What has this child experienced?

Chu Yun "By the way, I almost forgot the business. Sister Gang Shou, I am a Konoha ninja now. I came here to invite you back to Konoha."
However, Gang Shou shook his head. "I can’t bring trouble back to Konoha."
Refused, simply refused …
Chapter three hundred and twenty-five The talks are spun.
A Update the latest chapter of Huoying Summon Army as soon as possible!
Bringing Gang Shou back to Konoha is the most important thing in this trip.
After all, only by completing this can Chu Yun be directly promoted to forbearance.
Then you can apply to be a Naruto class teacher.
It’s very embarrassing to rescue Naixin directly and let the female member Chu Yun.
If this thing goes wrong again …
Chu Yun: "This is no place to talk. Let’s get out of here."
Then several people took the carriage prepared by Chu Yun and sprinted all the way to fire nation along the official road.
The coachman is wrapped in a winter coat to stop water.
It’s cold now, and a thick coat and hat just cover the bone frame.
The carriage is large, the bottom of the car is covered with a layer of slate, and a fixed heating stove is supported.
After burning charcoal and adding charcoal, the barbed wire buckle and don’t worry about splashing out.
Four people sit opposite each other on both sides of the stove.
Gang Shou "So you are Japanese?"
Chu Yun’s supercilious look activation is nothing worse than this ironclad evidence. Chu Yun still has a konoha forehead.
Mute "but when I first saw you, did you pretend not to know us?"
Pretend not to know each other? Really pretend not to know each other.
But Chu Yun knew that the other party meant another thing.
Chu Yun explained, "Because I really didn’t know that Gang Shou’s sister was talking about Zhong Sanren and Gang Shou’s adult. At that time, I had not returned to Konoha nor was I a ninja Gang Shou’s sister. It was after I returned to Konoha that I realized that I had lived outside for several years."
Then Chu Yun once again told the story he made up.
At the age of seven, I traveled outside with my elders, but unfortunately I was caught by pirates.
In the crisis of life and death, he woke up and turned over a group of pirates.
Then the pirate leader took a fancy to a pirate.
The pirate taught him a lot of patience, and then he took the opportunity to escape when the leader died in a pirate fight not long ago.
The story is full of strange colors.
Gang Shou and Jingjing listened attentively and looked at Chu Yun with more pity.
At the same time, this story is not the first time.
At least three generations of hokage. Then I told it once.
This time I didn’t come back to Konoha to see the clan, that is, his uncle.
Otherwise, Chu Yun is expected to speak again at his uncle’s place.
Chu Yun "After returning to Muye, I entered the Ninja School, but the knowledge there was too simple. In a few days, I applied for graduation, and then I took the forbearance exam. After I passed the exam, I wanted to be forbearing again, so three generations of Naruto adults released to me to recall my sister Gang Shou to the village."
Said that this Chu Yun pretended to be pitiful and said, "Sister Gang Shou, will you go back?"

"I won’t say the same thing twice." The cold voice rang again.

Linda didn’t dare to say anything this time. She glanced at Mubei plaintively and walked slowly towards the door.
"Qiao Huan, don’t be complacent. One day I will take Mindray back from you." Linda looked at Qiao Huan and said bitterly.
"Welcome to take it away at any time" Qiao Huan said simply.
Linda was so angry that she chased men all over the world, and it hurts to think that Qiao Huan didn’t cherish and dislike them so much.
"You wait until one day you will regret it." Linda said bitterly and slammed the door and left.
"am I proud?" Qiao Huan blinked at MuBei "where did she see that I was proud? “
"You shouldn’t be proud? Married a peerless husband, "Mu Bei sat beside Qiao Huan and grabbed her hand, revealing danger in her eyes.
"What did you say just now?"
"What?" Qiao Huan plays dumb.
"Am I so shallow in your eyes?" Mu beiwen
"I didn’t see it at the moment because the culvert was too hidden," Qiao Huan answered seriously.
Be right with one’s anger
"Did you just say that people are welcome to rob me?" Grind your teeth and say
Qiao Huan heard Mu Bei grinding his teeth and laughing. His lips fell forward on Mu Bei’s face. "That’s because I know she can’t take you away. I believe you."
Mu Bei’s face bloomed with a bright smile.
If he likes to kiss, he prefers it.
"Qiao Huan!" With a sigh, Mu Bei stretched out his hand and took Qiao Huan’s waist and face to enlarge in Qiao Huan’s eyes.
Joe jumped with joy and her heart beat faster. She bit her lip and closed her eyes consciously.
"Bang" a ward door was pushed from the outside. "Mr. Mu, your order is ready." The delivery man ran in with a big sweat on his face.
Qiao Huan’s eyes are steep, and his face is as red as cooked shrimp.
Mu Bei doesn’t look very good, and he is angry that the food delivery person didn’t come early or late, but this time came.
He stared at the man with his eyes slightly narrowed.
The delivery center gave a wry smile, put the lunch box in his hand away silently and closed the door thoughtfully.
The ward was calm again.
"We continued" Mu Bei’s hand once again fell on Qiao Huan’s waist and bowed his head to kiss Qiao Huan.
Qiao Huan hand fell on his chest slightly.
"I’m hungry"
Mu Bei looked at Qiao Huan with bitterness in his eyes.
"Eat!" Qiao Huan fundus got up and left with a smile.
Mu Bei sighed and got up.
Section 151
Cloud flying ruthlessly wiped out the meal for two by himself in the ward and did one hundred push-ups and two hundred sit-ups before he stopped.
Full of fighting spirit
"Qiao Yuner, I like you. I must catch you up. I will never give up." cloud flying raised his hand and swore in the hospital bed.
Qiao Yuner pushed the door and saw cloud flying’s second-class eyes hurt.
Where does this person get lovesickness? Is he insane or late?
"Yuner, it’s you. Why are you here?" Cloud flying saw a surprise in Qiao Yuner’s eyes and went to Qiao Yuner as soon as he jumped out of bed with his arms.
Qiao Yuner back a few steps.
"cloud flying, let’s have a good talk" Qiao Yuner a face of cloud flying seriously.
Yunfei whisking down the in the mind a burst of loss suddenly laughed again.
"Well, we’re going to have a good talk." We moved a chair with joy and asked Qiao Yuner to sit down, while we sat opposite her and looked at Qiao Yuner with a smile.
What do you think Qiao Yuner looks great.
"I admit that I did have your heart" Qiao Yuner said.
Qiao Yuner is indeed cloud flying’s heart. After all, the two of them have had skin-to-skin communication, and she is also thinking about not caring about cloud flying’s past. It was all before she met her. She didn’t need to cling to it.
If she is cloud flying, now and later.
Is to be loyal to her feelings.
But cloud flying gave her one scare after another, and she saw no hope in cloud flying.
"We are not suitable"
"Not suitable?" Cloud flying frowned. "The size is just right for us. What’s wrong with us?"
I’ve tried twice. They are the best.
Qiao Yuner dazed and then react.
Why is this man so shameless? Ears have a fever and cough a little. She glared at cloud flying bitterly.
"I’m here to have a good talk with you. If you talk nonsense again, I’ll go now." Qiao Yuner got up and left.
"Don’t, don’t!" Cloud flying a panic stretched out his hand to pull Qiao Yuner Qiao Yuner looked at cloud flying with a cold face of cutting.
Cloud flying is quite wronged. He is telling the truth, okay? Where is he talking nonsense?
"Okay, I don’t talk. I listen to you." cloud flying nodded at Qiao Yuner.
"Don’t pester me later. It’s very clear to me that we have broken up. Why don’t you just listen?" Qiao Yuner looked at cloud flying with a headache.
How many time does she have to say cloud flying to understand her?

