xihuang was in front, followed by Xie Tingjun, Duan Ciyu and Ling Mo. I didn’t know him.
Queen mother, is this a blind date meeting? But Ling Mo is not too young, is she?
Think about it, I don’t think it’s strange that it’s common to get married at a young age in ancient times. Ling Mo can also have a family at this age, but his personality is so arrogant that it’s hard to like girls.
They just came over and saw me, too. Xie Tingjun nodded politely and greeted me. Ling Mo saw my black face and immediately there was a cloud and mist, and when he glanced at me, he moved his line of sight.
Of course, I don’t know what he did. If the queen mother knows about us, I don’t care. I’m afraid the queen mother will do something to him, and we don’t even know him in the palace.
"Emperor, you have finally come. Your male and female servants have been waiting for you for a long time, and you have prepared your favorite fruit." Pak Lei smiled sweetly and ran like a swallow, but it happened that the right distance was gently tripped and Bai Xihuang fell into her arms.
This bitch! My heart is dark scold really want to slap ya one hundred.
I just ordered someone to bring these fruits, but she took the credit shamelessly and pretended to be tripped over. Pretend to be so arrogant, and it will pay off sooner or later.
But Bai Xihuang’s posture of holding her is really an eyesore. I took a hard bite of the cantaloupe and bit it as Bai Xihuang’s finger.
"Pear son, are you okay?" Bai Xihuang lifted her up briefly.
"Huang, I’m fine. It’s getting harder and harder to show up. I’m tripped when I run a road."
Pak Lei light frown on Bai Xihuang skill suddenly hold down the left waist expression as if brimming with pain.
"Pear son what’s wrong with you? Why is your face so white? " Bai Xihuang bowed their heads and asked
The more I watched it, the more angry I became. What tricks did Pak Lei play? Just now, he was still in high spirits, and his weak face became faster than a fox.
Why is her face so white? Is this an obvious fact? She wears too much powder and turns it into painting walls.
And Bai Xihuang was still holding her waist, and her heart was too unsightly. I took a hard bite of cantaloupe and treated it as Bai Xihuang’s arm.
"Well, the old waist injury has hurt again recently, but it doesn’t matter if you endure it for a few days."
Pak Lei’s hand still presses his waist, but he laughs hard. He is afraid of people and worries about knowing wisely and being virtuous.
"How can you endure the injury and ask Qi Yun to show you quickly?"
I think it’s a raging fire. Pretend you are. How light as a swallow you just ran past? I am an expert with sharp eyes. If there is a problem with her waist, she can swing and twist it step by step.
But damn it, Bai Xihuang believed it, and he also asked Qi Yun to help her see it. It was an eyesore. I took a hard bite of the cantaloupe and chewed it as Bai Xihuang’s neck.
Pak Lei’s face changed and forced a smile. "No, Qi’s adult is busy every day. How can I bother him with this little thing?"
See, I can’t put it in, and it’s not exposed after being checked by the old man Qi Yun.
"How can this be a trouble? The longer the injury drags on, the bigger the problem will be. We must look at it."
I almost laughed to death, Pak Lei. You deserved to dig a hole and jump in it.
Pak Lei hesitated with a sly look in her eyes. She turned to look at me defiantly, and her lips smiled again.
"Why bother Qi’s adult when there is a ready-made doctor who cures too much? Let the queen’s sister show me that the queen’s medical skill is so powerful that it can bring you back to life. Of course, my minor injury is not a problem. I don’t know if the queen is willing?"
I squint at this Pak Lei trying to drag me to her, but I dare not expose her, huh?
"Then let Yan Er help you have a look."
Bai Xihuang holding Pak Lei came slowly. Bai Xihuang and I should sit together because of the position of the long table.
Bai Xihuang sat next to me and Pak Lei stuck up again. conjoined twins seemed to hold Bai Xihuang’s hand and didn’t deflate, which made me almost lift the table.