Qiao Cen ignored him and asked a policeman who looked at him. "Hello, I’m Mr. Bai Xiling. What happened to him?"

Bai Xiling was unhappy and said, "Why don’t you ask me first when I am such a living person?"
Qiao Cen turned impatiently to look at his unhappy tone. "Lack of love, you always look for attention!"
Then he looked at the policeman and said "You said"
I think Huo Shao can directly help Da Cencen solve the White House, but he doesn’t. He thinks that some things can only be really relieved if he does it on his own. He is a planner, haha ~
It’s even later today, and it will be one day later. The day after tomorrow, it will be updated at ten o’clock …
Yesterday, I went to an overtime class to watch Warcraft with my classmates. I went home to take a shower and fell asleep, and then I lost it, and then I didn’t have it, and then …
☆ 47. Is it not your sister but your stepmother?
"Well, Bai Xiling’s truancy and fighting have seriously disturbed social order. If you know his family, please inform them as soon as possible," said the policeman, closing his file.
Joe Cen looked at Bai Xiling from the beginning to the end, except that the corners of his mouth were slightly swollen and his cheeks were slightly swollen.
He can still talk to himself, which proves that there is no big problem.
"Come on, what fight?" Qiao Cen deliberately cold tone.
Bai Xiling left the pie mouth "it’s no big deal to come" and looked impatiently in the direction of the police.
Just happened to be seen by him
The policeman suddenly got up a little uncomfortable and said seriously to Qiao Cen, "This fight is very serious. Look at him. It’s not a big deal. What big deal is there?"
The tone was aggressive. Bai Xiling straightened up and put his right hand in his pocket, pointing to the policeman. "I warn you not to pick things up."
Qiao Cen stopped him. "You are not allowed to talk behind!" Then she turned to look at the police. "Sorry, officer, he is too young to understand. Do you think I’m here?" Let people go?
Bai Xiling was speechless at the moment.
He didn’t expect Qiao Cen, who has always been docile, to say such a thing.
"Well, then I’m not simple-minded. I’m just-"He stopped. Well, who’s going to make himself wrong?
Mainly if it were someone else’s big deal, it would be good to have another fight, but facing Qiao Cen … Bai Xiling has a feeling of unspeakable.
During the meeting, Qiao Cen has gone far and quickly followed.
"Hey, you just said it was my half-sister. Why did you say that?" He smiled twice, revealing a few big white teeth, which was a bit silly.
Joe gave him a white look and said, "Don’t say it’s my sister, is it my stepmother?"
Bai Xiling "…"
After coming out of the police station, Qiao Cen had to go back by herself, but Bai Xiling said that she had to let her send it back for fear that she would make any more trouble.
She is willing to promise.
Lu Qiaocen asked Bai Xiling about the garnet string.
He said that when he was a child, he saw that he had been at home as a decoration. He used to dislike that thing and wanted to throw it away, but Bai Zhiyuan stopped him.
When I arrived at the White House Villa, Bai Zhiyuan was sitting in the living room drinking tea, but I didn’t see her and Bai Jiaqi.
Bai Xiling didn’t even look at him. He was about to go to the building and was stopped by Bai Zhiyuan. "You live for me! Don’t you have any rules to treat me as a father? "
Bai Zhiyuan’s deep and dignified eyes were projected on the two men who entered the door.
When looking at Qiao Cen, his eyes flashed as if he were meditating and then suddenly remembered something. He said to Bai Xiling, "Aren’t you going to introduce a guest?"
Bai Xiling turned around and took a look at Qiao Cen. "She’s my guest, not you." Why did you introduce her to you?

"Please!" Sue elegant Diane eyebrow a pick and said

Since ling Tian called it, it must be something.
In a short time, Zhang Xiaohui led the imperial doctor of Song Dynasty to come in.
"Hello, Doctor Song!"
Sue elegant quickly got up and greeted with a smile.
"Sue always don’t mention it" Song imperial doctor all smiles with the wave.
Then look at ling day meaningful way
"Ling Xiaoyou must have something important for me to come here?"
Ling Tian took out a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to Song Imperial Doctor.
"This is?"
Song imperial doctor one leng took one look at surprised way
See written on paper are the names and weights of some medicinal materials.
"Song imperial doctor, please fill my prescription according to this prescription."
"One hundred less!"
"I will be big the day after tomorrow."
"So important news can’t be leaked, so I called you here."
"Can you do that?"
Song Jishi’s face suddenly showed dignified color towards Ling Tiandao.
"Ling Xiaoyou, don’t worry, I will fill the medicine myself."
"Song Jishi people promise that 100 medicines will be delivered the day after tomorrow."
"If the prescription is leaked, you ask me!"
Ling day nodded and said with a smile
"I naturally trust Song Imperial Doctor to find you."
"Then please Song imperial doctor."
Song imperial doctor quickly waved and said
"Ling Xiaoyou is too serious."
"it’s my pleasure."
"But I don’t know if I should ask?"
"Song imperial doctor although said" ling said with a smile.
"What is this medicine for?"
Song imperial doctor one leng then eyes fine mans flash shocked way
"Is it to solve the strange poison among those big people in Yunhai business?"
Ling day didn’t speak nodded with a smile.
Song imperial doctor face a become more serious.
I suddenly felt that this prescription was too heavy.
Up to now, more than ten prominent businessmen have looked for him.
I have this prescription in my hand, and I can definitely sell it at a sky-high price!

Gong Lao Gou dared to turn around and run.

The beast’s power is no joke.
There was once a fighter who overreached himself and tried to fight with the beast, but he was directly smashed into a bone.
That’s called a tragedy
Gong Lao Gou ran over in front and the beast chased after him.
Others are behind the ass of the plough.
It rumbled like thunder.
Yunxi can’t see the past, can’t help but say
"Turn around, what are you running for? The more you run, the less chance you have!"
"Fuck you, you can do it!"
Gong Lao Gou shouted at the neck.
It’s as easy as talking. If he can just turn the ground, will the beast still stay in the border town?
I went to the main city to enjoy myself!
This one mouthful talk Gong Lao dog suddenly lost his breath, and was scared by the beast turning over the earth to get closer, so he quickly bowed his head and ran.
"I told you not to run, but you turned back!"
"You can have turned the beast physical strength? Can you keep running? "
Yunxi continued to shout, but there was no point in helping.
His attention has been focused on Ling Tianshen.
Everyone else is besieging the Turtle. This is a good opportunity. Do you want to do it?
Yunbei shook his head without moving.
Too risky
If a blow fails to kill, Ling Tian will run away.
It’s too close to the wooden fence. Once Ling Tian runs back to the wooden fence, they will never have a chance again.
Listening to Yunxi’s words, Gong Laogou was so angry that his teeth itched.
But I have to admit that Yunxi dialect has some truth.
Do you want to try it?
The beast can’t chase him, but neither can his brothers.
But what if it fails?
Why does this stupid beast have to chase him?
Gong Lao Gou was thinking about suddenly catching a glimpse of a shadow in the corner of his eye.
Chapter 635 I have something for you
The shadow is ling Tian.
He could see that the old dog Gong was in a dilemma at the moment and couldn’t keep running, nor could he turn back.
Unless there is a turnaround.
But where is the connecting flight so good?
So I made a neat move.
Ling Tianying ran to the earth-ploughing beast and soon came to the earth-ploughing beast.
But didn’t do it directly.
But a flicker to turn the beast side.
Sword light condenses.
Straight cut over the neck of the beast
The weakness of the earth-turning beast is that Ling Tian has already seen it. He has given up his weakness and chose his neck for two reasons at the moment.
First, he wanted to see if he could cut over the fur of the earth beast.
Second, attacking weaknesses is not the best choice.
The earth-turning beast is impacting at a high speed. If one is not careful, he will be injured if he is hit head-on.
Touch ling day through sword stained with royal blood will know that the blow worked.
The earth-turning beast rushed forward for some distance.
Huge body crashing down.
Blood spurted from the wound, several meters high.
This scene immediately shocked everyone.

"well! I believe you have this thing! " Fat sister-in-law first nodded in agreement. "Otherwise, I wouldn’t throw farm work in the field and follow you around the city!"