So we had to sit in Bai Xihuang’s chair, and both sides really responded to the sentence "Left wife, right concubine, left hug and right hug".
"Yan Er, you are so beautiful today. The whole person looks aura." Bai Xihuang just sat down and immediately turned around and looked at me with a critical eye. She smiled and praised me.
I saw Pak Lei’s face turned black over his shoulder.
She is so beautifully dressed today, and she always looks at him with a smile on her face, but he doesn’t even have a comment, and he praises my horse when he sees it.
This is almost treatment. Hum wants to rob a man with me, so let’s see who can catch this man’s heart.
"Of course, there are no ugly women and lazy women in this world. I don’t think it is necessary to dress up before. Now I want to enjoy women, and I am beautiful."
No woman is not sweet when she hears the exaggeration of her heart, and so am I, which makes her feel beautiful. He doesn’t ask much about my appearance, which means that he doesn’t care that I am beautiful and ugly, which makes me happier.
Bai Xihuang close to me satisfiedly chuckle "is because women please yourself! Yan Er, I am very happy that you dress up like this. "
"You will be happier later." When you see my true appearance, your eyes will probably fall out.
However, before that, he needs to undergo many tests before I can judge whether he meets my requirements. When I am willing to face him in person, it is time for me to entrust him with my life happiness.

"Do you have a symbol?" I asked Chen Qiang, this guy came with his bare hands and didn’t even bring a small bag.

"Yes!" Chen Qiang nodded his head.
"Put another array to see what’s going on inside." My finger stole the hole and rushed to Chen Qiang, saying that the sealing of the soil affected my gas-watching spell hole. I didn’t understand the situation.
Chen Qiang nodded his head and quickly unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the lining of his Tibetan coat. The small pockets were bulging and filled with all kinds of small objects.
"There is a saying in Taoism that you are a dry Kun in your sleeve." I really didn’t see so many things hidden in Chen Jiang’s clothes.
Chen Qiang smiled at me and took out a few pieces from his small pocket, which were similar to animal bones and symbols, and put those messy stones on the ground in turn.
See Chen Qiang operator of has put a seven, I walked to the mouth of the cave holding hidden gas tactic waved them around.
"I want the section chief" Chen Jiang looked up at me with a small skull in his hand.
I turned around and nodded at him. Chen Qiang did not hesitate to stretch out his hand and put the object in his hand on the last stone. Once the array was formed, he suddenly exuded a cold sun’s spirit. It wasn’t long before I felt that there was a figure stealing the hole and flashed quickly. After a while, the flame had already shot out.
Suddenly out of the flames, the first target was Chen Qiang. Naturally, I couldn’t sit back and watch as I reached out and extended the purple gas to protect the Dharma. The flame in Chen Qiang was blocked by the purple gas, and it didn’t stop at once and quickly extended back to the stolen hole.
"There are still six people in it, and two of them may be injured and the sun be the spirit is weak." Chen Qiang withdrew the dharma seal one by one.
"What do you see?" King kong cannon see I nodded and shook his head and asked.
"The technique is very similar to the old seven, but the breath that just flashed inside is Kun Qi …"
Chapter 177 It was you.
"Female?" King Kong Cannon could not help but exclaim.
"It’s a woman and she’s young. It’s a dark red aura." Although it’s a glimpse, it’s time for me to see it clearly
"Look, I’ll go in and find her out." King Kong Gun stretched out his hand and grabbed the Ming Gong Dao. He looked righteously. I wonder if he still has the courage to say that the people inside have dark purple aura.
"Yu Kechang, what are you talking about?" Shao Yanqi and Chen Qianggen can’t understand these technical terms.
"Nothing inside is not bad. She set you on fire. It’s good for you." I turned to look at Shao Yanqi. "This ancient tomb is full of corpse gas. If you rush in, you will probably be washed away by corpse gas like the first archaeologist."
"So you two have to set up a table for ten, please ask others to thank her for setting you on fire." King Kong cannon laughed.