With the fat sister-in-law taking the lead, Zhao Dou also said, "If you want your boss not to dislike my stupidity, just tell me if you can do it, and I will do my best for you!"
"How can you do such a good job in wood work at loggerheads? Brother Zhao, don’t be too modest! Besides, now that we are talking about our own family, we don’t need so many rules in front of our own family. Just call me Jin Niang like my sister-in-law. The name’ owner’ is for outsiders to come out of your mouth. It sounds weird to me! " Sun Jin’s sincere words made Zhao Dou nod again and again, and his look relaxed a lot. He called a "Jin Niang" obediently.
"hey! That’s right! " Sun Jin nodded and smiled with satisfaction. "Since it will take ten days to decorate this shop, let’s buy some bedding and put it in the living room first, so that Zhao Dage won’t go back and forth with the village in the city."
"That’s a good idea! Jin Niang, you are thoughtful! " Fat sister-in-law repeatedly praised Sun Jin for throwing her a feigned anger expression and low reprimanded, "Sister-in-law, is this going to be a flatterer?" I’m afraid you’ve thought of this idea for a long time, but you just don’t say it, do you? Otherwise, how could you agree with the idea so quickly? !”
"Hee hee, you can see that you are really amazing. I don’t mean to flatter you at all!" Fat sister-in-law laughed like a fool. "I didn’t want to rob you if I didn’t say it. Now you are the owner, or I have to leave enough for you!"
"Just leave and go shopping!" Sun gave her a grumpily look, turned around and called for squatting in the corner to play, and Blue Ink went out of the shop with Xiao Bao.
After a tour of the city, the carriage was filled with all kinds of things. Four people sat in it and it was a little crowded. Fortunately, the newly bought bedding and other life were sent back to the store for the time being. A line of people locked the door and left, leaving the streets south of the city and leaving four neighbors to explore their eyes from their own stores for a long time until the carriage disappeared. Only then did they go back and be full of speculation …
Although they have their own guesses, they all agree that people who can afford that kind of carriage specifications are generally either rich or expensive. Anyway, they are all with potential ordinary people, and no one dares to show off like this!
I don’t know what kind of business ordinary people want to do when they come to their south street. They don’t have the courage of the shopkeepers in the rich jewelry shop and tailor shop. They would rather wait for the day when the new store is extravagant with trepidation than dare to disturb and offend each other!
However, as a result, the business of these two companies suddenly reached a pre-grand occasion, because the whole street vendor knew that the two shopkeepers had visited the mysterious big man and left. It can be seen that they didn’t annoy each other, so they all went to these two people to inquire about the situation one by one. Since they want to inquire about the situation, they have to pay something. So there was a scene where the gold, silver and jade articles in Fugui Jewelry Square were almost sold out, and the shopkeeper tailor shop was full of guests!
These two stores make a lot of money, so naturally they won’t be stingy to tell everyone that if it weren’t for the jewelry shop or the tailor’s shop, there would be no pharmacy in a street south of the city! In such a recreational place, everyone is scrambling to do the business of "eating, drinking and having fun". No one dares to set foot in the business of selling drugs easily because they are all businessmen and no one will be willing to do compensation business.
Chapter 4 Long Section
One second, remember ♂ update and read quickly!
Zhang Jin’s shop has not been opened yet, but people have ushered in a very important festival of the year-Long Festival (that is, winter), on which every family wants to cook glutinous rice with red beans. No matter how poor the family is, red bean glutinous rice is indispensable on this day because they firmly believe that eating red bean glutinous rice on this day can get rid of diseases and get rid of disasters.
Zhang Jin naturally did as the Romans do, and prepared red beans and glutinous rice early. On this day, he cooked half a pot and sent a large bowl to Uncle Zhu’s family and Wang Er’s family, and then asked Xiao Bao to call Zhao Dou’s family to come over and have a festive meal qR1.
"Come and have a chicken leg!" After giving Xiao Bao and Lan Mo a drumstick, Sun Jin also gave one to Fat Sister-in-law, and looked at the dark path full of longing sitting next to Fat Sister-in-law. "You have one on the hill!"
"Thank you, Aunt!" Hill across the bowl to catch her clip big chicken leg loud mouth way
"Jin niang you this is … a chicken only two chicken legs you should not kill two chickens? !” Fat sister-in-law looked at the big chicken leg in her bowl and exclaimed, "You are too willing to give up a chicken. You can sell 500 pence if you say less!"
"Didn’t you say you haven’t eaten chicken legs for more than a year? I will satisfy you today! " Ms. Sun inadvertently picked up a piece of chicken breast and took a bite. "Well! Raising chickens at home is good meat, tender and delicious, and you can rest assured! "
"You this is … I was just so say you really relieved? It seems that I can’t talk nonsense in front of you in the future, which is more terrible than real people! " Fat sister-in-law mouth said the in the mind is full of moved.
"How can it be so exaggerated? It’s just killing two chickens to eat. There are so many people and one chicken to eat!" Sun said and called Zhao Dou way "Zhao Dage you also don’t detained today put food tube enough! It’s hard for you to work in the shop these days. Think of this meal as a reward! "
"I don’t work hard. You are the owner. I should take your money to work for you!" Zhao Dou wussy replied.
Hearing his words, Fat Sister-in-law couldn’t help but stare at him and muttered, "You stay here. Which club have you seen that will treat you so well and eat at a table?" ! Somebody else, Jin Niang, this is taking us as one of our own family, and you are stupid! "
"Sister-in-law, don’t care so much about this holiday. Brother Zhao is a real person. I know what to eat!" It’s a miracle that Sun Jin watched the couple being rude and extroverted for so many years!
If she is allowed to live with a man who can’t say a word for a long time, she will definitely collapse within a month! Thinking of this, she couldn’t help flashing HuangFuRui’s handsome face. Although that guy is wearing a gentle skin, his whole body exudes an overbearing bandit spirit. It’s a contradiction complex, but he should be so upset that he never believed in people who fell in love at first sight, but he just moved his heart!
I don’t know if he’s back in Yunguo Palace now. Does Yunguo attach as much importance to winter festivals as Dajin? Is he eating red bean glutinous rice like himself now? !
At the same time, Huang Furui, wearing a purple four-claw embroidered robe and a golden crown, is sitting in front of the case thinking that Sun Jin, who is far away in Dajin, has not calmed down even though he has been separated for so many days-he was tired of this kind of hand-to-hand intrigue, and when he felt that he was too tired to live and was about to lose his will to survive, he was sent a’ fellow countryman’ and a woman who made him beat! At this moment, he has some belief in the statement of "destiny takes a hand". If it is not destiny takes a hand, how can he and Sun Jin appear in the same virtual world so coincidentally and meet again? !
"Tai Dian Huang wants you to go to Yi An Dian", a young eunuch with fine features hooked his back and lowered his head and came to his console table and reported that he interrupted his thoughts. I don’t know whether it was because of dissatisfaction that the little eunuch disturbed him or because the emperor wanted him to go to Yi An Dian, but the little eunuch was very sensitive to the fact that although he didn’t look up, he felt the breath coming out of Huang Fu Rui’s body turned cold and quickly curled up and retreated to one side. "Li Gonggong around the emperor was waiting for Tai Dian outside the temple."
"All right, the palace knows!" Huangfurui got up and strode towards the door of the temple with a sullen face. The little eunuch followed suit and dared not get too close or too far behind him. I knew that I was in awe of Huangfurui!
Outside the East Palace, the eunuch general was dressed in navy blue, decorated with gray hair and combed meticulously. Li Gonggong smiled and greeted Huang Furui with a cold face. He said in a shrill voice, "The Imperial Palace today has a long festival and ordered a slave to invite the temple to the Empress Temple to have lunch together!"
"Well, let’s go!" HuangFuRui not salty not light should be the first to take a step towards the temple of Yi ‘an striding away, and Li Gonggong has long been accustomed to his lukewarm attitude towards people and followed his pace with a smile. Since HuangFuRui’s toxic life hung by a thread three years ago and he was saved by the first imperial doctor on the day, he has become like this. There are milli temperatures in people’s eyes!
Naturally, the happiest thing about this change for him is the current emperor. For a long time, he didn’t like being poisoned too much, because he was too bad at restraining his emotions. Something in his heart and his eyes would be revealed, and he still loved women’s sex. This is a big taboo for kings! If it weren’t for the fact that he was a long-term employee and didn’t make too many mistakes, the emperor would have abolished him long ago!
"Can Li Gonggong see anything by staring at the back of the palace like this?" The chill sound in Li Gonggong’s ears scared him to wake up immediately and plop down on his knees at Huangfurui’s feet. "I’m a slave, damn it, please forgive me!" The slave just looked at the back of the Tai Temple and felt more and more dignified when he was young. He accidentally walked away and thought of those things that he had just been with the emperor before … "
"It is understandable that Li Gonggong likes to recall the past when he is old, but … I don’t like being stared at from behind, otherwise I don’t mind asking my father to let you return home as soon as possible!" HuangFuRui calmly finished hanging his eyes and glanced at him coldly. "Get up, you are an old man around my father. You don’t have to give such a big gift to the palace, otherwise my father will see what will happen to you!"
"Xie Taidian!" Li Gonggong quickly kowtowed and thanked him, and got up slightly from the ground, endured knee pain and limped behind Huangfurui and continued to rush toward the Yi ‘an Temple.
After arriving at the Yi ‘an Temple, Li Gonggong stopped in the outer temple very well-advised, and didn’t follow Huangfurui into the temple again. After all, what the emperor said before was very clear and white. Today, it was a dinner for three of them, and he was not qualified to go in as a slave!
"I will meet my father and mother!" After entering the temple, Huangfurui calmly glanced at the emperor sitting in the main seat, sitting on his left, and the queen made a simple bow and sat down. She chose the position but was the farthest one from the emperor and queen.
"See but don’t worship this is your body a country too due etiquette rules? !” The emperor frowned and reprimanded, "Your mother has been ill for a few days, and you didn’t know to come back to inquire after her. You even want me to send someone to invite you. It’s true that the third and the fifth have been here several times!"
"Are you? Mother is ill? How come I haven’t heard of it? It seems that I have to go back and clean up a talent in the East Palace later, but I don’t report such an important thing because I don’t pay too much attention to my son! " Huangfurui’s mouth was indignant, but his face expression didn’t change. The emperor’s mouth was crooked!
"Huang Ruier has just returned to the palace and must be very tired. It is also necessary to come to see the male and female servants again and again. Moreover, it may be because the male and female servants have recovered from illness that those slaves in the East Palace did not inform Rui Er about this!" Looking at the scene where their father and son stared at each other, the queen hurriedly argued that "Rui’s son has lost a lot of black weight these days when he left the palace, so don’t blame him again."

Looking at pull out thick back machetes shura Tang Yi quickly said

"This is the best result. If you die, I will avenge you. If I die, remember to avenge me. It is doomed that we will eventually fight. This is our destiny."
Shura’s face is cold, holding a knife. He has been looking for that beast all his life.
"Shura, I don’t believe this is fate. I won’t become someone else’s chess."
Tang Yi naturally doesn’t want to start work. He doesn’t want to play chess as the other side.
You didn’t die tragically at this dock, including Du Qiao, but now this is your last chance. Life and death of these people are in your hands. If there is no winner before the end, then everyone will die. This is God’s will.
The beautiful snake sneered at her words and deeply hurt everyone’s heart.
Including the face and eyes, Li Lingtian, the three sages, is really terrible, and even the random selection of the pier has been counted by him.
"Come on, I don’t want to die. The living bear hatred for each other. All lives here are in your hands. Don’t let everyone die with you?"
Shura corners of the mouth with a smile in his hand and a machete with a thick back directly chopped at Tang Yi.
Cold light flashing shura but force at this time.
In a blink of an eye, surrounded by knife light, Tang Yi can also swing a double thorn.
Sparks splashed and two nine planets masters played against each other, leaving everyone in suspense.
But now no one can help.
One minute passed, and Tang Yi and Shura fought inextricably in the battle.
Beauty snake is looking at the wrist watch with the last minute left.
Finally two people figure stopped.
The shura tool rest was on Tang Yi’s neck and his heart was pierced by Tang Yi’s claw dagger.
Blood ran down the claw dagger with a smile on his mouth.
"Get it, please."
The knife in Shura’s hand fell to the ground, and the whole person was lying in Tang Yi’s arms.
Holding the body of Shura, Tang Yi’s eyes were bloodshot.
At the same time, it’s still counting down. Duyi finally stopped.
"That’s interesting. As he expected, the dragon head won. God is the man of God, but it’s just a pastime."
The beauty snake spit out the last mouthful of cigarette and threw the cigarette butt on the ground and trampled it out.
Took out a note from his pocket.
"If you don’t see the rose in three days, there will be life and death, and remember that if you go to the dragon head god alone, the formula can calculate everything. You and I are just ants."
Beauty snake said with a smile, and her voice just fell and suddenly her eyes turned white and she fell to the ground.
"She’s got a miniature bomb in her head."
Skunk quickly ran to check a beauty snake body after way
"Three sages, remember that I will kill you myself."
Feel free to control others’ life and death. Tang Yi holds a note, but it is unexpected that beauty snakes have become opponents’ chess.
Chapter 72 Everything belongs to
Fuxing island, an island that was demonized by the outside world.
The nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union turned this former city into a ghost island.
The nuclear pollution here is very serious, and ships will bypass it.
But some conspiracy theorists have been saying that the island was not polluted but was occupied by a person with a strong background.