"I don’t listen to his nonsense, but she really doesn’t want to hurt you. It’s much easier to burn a person than to burn their hair and eyebrows." I explained that I was puzzled. Generally, grave robbers are ruthless. This group seems to be different from him.
"What should the section chief do now?" Shao Yanqi asked
"You are in charge of the overall situation from the outside. The three of us went in without my order not to have guns." I said seriously that Shao Yanqi’s psychic powers didn’t help much after going in, and these soldiers outside were transferred by him and wouldn’t listen to me. He was the most suitable one to take Chen Qiang outside because their faction could control the body and send some spots.
Shao Yanqi didn’t disagree with my suggestion.
"Xiao Chen, do you have any way to restrain the corpse?" I turned to look at Chen Qiang.
"I’m not afraid of resin gas. I still have the spirit of restraining resin gas here." Chen Qiang said and was ready to release it.
"We don’t want you to take care of yourself." I waved that King Kong Gun and I didn’t need to turn around and take the lead in entering the stolen hole.
Because the ancient tomb has been dug for a long time, the stolen hole is in good condition, and we have learned that the humanitarian law in the ancient tomb is not very high. Now the only thing we need to guard against is the sudden black gun, but fortunately, this has not happened. The three of them bent down and soon passed through the stolen hole and entered the outer tomb.
"I grass the Nanjing Massacre!" King Kong cannon exclaimed and shouted at the sight. The outer burial chamber has thousands of square meters. Although it is spacious and chiseled, it is quite crude and there are no sacrificial objects. The ground is full of missing arms and legs. The ancient ranks’ bodies are black, and the blood flow is everywhere. Although the bodies are not rotted, their eyes are white and their nostrils are enlarged, which means that the walkers are infected with the corpse gas. Judging from the coagulation of the corpse blood, these walkers should have been beheaded. If it is not cold in winter, it is estimated that they would have stinked a long time ago.
"Be careful, everyone, they have guns." Many of the walkers carried bullet holes, but more of them were killed by cold weapons such as swords. At that time, there was a quip in society that "no matter how high the martial arts are, we are afraid of kitchen knives." We are naturally not afraid of kitchen knives, but we cannot help but guard against them.
"If I had known I should have worn a bulletproof vest," the King Kong cannon pointed at the door of the tomb, which had been destroyed. "There were two people waiting for the rabbit. As soon as I got there, they were sure to shoot."
It is natural that a stone gate is blocked without sealing the soil, which will not affect our performance of gas observation. Both King Kong cannon and I have found two human scents in the middle tomb, one man and one woman, who previously controlled the flame to block the stolen hole, and one woman among the four people in the main tomb exudes a faint red aura.
"You wait here for me to rush over first," I said, pulling out my lieutenant.
"In the section chief you wait a moment" Chen Qiang stopped me.
"Xiao Chen, what are you doing?" King Kong cannon rushed to pinch the fire and rummaged through the pile of corpses, Chen Qiang asked.

"Your dad, of course, he is not a bonfire empire now, but I have given him what you brought." Gao Chen looked at Mag’s eyes and said faintly. Although it was such an answer, Gao Chen knew that Mag would definitely be able to understand the meaning of his words!

"Thank you, boss. I don’t know where they live now? Or windy city? " Magg took a deep breath and looked relaxed. He said a lot. Since Gao Chen said that he had given his things to Mast, Mast must still be alive now.
Gao Chen, such a strong man, has to make a move to deal with an enemy like Masud. That is usually to kill the other person. Listen to Gao Chen and say that when Gao Chen just returned to the bonfire empire, the situation of the Gao family panicked at that time. If you change your position and think that if you go back this time and you have Gao Chen’s strength, will your own means be like Gao Chen? I thought for a moment, but I shook my head and let it go. This is absolutely impossible!