Uchihiro is stupid and short of number one. Look at the age of "you are ruthless and arrogant". Two Uchihiro people are all 14 or 15 years old.

However, none of them started sharingan, so the strength is not worth looking forward to.
Can teach me a lesson about my hatred.
Stupid number one, "You dare to shoot me. You’re finished. Your future is gone!"
Chu Yun "…"
Future? What the hell …
The other word is not much, but the eyes are more fierce.
It’s very kind of biting dogs and not calling them names.
However, don’t worry about the barking of dogs, arrest them together and beat them up. After all, buying tricolor pills is the business compared with two clown.
In the shared vision of the dead eye …
Huh? Chu Yunqi surprised Uchiha Itachi to go this way. He can come in less than a minute.
How will Uchiha Itachi react when he sees his people bullying the streets with guns?
Chu Yun was suddenly curious.
Silently back your hand strength chakra also don’t.
Shouting in front of two guys.
"Are you Uchihiro gens so overbearing? Come and cut in line and grab my pill! "
The voice of Chu Yun in Yinmen, Dantian, is heavy, let alone one street. You can hear it every two or three streets.
Uchiha Itachi’s speed is increasing in the visual sharing of the dead eye.
The two Uchihiro gens have already squared up and are going to square up and fight.
I didn’t expect Chu Yun to suddenly blush and thicken his neck at such a moment.
The fist clenched tighter.
I didn’t listen to my feet. I raised my fist like Chu Yun rushed over.
The two ruffians in Chu Yun are five meters away.
At this time, Uchiha Itachi Chuyun has more than 30 meters.
In the face of two ruffians attacking Chu Yun, they didn’t move, but silently said "three …" The distance between them and Chu Yun was reduced to three meters, "two …" And one meter "Bang!"
Two people fist watch will hit Chu Yun in the face, but a moment a black shadow flashed, and then two people rushed over and flew out several times faster.
Blink technique
Chu Yun believes that Uchiha Itachi’s ability can come even if he doesn’t make teleportation, but the words will be more from.
It’s really here …
Uchiha Itachi is a good man if he doesn’t kill his wife and parents.
Thinking of Chu Yun so much, people always say hello. "Hello, my name is Chu Yun. Thank you very much for your help."
Chu Yun?
Uchiha Itachi looked at the mark on Chu Yun’s forehead. Obviously, he knew it, too.
Chu Yun laughed. "There is also a name called Hyūga Neji."
Chu Yun’s naturally engage is not embarrassed at all.
Pointing to two people who fell to the ground and fainted, "These two people are too bad to cut in line and don’t say it. They even robbed me of my pill."
Uchiha Itachi face muscles beat a.
There are two people lying on the ground. They are Uchibo’s family.
Chu Yun, this finger-pointing is not authentic.
"You don’t look hurt, so I’ll go."
How can such a good opportunity be missed?
Chu Yun hurriedly called out, "Come on, master brother, you have to stay and give me a certificate for a while. What if the security guards come and misunderstand that I hurt them? I will definitely be arrested and beaten."
The security department arrested and beaten?
What is all this and what?
Uchiha Itachi’s heart collapsed and she felt that she really shouldn’t make moves today.
After all, he is also a Uchibo family.
"No," Uchiha Itachi said firmly.
Chu Yun heels up, however, who can compare with staring big eyes "if you say no, you won’t! Who are the guards? Ask people around you if the guards will arrest me. "
At this time, people around have not dispersed.
However, the spectators’ expressions were dull because they clearly saw Uchiha Itachi’s body and Uchihiro family emblem.
What rhythm is this?
The heads of people around you have some crashes at this moment.
Chu Yun continued to be unruly and shouted, "Do you think the guards will arrest me when they come?"
The crowd came to their senses by Chu Yun’s shout.
Several people consciously answered honestly, "I’m sure I will."
Chu Yun stamped on Uchiha Itachi. "Look at you. Look at you. When you leave, the guards will definitely arrest me and maybe torture me into a confession …"
"Well, I’ll stay and wait for the guards to arrive." Uchiha Itachi was defeated by Chu Yun.
"That’s good, that’s good," Chu Yun waved. "You wait here first. I’ll buy my pill."
Said Chu Yun plunged back into the pill shop.
You’re just hanging out? Looking around at those silly eyes for a moment, Uchiha Itachi wanted to leave.
"Boss, I didn’t sell my pills, did I?"
Chu Yun was careless and came back to buy pills.
At this time, there are people waiting in line to buy pills, and they all gather at the door to watch the excitement.
"alas? Excuse me, please. Thank you. I want to go there. Thank you. "
Chu Yun squeezed in from the crowd at the door.
Then he squeezed out with two pills.
The guy who bought pills raised his hand and gave Chu Yun a thumb.
Obviously, he saw what was going on outside just now, or he was a bystander.
Chu Yun came to Uchiha Itachi with a pill. "Brother Gao wants a pill. His pills are delicious."