"Practice hard. Everything in the secular world is just a cloud. Strength is the most important thing. Lang Hai, they are all real geniuses. Although it is only a matter of time before they surpass you, it is really a bit unreasonable if you don’t speed up your level and be surpassed in a short time!" The color of the map has not changed. Gao Chen is relieved. He is really afraid that the color of Mag will turn red. Although he is not afraid of Mag, there are not many people who can stay away from home anyway!
"I won’t let you down, and now I’m practicing!" Say that finish maag turned and walked out.
Chapter two hundred and twenty Encounter acquaintances
After arranging Lang Hai and others, Gao Chen intends to duel with Hua Weining for half a year now. Although even if Hua Weining becomes a ninth-order strong person, he is afraid of it, but in that case, he will expose the beast. The beast has always been a card of Gao Chen. If he really exposes the beast, he is a little unsatisfactory. After thinking about it, Gao Chen decided that he should also find a place to upgrade to level 90, and all problems will be solved.
Thinking about going out of the door, Gao Chen was definitely closed for half a year. Sometimes the enchantment helped this half a year, and there were more than one hundred years in the enchantment. If it was to increase the experience value, it should be almost the same. But at this time, I suddenly heard the voice to Tianyu, "Gao Chen, what are you doing now? Didn’t you practice at all when you went to the secular world for three months?"
"I have a practice, but the effect is not very obvious." When I heard it, I was busy with Tianyu pitch and respectfully returned to the Tao. Of course, he would never say that he should have a seven-star state. After all, this secret can’t be said casually, otherwise a lot of problems really don’t know how to explain it!
"There will be a decisive battle between you and Hua Weining in half a year. Hua Weining has already thought about the chamber closure and got the help of a piece of Tianchen Julingyu, the elder of China. It is likely to break into the ninth order in half a year. What are you going to do?" It’s a surprise for Gao Chen to listen to Tianyu without sadness or joy. Hua Tiandu actually helped Hua Weining to practice. It seems that his opponent is definitely a ninth-order strong man. Although he has long regarded Hua Weining as a ninth-order opponent, he was still a little shocked when he was really determined.
"I will try my best to be promoted to the ninth rank in half a year. This disciple will definitely live up to his reputation!" Gao Chen than firm serious mouth way
"Want to half a year from order a week to nine order? It’s hard. What do you need? The interpreter will try to satisfy you! " Sighing slightly to Tianyu, it is obvious that he is not very optimistic about Gao Chen’s going to rise from the first order to the ninth order in half a year. I have to say that this is crazy, even if it rarely happens in the whole history of the science of uniting!
"Thank you, Master. I think it’s time for me to go out and experience, so that my realm can rise rapidly." I feel that it’s not slow to warm my heart to Tianyu and then close my mouth, but it’s definitely faster than not killing monsters. In this case, why not kill monsters?
"It’s good to go out and experience, so where are you going to experience?" To Tianyu light asked
"Chang Yun War Zone" wanted to think about it. Gao Chen thought carefully about a few great experiences in the field of cultivation. Gao Chen felt that this was the most suitable because Chang Yun War Zone did not belong to an alien race. It was a paradise of Warcraft.
"Chang Yun war zone is good, too. Now the teacher will help you send off the array, and then you can go there for experience." To Tianyu, I heard Gao Chen’s ear.
"Thank you, Master" Gao Chen made a respectful worship in the direction of the Wind Temple.
Then I found Wenwen’s mouth and said, "Wenwen, I’m going out to experience, so why don’t you just practice fireball at home?"
"Brother, master, can I go with you? I don’t want to leave you." Just called out the word brother. Wenwen vomited her tongue and didn’t want to call a master!
"It’s too dangerous to go to a place without a division," Gao Chen said seriously. This time, going to the Chang Yun war zone for experience can be said that the encounter with Warcraft is at least six orders, which is no longer dangerous for a fireball artist to form, and it is simply to die …
"But I can respect you there, so I can be with you. If I don’t work with you, can I learn a fireball? No, I want to be stronger, and I will practice with you." At the end, Wenwen’s face and Shizun’s brother shouted out. Gao Chen’s face was sweaty. Brother Shizun, what a strange name is this!