The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager are still wealthy businessmen returning home with three children and hired bodyguards.

Mashan county is located in the south-west and can bypass this place, which is relatively not very prosperous. In those days, Nanyichen Industry did not set up a branch here.
"Why do I feel quite prosperous? It’s not as backward as I thought." But after entering the county seat, I found that the whole county seat was not depressed as I thought.
"I was here three months before I met you, when it was really poor, but later, after the white sail, I found that it was rich in medicinal materials, and I set up a medicinal material purchase shop here. After the government bought it, many private medicinal material dealers appeared, which developed in recent years."
"Economic development is better for everyone, so the crime is almost.
The rate will also decrease "nodding in early summer", but the key is the road. If you want to build roads before you get rich, and the cement output will rise, the economic development will be faster. "
Chapter seven hundred and fifty-nine Master Black is dead
"Don’t worry, we can take our time." Nan Yichen took the early summer hand. "Xia Xia is lucky to have you."
"Come on, don’t be emotional. The inn is here." Early summer slapped him on the back of his hand.
Nan Yichen got up and got out of the carriage first, and then turned to hold the car in early summer. The three cubs are two years old and they can drive themselves.
But Zi Xuan Lanying, they don’t trust the three little masters to climb the carriage and come over to help, but they were stopped by the early summer.
"Let them do their own things. Just watch and don’t help."
Zi Xuan and Lanying, including the knife Dongyang, took a sad look at the Empress Empress and felt like a stepfather and stepmother, but they didn’t go back.
The carriage is a little high for the three cubs, but they have helpers. Xiaoqing can’t change back to her original body to help, but there are snow wolves.
Three snow wolves lay prone on the ground and served as cushions for three cubs.
Jin was still giggling happily and wanted to climb and jump again, but he was stopped in early summer. If this cargo was played enough, the snow wolf was appointed to be crushed into patties by him.
Although this inn is not big, it has been packed, and all these people have lived in other groups. People who have come in in batches have been scattered and hidden all over mashan county.
I ate dinner in the inn. The innkeeper knew that people who came here were either rich or expensive, and he was very happy to serve them. He specially cooked local special food in the kitchen and asked people to go to the street to buy some children who liked gadgets and snacks.
I ate oyster omelet and meat dumplings in early summer, and I felt quite good.
Zong, however, frowned slightly when she saw the bak Kut teh.
Nan Yichen’s eyes also rested on the bak Kut teh, but he didn’t see any problems, but he glanced at the people next to him.
Knife Dongyang and others instantly made a sign to let others not touch the bak Kut teh.
In the early summer, the "shopkeeper" greeted the shopkeeper with a smile. "Who cooked all these foods?"
"It’s our black chef in the kitchen." The shopkeeper leaned over hastily. "Is there a problem?"
"Well done, can you call the black master? Eating well is naturally rewarding. "
Zi Xuan put a gold ingot on the table next to the words sound just fell in early summer.
When the shopkeeper saw his face, he suddenly smiled into a flower. "Three dogs go and call Master Black."
Xiao er San Gou hurried to the kitchen.
"The shopkeeper you also good" early summer motioned for a.
Zi Xuan handed over a silver ingot.
"Thank you, guest officer. Feel free to eat and drink whatever you want. Although the little second has been here for half a generation, he is familiar with it." The shopkeeper quickly accepted the ingot and made sure of it directly.
At this time, a man in the backyard was hurriedly preparing to leave when he happened to meet three dogs.
"Master Black" three dogs hurried to hold the man. "Hurry up, the guest said that you should be rewarded for cooking well, so big a gold ingot …"
"No," Master Black directly pushed the three dogs. "The shopkeeper has paid me and I’m going back." Then he turned and left.
"Master Black can’t go." Three dogs quickly grabbed people again. "I don’t lie to you quickly …" Then suddenly they were pulled and fell to the ground. Then they saw Master Black being kicked and flying. The dagger fell to the ground with a clatter, and I couldn’t help swallowing. Just now, someone pulled his words and was stabbed by Master Black. What is it?
Donghua fell in front of Master Black. "Master Black, our family mainly rewards you. You are not only ungrateful, but also want to hurt people … I don’t know how good it is."
The black master glanced at the guards around him, and suddenly there was a force in his mouth, and then he fell to the ground and his mouth overflowed with black blood.
Donghua’s face changed, and he forgot that these people are all dead people. Dead people have poison bags in their mouths, and they will commit suicide if they fail or get caught.
At this time, the Empress Dowager has got the news and all came along.
When the shopkeeper saw the black master’s body, his legs were weak, but fortunately, the three dogs came over and helped him, otherwise he would definitely wrestle and couldn’t help looking at the three dogs. "What’s going on?"
"I don’t know. I called him to get a reward in the past, and he took a knife to stab me. Fortunately, the bodyguard eldest brother saved me, otherwise … two cousins and three dogs would not see you …"
Donghua, the "Lord’s atonement", knelt down at this time and "failed to keep the alive"
"Get up." Nan Yichen raised his hand and glanced at the dead black master and then looked at the shopkeeper. "What’s the matter?"
The shopkeeper was frightened to burst.
I knelt down. "Calm down, my guest. I don’t know."
"He’s not the chef in your shop?"
"Yes, this black master has been working in my shop for more than ten years and has been very good. How can …" The shopkeeper is also confused.
I glanced at the black master in early summer. "This man is Yi Zhen, and the black master should have been killed."
Dongyang squatted down in the previous step to check the dead body, and sure enough, a layer of human skin mask was uncovered from his face, but the mask looks nothing special.
"Ah?" The shopkeeper directly collapsed to the ground.
Three dogs turned pale, even uglier than when they were thrown out just now.
"Report to the official" Nan Yichen glanced at the shopkeeper "Maliu"
"Okay, I’ll report it to the official." The shopkeeper swallowed and got up, but he didn’t get up twice. Finally, Donghua helped him. "Three dogs go to the official quickly."
The three dogs took one look at the body and turned to run away. As a result, they fell down because of their weak legs. Fortunately, they quickly got up and ran away when they were young.
In early summer, I glanced at the three cubs around me for fear that they would be afraid. As a result, all three cubs were calm. I don’t know whether they were brave or because they were young. What is the death? Anyway, they just behaved more calmly than adults.
About half an hour or so, the county magistrate finally came, but it was not the magistrate but Xian Cheng who arrived at the inn with the catcher and a team of officials.
"Yang Xiancheng" the shopkeeper is to know each other and salute quickly. "Thank you for coming."
"Where are people?" Yang Xinian nodded slightly.
There is no superfluous expression on the face.
Chapter seven hundred and sixty Really operator
The shopkeeper hurried XianCheng a line of people to the backyard.
The magistrate quickly sealed off the backyard. He examined the body before he died, then confirmed that it was poison, and then questioned the situation.
The shopkeeper didn’t dare to hide things to say a clear.
"The clothes catcher will bring the two wealthy businessmen" Yang Xinian waved his hand.
Yi Baozhu went to take people, but only to find that people were waiting at the door, so he called people in directly.
"Adult" Nan Yichen fuels.
"Bold" Yi Baozhu shouted "Don’t kneel when you see an adult"