However, after thinking about it for a long time, I think it’s better to take Wenwen with me because he wants to try Wenwen, and whether he can gain experience by beating monsters can also be upgraded to explain how Wenwen doesn’t overlook the temple. I think Wenwen should not attract people’s attention, even if Wenwen doesn’t, not many people know it, so he said, "We agreed that I won’t let you out when I get there."
"Hee hee, I knew you were the best brother and you would promise me." Wenwen said happily.
"To call master" Gao Chen drink a way with a straight face.
"What’s fierce? Call it a master. Call it a master." Wenwen’s mouth was flat and she said
Wen Wen’s words have just finished, and he has entered Gao Chen’s ear to Tianyu. "You are ready to send the array, so you can set off at the place ten thousand meters south of the Wind Temple."
"Thank you, Master!" Gao Chen respectful mouth way
After the fluctuation of Tianyu’s spirit disappeared, Gao Chen said to Wenwen, "Get ready, I’m going to set out for experience."
"Let’s go now," said Wenwen in surprise.
"Yes, we’re leaving now," said Gao Chen, and then we will directly start sending rings to the south of the Wind Temple as soon as we collect them in the shops!
Although Xiang Tianyu’s strength can send Gao Chen to the entrance of Zuma Temple, the distance between Fengshen Valley and Changyun Theater is too far. Even Xiang Tianyu can’t send Gao Chen to such a far place. However, there are arrays in the top ten sects. Although these arrays are rarely used in general, it takes energy for this array to start once, which is not affordable for ordinary practitioners. However, this energy consumption is of course a piece of cake for Xiang Tianyu.
Soon Gao Chen came to the sending array located in the south of the Wind Temple. This sending array sample is no different from the sending gate seen in Gao Chen’s game. If it is really different, it is that there are two tenth-order Fengshen Gu Di guarding the sending array in front. Although the sending array is rarely opened, it is of great significance to every sect. It is not surprising that all two tenth-order strong people guard this Gao Chen.
Gao Chen walked up to them and said respectfully, "Hello, two senior brothers. I’m going to the Chang Yun war zone for experience. Can I be sent to the battle now?"
After Gao Chen, the two tenth-order strong men in front of the escort formation, looked at one of Gao Chen at the same time and said, "Are you Gao Chen’s younger brother?"
"I dare to ask my brother’s name?" Although the tone of that person doesn’t sound emotionally fluctuating, the other person called him with the word "teacher younger brother", which means that the other person’s way of speaking is not aimed at anyone or that he is not pleasing to the eye. This is his speaking habit, just like a cold leaf!
"What’s the name? You’ll naturally know that since you want to go to the array to experience, you’re also very grasping. The Valley Master has already prepared the array to go now if you want." The most talkative one didn’t say anything, but another ten-order strong man said lightly …
A strange feeling is that this person doesn’t seem to have a good impression on himself. Of course, this is a feeling of Gao Chen. Gao Chen nodded to him and said, "Thank you very much. I’ll see you later!"
After that, Gao Chen stepped into the delivery array. He stepped into the delivery array and instantly felt a sense of terror coming to him. Gao Chen was on the alert. Although there should be no danger in this delivery array, Gao Chen had to be on the alert.
The flash in front of my eyes seems to be no different from that in the game. Another place has already appeared. I took a map and saw it. First, it was a strange scene. It seems that this should be the periphery of the Chang Yun war zone. Gao Chen is very puzzled. How did that fear come from? Is it because of the uncertain factors in the lineup? After thinking about it, Bai Gaochen didn’t feel relieved about it. He came to a new place. Gao Chen habitually looked at a map first. Suddenly, from the map, he saw several red dots rushing towards him. He was busy finding a secret place and hitting himself with invisibility.