"Can’t you tell me about your retirement age and your pension and enjoy your life? Why steal things, but also steal individual starships? I didn’t say you would give it to you. "
“? ? ?”
The police officer in charge of interrogation was stunned. Is this a federal retired veteran? If that’s the case, your own interrogators may have to stop because there are military courts in the federal government.
Individual starships will only have soldiers from the space fleet or retired soldiers, and some will be retired soldiers from the space fleet.
Although Ji Xinghe is going to steal the single-soldier starship of the new Fengcheng police station, due to jurisdictional reasons, it’s not the right age. How many years did the single-soldier starship appear before the fleet was established? How can a 65-year-old retired veteran come?
Before entering the information such as name, gender, age and fingerprint, the police officer of the terminal equipment was stunned, not because the information of Ji Xinghe was too brilliant and meritorious, but because the information of Ji Xinghe was too ordinary.
Born on January 19, 222 in an ordinary family in Longzhou, Federal Republic of China, I was three years old in kindergarten, six years old in primary school, twelve years old in junior high school, sixteen years old in high school, and twenty years old in college, and both junior high school and high school were left a grade.
The university is an ordinary college, majoring in mechanical maintenance. After graduation, I went back to my hometown. A large-scale auto repair factory class got married at the age of 31, and my 33-year-old son was born (only one). My 55-year-old wife died unexpectedly. In the same year, my son Ji Chenxing was admitted to the Federal Longzhou Star Military University (a mech driver major) and had a criminal record before retiring in September this year.
"No, how can you repair a single starship? Your son secretly teaches you. "
When I heard this question, I kept asking questions and answering questions. Xinghe’s face suddenly appeared some sadness, but it was quickly controlled by him.
"I learn when I play games."
“? ? ?” The policeman paused again. "You said it wouldn’t be interstellar glory, right?"
"Star Glory"
In front of the police, the terminal clicked a little more, so more information than Ji Xinghe appeared, such as the federal reputation score (739). This is a normal value, but it should drop sharply after today, such as a mobile phone number and a social account … These all seem to make Ji Xinghe ordinary.
For example, StarCraft Glory, a virtual reality competitive game with the largest number of registered players and simultaneous players, has achieved glory for 21 consecutive seasons, and has achieved the king’s achievement for 19 consecutive seasons. In the game, there are 12 national heroes who have exceeded 22 points in the peak competition.
Big brother
The police marveled at the fact that StarCraft Glory had just reached ten years when it was released. For 99% of the players, there were two seasons for 21 consecutive seasons. The king said that Ji Xinghe was still a tester.
Have fun.
"Uncle, are you playing computer-virus? The simulation of interstellar glory is real. After all, it is a virtual world consciousness exercise game. Can the real individual starship be the same as the individual starship inside? And to be honest, you are really excellent among amateur players at this level, but casually, a professional player or those game anchors is not better than you? How can you have the courage to say that you can drive a single starship? "
Ji Xinghe was silent again. He didn’t emphasize that he was 55 years old when he played this game, and those professional players and anchors were around 2 years old at the peak. Because this emphasis is meaningless, he is now 65 years old and can’t go back to the peak of one year to prove that he is better than those top professional players.
Moreover, the policeman said that the game is a game simulation, and it is also a game. Otherwise, he should have left the Blue Star with a single starship instead of being handcuffed to the interrogation room of the new Fengcheng police station.
"All right, I won’t talk about you. At your age … tell me your son’s contact information. Do you have this information?"
The police ruled out that Ji Xinghe was a retired veteran and confirmed the ownership of the case. Everything in the new Fengcheng police station should follow the process. The most important thing to do except investigation is to inform the family members.
According to the data, Ji Xinghe’s relatives in the world have a federal Longzhou army, a space fleet, a mecha marine corps, and Ji Chenxing.
But Ji Xinghe was silent again.
"Big ye? I told you, your case is very serious and you will definitely go to jail, but the federal government gives every citizen the opportunity to seek legal aid. Before you are deprived of all your power, you can contact your relatives to help you find a defense lawyer. It should be very important for you to spend a year or two less in prison. Of course, if you don’t find the right lawyer, you may spend more years in prison. "
Ji Xinghe continued to be silent.
If the police have any idea,
"Afraid of shame? It’s also your son’s front-line battlefield and the imperial orangutans’ fighting burden to keep our federal years quiet, but you are behind the sabotage … "